Tuesday, December 10, 2024

What Kind of Witness Are We?

 N.T.#441 “What Kind of Witness Are We?”

Dec. 10, 2024

Mark 14-Part 19


What kind of witness are we?

There were 6 trials Jesus went through:

  1. Annas, a former high priest, with no specific charges;
  2. Caiaphas, the current high priest, with charges of blasphemy (claiming to be the Messiah and Son of God);
  3. Sanhedrin, with charges the same;
  4. Pilate, governor of Judea, charged with treason against Rome;
  5. Herod Antipas, governor of Galilee, with no specific charges, but questioned at length;
  6. Pilate, who declared Jesus not guilty, but sentenced Jesus to be crucified because of the angry mob.
[Resiurce: Swindoll’s Living Insights in Mark]

What the enemies of Jesus intended for evil, God used for good of humanity. God’s divine plan has been at work since Adam and Eve fell into sin. Jesus came to give His life as an atoning sacrifice for sin. All through out His life Jesus committed no sin so He was the One who could meet God’s requirements. 

Have you admitted you sins to Holy God and asked Jesus to be your Savior?


Take note that there was no witness against Jesus to put Him to death. (verse55) Many bared false witness against Him, but they didn’t agree. (verse 56)

What kind of witness are we for Jesus? Are we a true follower of Jesus, sharing what a difference He has made in our life? Or are we a false witness, not surrendered to Him?

And the people sing holy, all creation sings holy, worthy is the Lamb of praise and glory. 

*My husband’s surgery is postponed until Dec. 30. The surgeon hurt his back. 

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