Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Betrayer

N.T.#438 "The Betrayer"

Dec. 5, 2024 

Mark 14-Park 16 


And so it begins. The time was at hand. In the dark, Jesus' betrayer arrived (verse 42) and Judas brought with him a mob carrying swords and clubs. Judas was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, mind you. He allowed himself to be bought off. For 30 pieces of silver a friend betrayed the One who loved him the most. Turned Him in so the religious ones could get rid of Jesus. (I wonder if Judas though about Jesus being hung on a cross. Did he think Jesus would merely be run out of town, band from Jerusalem and the Temple? Or did he know all along what would happen to Jesus and he turned the Messiah in anyway? Doesn't matter, for it happened.) Obviously, Judas knew Jesus would be in the garden as was customary for His prayer time. 

Apparently, the chief priests, scribes, and elders did some planning behind the scenes before this occurrence. When Judas stepped into the garden, the Lord Jesus was waiting for him, along with the other disciples. Judas brought with him a small army of Roman troops which surrounding the garden.

Judas had to identify Jesus among the group of disciples. the mob needed to know which man to grab, so he preplanned a sign for them-whomever he kissed would be the one to arrest. (verse 44) A kiss was common in those days as a greeting between a disciple and his master. It was a sign of respect, but this time it was different-betrayal. Judas handed over the Son of God to those who hated Him. (verses 45-46)


So the army seized Jesus by force. Jesus had been teaching in the Temple publicly for 3 days. Why didn't they arrest Him there? The religious ones feared the daytime crowds. (11:32 and 14:1-2) However, God used their wicked choices to fulfill the Scriptures and accomplish His will. (verse 49) Keep in mind that all of this took place during the week celebration the Passover. The ultimate Lamb of God was about to be sacrificed for our sins-Jesus.

How terrifying it must have been for those followers of Jesus. Yet it has continued to happen ever since as followers of Jesus as arrested or killed for their faithfulness. How faithful of a follower of Jesus are we? Are we prepared to pay the price?


May we always be ready to share the Good News with others.

Oh, what a Savior! Isn't He wonderful! Christ was born, died for us sinners so we don't have to pay for our sins, arose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us.

Keep us close to You, King Jesus, so we remain faithful and not betray You.


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