Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Yeast Bread and Sin

N.T.#152 "Yeast Bread and Sin"

Sept. 27, 2023

Matthew 13-Part 9


Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. In fact, in His public ministry He never taught without using parables; but afterward, when He was alone with His disciples, Jesus explained everything to them. (Mark 4:33-34, NLT)

This fulfilled what God had spoken in Psalm 78:2, I will speak to you in parables, I will explain things hidden since the creation of the world.

Keep in mind that Jesus came to fulfill what the prophets wrote. I wonder if, before Jesus ever started to create anything, He and God were sitting on their thrones in heaven discussing the details of creation and events to come, Jesus volunteered to come to earth, live a perfect life, and be the propitiation for our sins. Sins they knew Adam and Eve would sin, and all people born to them would have a sin nature, they would need a Savior who loved them this much. (Maybe I have a child-like mind, but it could have been.) Anyway, the Trinity decided to keep some things secret, according to verse 35b.

How grateful we should be that salvation is not kept a secret. Although, I consider it a wonder, that the Perfect Creator would love us sinners so much that He would even come live among us sinners, much less die for us. Praise the Lord!


The fourth parable Jesus used was this: The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough. (verse 33, NLT)

The King James Version uses the word leaven, which means ferment, as if boiling up.

If you bake yeast bread, you know how tiny yeast is in that package. It takes warm milk or water, with some sugar, in order for the yeast to rise. Then it is added to the flour. Yet, this yeast can ferment loaves of bread, making it rise and not flatbread.

Some commentaries say this parable is about the church; leaven is symbolic of evil. False prophets and teachers come into the church to deceive believers, adding to the Word of God or taking away from it, or bringing in false doctrine. Also, leaven can be referring to false professions of unsaved church members, too. 

Jesus told His disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. (Mark 8:15)

Many modern churches have turned away from the Word of God, mixing it with other teachings. Some have watered it down in order to please crowds living in sin. We are told to not add to or take away from the Truth.

Aren't we living in perilous times? Folks, we desperately need to know what we believe and back it up with Scripture. Homosexuality, adultery, abortion are all sins. We need to stand against them, teach the Truth to our children and grandchildren.

It only takes one sin to send a person to hell. 


Teach us Your Truth and Ways, Lord Jesus, so we can honor You and share with others.

Give us a hunger for Your Word and thirsting for Your Spirit.

To Jesus be glory, honor, and praise! 

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