Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Priorities in Kingdom Work

 N.T.#143 "Priorities in Kingdom Work"

Sept. 6, 2023

Matthew 12-Part 17


When my husband and children left for college and into the ministry, both our families could not understand it. God called us to leave and cleave unto Him. However, it felt like they deserved us. We continued to visit and call them. Even Christmas programs at church had to take priority over visiting our families. It was hard to do, but very rewarding. Our love for our extended family did not change in our hearts, but they thought it had. Jesus had to make that decision, too.  

In verses 43-45, Jesus gives the Pharisees a parable. He speaks of a man who has an unclean spirit, which comes out of the man, wanders, and decides to return. When the spirit finds its old home swept and cleaned up and put in order (verse 44), it brings along 7 other evil spirits that are more evil than itself. So the man's condition is worse than it was. (verse 45)

Through this story, Jesus is comparing the evil generation that refused to receive Him. The Pharisees had strict religious observances, external legislation and enforcement, rituals and rites. They were law-abiding but unconverted. Their hardened heart was false righteousness. they had committed the unpardonable sin-rejection of the Messiah and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. 

A person can be a self-righteous moralist and not know Christ as Savior. Without submission to Jesus and the Holy Spirit's presence to fill the void in one's heart, they are simply opening up to greater demonic influence. 

Evil can be conquered through Christ. When evil is put out of a life, something must be put within to take its place. The love of Christ must fill a person's heart and life. Bad habits change, studying the Bible becomes a good habit, worshiping God through faith in Jesus Christ, serving in a church, these are good. It is not enough for a person to get saved, but they must fill their life with spiritual things. 

Are we helping others do that?


As Jesus spoke to the crowds, someone informed Him that His mother and brothers wanted to speak with Him. Jesus was involved in kingdom work. John 7:1-5 tells us Jesus' brothers did not believe in Him during His ministry. Maybe they came to take Him home quietly. This gave Jesus the opportunity to explain what true commitment to Him is all about. 

Whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother. (verse 50)

True belonging in the family of God supersedes biological family relations. When we trust in Christ, then we have a new family. It means our obedience as a child of God takes priority. However, we do not ignore our physical family. 

When we trust in Jesus as our personal Savior, we become adopted members of the family of God. (Romans 8:17,29)

Did you notice that Jesus is not ashamed to call us believers His brothers and sisters? (Hebrews 2:11)


Help us make Your kingdom work a priority in our life.

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