Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tiny Seed Grows Large

N. T. #151 

Sept. 26, 2023

Matthew 13-Part 8


Previously, we read about the wheat and weeds parable Jesus spoke of to the crowd and His disciples. (verses 24-30) Both were allowed to grow together in the farmer’s field. Then at harvest time, it would be evident which plants were the bad ones, the weeds. Those would be burned.

The message is this: the field is the world, Christ is the farmer, whose seed, the gospel, is down. Those who reject Jesus as Savior will be be cast into the lake of fire, hell, at the final judgment.

However, believers who have put their faith in Christ, will be rewarded with heaven (the barn).Their fruits will be revealed.

What about you, friend? Where will you spend eternity? Will family and friends be with you in heaven?


I have shared before that there is a jar in my kitchen window containing mustard seeds. It reminds me that my faith may be small, but God can grow it and multiply it into a large, fruitful faith. Today we read about this tiny seed.

The third parable is found in verses 31-32. A man sowed mustard seed in his field. Now have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is very small, but when it is mature, the Palestinian plant can grow 15 feet high, so I read. At any rate, it can become a large bush or tree-sized. Even birds can lodge there. 

The growth of the church will develop into a world power, but will have false professors cluttering the true tree of God’s fruitful people seeking to benefit their own interests in Romans 11.  (Falwell)

The good news is that Israel’s apostasy is not permanent. They will eventually believe Jesus Christ is The Savior and Messiah which was foretold by the prophets. 

Are you ready for Jesus’ return? Christians will be raptured out of this evil world and zapped to heaven. The Antichrist will reign on earth. Jesus will overcome him and then reign for a thousand years on earth. The final judgment will come. The wheat and weeds will be separated for all eternity.

Dear one, this is not just a sort found in Revelation, but will actually happen. Are you ready? Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to take your punishment for sins ( and me).  Simply believe He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one can come to The Father God except through Him, Jesus Christ. Have you ever asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior? You can right now, if you never have. 

(I often write planting the urgency of the Gospel because people around the world are visiting this site. So many have a false religion and need to hear the Truth.)


Such sacrificial live live You have shown us Lird Jesus!

Thank You. 

Bless all who read this with Your mercy.

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