Monday, May 1, 2023

Whose Will do We Want to do Today?

N. T. #59 "Whose Will do We Want to do Today?"

May 1, 2023

Matthew 6-Part 5


Can you believe it is May already? So thankful that winter is over, Good riddens to viruses and sickness. The sun is shining and there is hope for a new day. It's not yet warm enough to sit on the porch swing and sip iced tea, though. So glad you have joined me in studying the Lord's Prayer as we know it. Welcome to any newcomers. You may want to go back to previous posts beginning with chapter 1. 

We began with the genealogy of Jesus, His birth, His childhood spent in Egypt (6-7 years), the ministry of John the Baptist (Jesus' cousin), Jesus' baptism, His temptations by Satan, the calling of Jesus' disciples, and now, His teachings of the Beatitudes and how to pray. 

What are to components of the Lord's Prayer, which is a model for the Christian to pray?

1. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy name.

     He is God Almighty (El Shaddiah) that we are addressing, speaking to with petitions and praises. He is our Heavenly Father and we are His children; God is the Creator (El Yone) to whom we are speaking. His name is holy, glorious, 

Our supreme desire should be to glorify the name of God by the way we live. (Blackaby)

2. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it it in heaven.

God's will is the only priority in heaven. At His word, angels to God's bidding, immediately and without question. We are to pray that God would accomplish His will in our world in the same way. This means God's purposes would have preeminence in our life, our home, our business, our school, our church, and our government. 

Our desire should be for God's purposes be carried out in the world around us. Instead of doing our will, Christians are to seek and do God's will. When we know God's will, then we are to become involved in His activity as He answers our prayer. Prayer prepares us to be God's servant through whom He can carry out His will on earth. 

So we are to surrender our will to obey God's will, allowing Him to have absolute rule in our life. If we become burdened for a person, we should go see them and talk to them. 

At Gethsemane Jesus prayed, Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will. (Matt. 26:39) 

Each morning, we should deny ourself, take up our cross, and follow Jesus wherever He leads. 

[Resource: Experiencing God Day-By-Day, by Henry and Richard Blackaby]


We should not that Jesus was not referring to Israel's freedom from Rome, but a spiritual reign of God's kingdom. God's kingdom was announced in the covenant with Abraham,. (Luke 13:38) and in believer's hearts (Luke 17:21). It will be complete when all evil is destroyed and God establishes a new heaven and earth. (Rev. 21:1) (Life Application Study Bible)

How does God accomplish His will on earth? He does it largely through people who are willing to obey Him. We offer ourself as doers of God's will, asking Him to guide, lead, and give us the means to accomplish His purposes.

Tony Evans gives an example of the U.S. Olympic athletes who are awarded the gold medal. The national anthem of the U.S. is played and sung during that time. They represent our nation, so they don't get to choose what song is played at the accompanying ceremony. We are called to march to God's tune.

What is God's will? It is what God wants-when, where, and how He wants it. We are to follow God's rules so He can accomplish His purposes with us. If we do not, then He will accomplish His will without us. Since God is sovereign, He will us someone else. What a blessing it is to know we are doing God's will!

Who's will do we desire to accomplish today?


Praise be to the God our Father who has provided a way for us to be His child through faith.

We surrender to do Your will, Your way, today, always.

Glory to Holy God on high!


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