Wednesday, May 3, 2023


N. T. #61 "Forgiveness"

May 3, 2023

Matthew 6-Part 7


As we continue studying the prayer Jesus instructed, we pray to our Heavenly Father, who is a Holy God. (verse 9) We are conforming our will to the will of God. (verse 10) We ask daily for our needs. (verse 11)

Today, verse 12 tells us And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

This is an eye opener. First of all, we are told to ask God's forgiveness for our sins, since we fall short of His standards. This should be a daily practice because not a day goes by that we all do not sin. So every time we pray, we are to ask forgiveness from God. 

Forgive means to send forth; forsake; lay aside; leave; cry; omit; yield up.

The word debts means something owed; a due; a fault in the Greek language.

Here is the thing-we either ask God's forgiveness now before we die or while we are on our knees before a Holy God after we die and He tells us to depart for He never knew us. One of my saying is, "We are sinners in need of a Savior." Since we are not perfect, we must ask a Perfect Savior, Jesus, to forgive our sins. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. None of us is perfect, except Jesus Christ. I pray you have already asked Jesus' forgiveness, but if not, today is the day of salvation. We are not promised another breath, dear one.

When I was 16, I realized that death came come to anyone, even a teenager. My friend and classmate Mike had died in a car wreck that summer. I knew in my heart that if I died, then I would go to hell and not heaven. In my bedroom one night I spoke to God. I didn't know the proper words to say, but I believed in Jesus as God's Son. He knew my heart, forgave me, and saved me that night. Since then, I have learned that daily I am to confess my sins and ask forgiveness of God through Jesus.

When God forgives, He no longer credits sin to our account. (Tony Evans)


Did you notice that Jesus did not stop at instructing us to pray for forgiveness of our sins? What is the other instruction? We are told to forgive our debtors; forgive our sins in the same way we forgive our debtors. 

Debtors are an onwe; person indebted; a delinquent; a transgressor against God; sinner which owed.

Some people have been seriously sinned against. They have endured horrific cruelty. Nevertheless, the Bible teaches that anything that comes a believer's way-has to come through God's fingers. God is sovereign, and He permits things for the good of His children-even when we don't understand. (The Tony Evans Bible Commentary)

Like Joseph in the Old Testament, people my intend to do evil against us, but God intends even that for good. (Gen. 50:20)

I figure that if Jesus, who was cruelly beaten and hung on a cross to die (although innocent of any crimes), can forgive His assaulters, then so can I. Having a keen awareness of our own need for forgiveness will put the offenses of others in proper light. 

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32)

If we choose to withhold forgiveness from someone, our worship and prayers are futile. (5:23-24)


Help us to forgive others who have harmed us or said hurtful words to us.

Your mercy never fails, Jesus. Oh, how we need Your mercy today!

Please for me of my sins, for I am a sinner.

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