Monday, May 29, 2023

Sheep and Wolves, Fruit Trees

N.T. #79 "Sheep and Wolves, Fruit Trees"

May 29, 2023

Matthew 7-Part 7


Jesus is teaching and warning about false prophets. The were around during the Old Testament times (foretold of things to come), during His time, and now during our time. These men proclaim and teach the gospel, but it is a different and false gospel that we have. They prophesied only what the king and people wanted to hear. They claim it was God's message,but was not. 

Christ says 7 things about false prophets:

  1. Beware of their presence. (verse 150
  2. Their chief trait is to appear as sheep, but are wolves inwardly.
  3. Their revealing mark is the fruit they gather. (verse 16)
  4. Their true nature is not good, but corrupt and evil. (verse 17)
  5. Their fruit is hopeless since they cannot bear good fruit, but only corrupt and evil fruit. (verse 18)
  6. Judgment is their terrible future. (verse 19)
  7. Their fruit exposes them. (verse 20) [The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible]
Did you notice these false prophets deceive not by disguised themselves as sheep, but by impersonating true shepherds. They promote the wide gate and wide way. Their sheep's clothing may refer to the woolen attire that was the characteristic garb of a shepherd. (MacArthur)

We are to beware of those whose words, which may be as soft as wool, sound religious but are liars. Actually, they are motivated by money, fame, or power. We can tell who they are when they minimize Christ and glorify themselves. They come camouflaged, looking like sheep, but are wolves. 

Throughout years in churches, we have noticed that church members can have those characteristics, too. They may call you "sweety," but are not focused in doing God's will His way, nor the Word, but are focused in accomplishing their agenda. they can divide, scatter and even devour the sheep, driving them from God, onto crooked paths.


How do we know false prophets when we see them? We can recognize them by their fruit.(verse 16) Five times Jesus mentions fruit in this section. If a tree is healthy, it will produce good fruit. If the fruit is bad, it's because the tree itself is bad. (verses 17-18)

The lesson here is for us to examine the evidence of a teacher's life and ministry. Is that person's teaching and doctrine consistent with God's Word? Does his lifestyle display holiness and love for the Lord? If either answer is no, don't be deceived. Watch out for the counterfeit.

[Resource: The Tony Evans Bible Commentary]

Good fruit promotes humility, charity, holiness, and love. The changed life is the proof of one's profession of conversion. (2 Cor. 5:17) Is our fruit pleasing God and encouraging other believers? 


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