Friday, June 24, 2022

How Long?

O. T. #2221 "How Long?"

June 24, 2022



How long is this mess going to continue? Do you feel like you are alone standing for justice in the world? Does God seemed to be indifferent? Let's find out what we can do then.

Usually, prophets spoke to the people according to what they heard from God, but Habakkuk spoke to God about what he saw (vision). (verse 1) What he saw caused him deep concern. So the prophet asked God questions:

  • How long must I call for help? Violence is everywhere, but You do not come to save. (verse 2)
  • Must I forever see these evil deeds? (Verse 3)
  • Why must I watch all this misery? Destruction and violence is everywhere. People love to argue and fight. There is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so justice has become perverted.
All around him, Habakkuk saw injustice, wrongdoing, oppression, violence, strife, and conflict. He lived during the time King Josiah, who loved the Lord and His law, reigned in Judah. Then the king was killed and his wicked son Jehoiakim, who did evil in the LORD's sight, reigned. The citizens followed their king's ways. (2 Kings 23)

Sound familiar? Is America in the same predicament? 


We all have prayers that have not been answered, unselfish ones. Why does God not answer? Why doesn't God step in and do something? Now would be good.

This praying man did something-he cried out to his God. However, his prayers seemed to go0 unanswered. How long Lord? Why don't you?

Habakkuk decided that God was taking too long to come through. Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? (verse 3)

Tony Evans reminds us some things about God when we are in those situations:

  • God alone sees the whole picture.
  • He is working out His sovereign plan in the midst of the chaos.
  • The Lord decides when to answer our prayers and how best to answer them.
  • God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful), and holy (perfectly righteous in all He does).
  • He knows how to run things better than we do.
I don't know about You, but I certainly needed to hear this. 


I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see.

I wholly trust in Jesus. Christ alone, Cornerstone, weak made strong, He shed His blood. Through the storm, He is Lord of all.

Jesus, give us strength to carry on with You.


  1. I needed these words today. I need to even more trust in God's holiness, in His faithfulness.

    1. Amen, sister. It is easy to say we are trusting God, but hard to apply it.
