Thursday, June 9, 2022

Is Anger a Problem?

O. T. #2210 "Is Anger a Problem?"

June 9, 2022 

Nahum 1


I just peaked out the window of my door and saw an orange ball of fur in the cat food bowl. a kitten has fallen asleep there. There are about 4 or 5 more kittens. Wish I could send you a picture. They bring me so much joy. In the mornings I leave this troubled world and walk into one of simplicity and love. Sometimes we need to get away from reality and find our happy place. Thank You Jesus for kittens. How about you?

Well, Nahum surely needed his happy place. His assignment was to warn Nineveh and Assyria of God's upcoming judgment if they did not repent and turn from their wicked ways. Those were people of self-sufficiency, a mighty army, oppressors, and slaughterers. They worshiped idols. It had been about 150 years earlier that Jonah walked through the streets preaching God's message. And they repented. Sounds familiar, huh? America has sunk low in sin only in less than 300 years.

We are looking at the 4 ways Nahum describes the God of Judah:

  1. He is jealous God who takes vengeance on His enemies. (verse 2)
  2. He is a long-suffering God who is slow to anger. (verse 3a)
  3. He is a God of power whom none can resist. (verse 3b)
  4. He is a good God who is a refuge to those who love Him. (verses 7-8) [Liberty Bible Commentary]
I think 150 years of waiting to execute judgement is pretty slow in anger, right? I am sure none of us want to experience God's jealousy, vengeance, nor anger. 
God told the people in Exodus 20:5, for I, the Lord, thy God, am a jealous God. 

Jealousy is a sin if it means being envious of what others have and wanting to possess it, but it's a virtue if it means cherishing what we have and wanting to protect it. (Wiersbe)
We are told to worship no other god, for He alone is God.
Are we pointing others to worship God?

It is God who should take vengeance, not us. Deut. 32:35, 41 say, It is Mine to avenge; I will repay...I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those who "hate Me."


Probably, we have all known people who get angry at the drop of a hat. Perhaps it is one thing we have had to learn to control. 

God's anger is not like human anger, which can be selfish and out of control. His is a holy anger, a righteous indignation against all that defies His authority and disobeys His law. (Wiersbe)

We are assured that the Lord is slow to anger. (Jonah 4:2; Ex. 34:6; Numbers 14:18)

How thankful we should be, too. We deserve to be blown away, poof, when we disobey God. Such mercy!

Recon we should be that way as a child of God?


God is love, so we praise You Loving Father, Holy God!

Worthy are You Lord of worship and praise.

Your praise will forever be on my lips.

Help us to let go of jealousy, vengeance, and anger so we are like You, Jesus.


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