O. T. #2036 "Slavery to Sin Set Free"
Sept. 30, 2021
Hosea 3-Part 2
"For better or for worse" is a promise found in traditional marriage vows. Sometimes it does not last and the worse becomes reality as one of the spouses commit adultery and the marriage crashes. However, genuine repentance and gracious forgiveness have restored many marriages. Rebuilding damaged trust often takes considerable time, effort, and energy.
Apparently Gomer had returned to her immoral lifestyle. The Lord told the crushed and rejected Hosea to love her any way and bring her home. By this time, the attractive catch was sold into slavery. Hosea bought back his wife for 15 pieces of silver and 5 bushels of barley and a measure of wine, according to New Living Translation.
He paid the price to redeem, which means to buy back, his wife. What a price Hosea paid! This was actually half the price of purchasing a slave. Gomer's value had sunk to the lowest of low.
Friend, no matter how low we have sunk, God is willing to buy us back-to redeem us-and to lift us up again. Jesus Christ paid the price for us as He laid down His life so we could be set free of the penalty of our sins by dying on the cross. Our Redeemer showed His love for you and me! Dear one, have you trusted Him as your Savior?
Hosea's great love was acted out as God's great love for His beloved Israel. Israel had turned to loving other gods and flagons (cake of raisins), which were made from grapes. Theses cakes were prepared for and used in the idolatrous ceremonies and offered to their pagan gods. (verse 1-2)
Gomer was told to live in Hosea's house, for many days, stop her prostitution, and have no sexual relations with another nor with him. That was evidence that she was not pregnant.
Thus, Israel would go a long time without a king or prince, and without sacrifices, sacred pillars, priests, or even idols. But afterward, the people would return and devote themselves to the LORD their God and to David's descendant, their king. In the last days, they will tremble in awe of the LORD and of His goodness.
Wash away our guilty stains of sins, Jesus, with Your blood.
We have no righteousness, except for Yours, Jesus.
Set our feet upon the solid rock of Jesus.