Monday, December 2, 2019

Promises and Faith

O. T. #1576 "Promises and Faith "
Dec. 2,2019
Isaiah 7
If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established. Verse 9b


Prophet Isaiah is dealing with a definite crisis in Judah's history. During the previous 103 years, they had good Kings that reigned. Then King  Ahaz reigns as a bad king. What is happening in Judah?

  • Assyria is growing stronger and threatening nations, so Israel and Syria join forces to protect themselves. They wanted Judah to join their alliance, but Ahaz would not. He had his own plan.  (Verse 1)
  • Secretly, Ahaz bargained with Assyria to protect him (2Kings 16:1-9). Judah was frightened because Syria and Israel were about to attach them. (Verse 2)
  • Ahaz did not seek the Lord in this matter, so God sent Isaiah and his son Shear-jashub, whose name means the remnant shall return, to meet Ahaz as he inspected Jerusalem's water supply. 
  • The message was one of hope and confidence: Syria and Israel will be broken within 65 years.(Verse 8)
  • Alliance with Assyria was unnecessary. Syria and Israel 's plan would not stand nor come to pass. (Verse 7)
  • God intervened and Judah was safe, for within 65 years, Assyria conquered Israel and took them captive. 

Isaiah's prophesy came true. Assyria defeated Syria (Damascus) in 732 and Israel (Ephraim, Samaria) in 721, within the allotted time given.
[Resource: Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament]

God keeps His promises. We see it as He sent judgment in these nations.
What promises are you and I waiting to come to pass in our life?
Keep your faith strong in the Lord and wait patiently.


Look at our key verse above. If Judah would believe, she can stand; if not, she too would fall. 

What does God insist on before He delivers His people from danger? Lack of faith thwarts God's promises. (The Experienceing God Study Bible)

Is our faith shakened? Is our spirit unsettled and unquietened? Has something happened to  us recently to cause this?

We were on our way home one rainy, dark night, on a familiar road, when a curve sneaked up on us. We were going too fast to make it the curve and my husband slammed on the brakes and turned the wheels sharply. "Jesus, Jesus," was all I could say frightened. I couldn't even say ,"Help." It happened so quickly. The truck kept sliding toward a gate that we thought we were going to hit. 
Miraculously, the hand of Jesus stopped our truck only inches away from the gate. We both were thanking our Protector, Jesus!

How strong is your faith? Are you daily living so close to Jesus that one word and He comes to your rescue?

The grace of faith is absolutely necessary to the quietening and composing of the mind in the midst of all the tosses of this present time. (2Chronicles 20:20) (Matthew Henry)


How wonderful You are, Jesus!
Help my faith in You to keep growing.


  1. So glad you two are safe. He does keep us in the palm of His hand; we just need to believe.

    1. Thanks friend. I hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving.

    2. My hubs and I had a good Thanksgiving- quiet. He worked part of the day in the community (we are managing one in Georgia, in a NE suburb of Atlanta). I have been out of commission for a few weeks as I had surgery on my ankle and am still in the nonweight- bearing stage. It was a quiet day, but one we were so thankful to enjoy. We are so blessed!
