Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Compared to What Job Went Through

O. T. #1113 "Compared to What Job Went Through"
Dec. 12, 2017
Job 2


When I consider all that has happened to me this year, even the worse suffering and hardest trials do not compare one iota to what Job endured. His makes mine seem so small. After all, I haven't lost my children, nor our lively hood. Compared to what Job went through, well...

Seems like we've been here before. A second time Satan appeared before God. Again, God describes Job as perfect, upright, God-fearing, and evil shunning man. However, this time, God added to the description of Job-he holds fast to his integrity.

Integrity, in the Hebrew language, means innocence.

Even through all his losses, under the most adverse circumstances, Job did not curse his God. In spite of  Satan talking God into ruining Job without cause. We see why Job claims his innocence later in chapter 27. It was true. God even said so.

Certainly, much suffering in the world is due to sin, but not the case of Job. Oh, he wasn't sinless, but there was no direct cause and effect relationship between his life and the suffering he experienced.

And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. but put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. (verses 4-5)

Satan was implying that when you come right down to it, man is so selfish and self-centered he will always sacrifice someone else's skin to save his own, even his own family. Isn't he saying that anyone would give up all his possession to save his life? Could the Adversary imply that Job's response to his losses was a fake to stop the attacks while he still had his life and health? Job only said what God wanted to hear. What accusations! Not everyone is like Satan.

Satan contended that what he had done to Job so far was just touching the skin, scratching the surface. (MacArthur)

Satan thought his second request would produce what the first one did not-destroying Job's confidence and faith in God and result in his cursing God. His first scheme failed, but would his second scheme?

Do we hold fast our integrity or do we compromise?


He is in your power, only spare Job's life. God set limitations on Satan's authority. Had Satan been allowed to take Job's life, the effect of Job's testing would not have been evident.

Satan in his own right does not have the authority to take the life of a faithful believer. (Falwell)

There was not better man living in his day than Job. This godly man was a faithful husband, a loving father, a good employer. he had an abundance of everything until the day the bottom dropped out. Job lost his servants except four, his means for making a living, and his 10 grown children. Having buried all of his children and lying next to as grieving wife, did Job have a sleepless night? How could it  get any worse?
More was to come. Job had no idea that unfair and undeserved suffering which lay ahead for him.

Do we have unwavering character and unconditional trust in God like Job had?
What do we need to make us happy?
Are we thankful for what God has blessed us with?


                               ... and let God be my joy.
                               ...of stuff that drags me down.
                               ... and rejoice in the Lord always.

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