Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Got the Why's?

O. T. #1119  "Got the Why's?"
Dec. 20, 2017
Job 3-Part 2


Why did this happen to me, for I'm trying to walk by faith? Why was that said to me, words stabbing in the heart? Why can't I get out of this pit?
It may have been evident that I have been in my pity pit lately. Yep, it was deep. I kept wanting to get out, but would sink back when I got close. It was a battle going on in my mind. Satan was beating me up with discouraging words. Then I made myself get into the kitchen and bake some goodies, giving love to those I appreciate. My heart went out to a family of four children in need this Christmas, so I went shopping and gave to them. That is how I received hope, giving hope; received love, giving love. Anyone got the holiday blues or the why's? Why is this happening to me? Try my remedy-give.

Time has brought Job to the city dump, penniless, no children, everything is gone, except for the pain and itching and physical misery. He sat 7 days, silent with his 3 friends. He experienced the what's, and now the why's set in.

Job wonders why:
  • he was ever born;
  • his birthday is on the calendar;
  • he didn't die at birth;
  • did all those things happen;
  • was he ever blessed;
  • does he not have rest, relief, hope?
Haven't we all been there? Our suffering turns to depression and we start asking "why?"
We dig a hole and try to bury our self in our job, under our covers, sitting alone in the dark.
If we let Him, God will rescue us, shine His light, extend His loving hand to us pulling us out of the pit of pity if we just look up. Others need us; our family and friends need us; our coworkers need us; our church needs us.


Swindoll identifies 3 practical statements for us who can identify with Job's sufferings:
  1. There are days too dark for the sufferer to see light.
  2. There are experiences too extreme for the hurting to have hope.
  3. There are valleys too deep for the anguished to find relief.
There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still. (Corrie ten Boom)

I know we forget that God is there with us and continues to care for us. Will we be the encourager someone needs while in their pit of pity? Will we be the loving arm of God that wraps around the discouraged? Perhaps instead of an eloquent speech, we only need to sit quietly and listen to them. Reassure the hurting that they are loved in some way.

Jesus came to earth to show us how much He loves us. Dear ones, He loves us so much that He died for us so we can have our sins forgiven and have peace while in this world. So we can have the hope of heaven for our eternity.
Shall we look around us and see someone in need today? Let us to as Job's 3 friends did, and bring comfort, solutions or suggestions, help.


Bring a bag of hope, love, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness to those in need after Jesus fills us.
Trust God for the answers to my why's.

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