Friday, November 17, 2017

Hung on His Own Gallows

O. T. #1099 "Hung on His Own Gallows"
Nov. 17, 2017
Esther 7-Part 2


Haman had seen better days. Yeah, he thought he had the world by the tail on a down hill swing, so to speak. After all, he had built gallows for his enemy Mordecai to hang on that day, was going to get rid of the Jews soon, and was promoted  second in command in the mighty empire of Persia. And then, he had been special guest at the queen's banquet as only he and the king attended. It was the best day, ever, or so Haman must have thought. His best day became his worse day.

When the king asked his queen hat her request was, Esther replied that her life and the lives of her people would be spared. The king asked who would do such a thing, then Esther answered "Haman."
Then the king jumped to his feet in a rage and went out into the palace garden.
Haman had deceived the king, misled him to make a decree of extermination of the Jews, thus planned a conspiracy to kill his queen and her adoptive father, the king's hero. He betrayed the king's trust.

But the wheels changed directions for Haman that day. God's sovereignty would be surprising to all concerned. God is God and He will have His way for His glory and timing. Since God alone is God, and He does things well, good is His goal, then I can trust Him to work all things out.

Do we wait upon Him to do so? Do we stand when we are supposed to?


Here goes. Haman stayed behind in the room with Queen Esther, to plead for his life. He knew the king intended to kill him.

In despair he fell on the couch where Queen Esther was reclining, just as the king was returning from the palace garden. (verse 8 NLT)

The king saw Haman as assaulting the queen, in the palace, and right before his eyes. Immediately, the king's guards covered Haman's face, a signal of doom. The king's servant informed him that Haman had 75' gallows built for Mordecai. The king ordered Haman to be executed on those gallows.

Haman reaped what he had sown. Whatever a person sows, they will reap, as it happens to them. In the same way, whatever a person measures, it will be measured back to him. God's justice will be exact. Whatever we dish out and measure in life, the same portion will be doled out and measured to us.  (The Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible)


Let God take revenge for us.
Stand for God's principles.
Consider it a privilege to suffer for doing right.
Deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Jesus.

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