Thursday, August 27, 2015

Raise YOur Ebenezer!

O. T. #584  "Raise Your Ebenezer!"
August 27, 2015
1 Samuel 7-Part 2
Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizepeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying Hitherto hath the LORD helped us. 1 Samuel 7:12


How has God helped you? Three times He has given me my breath of life back, allowing me to live. He has protected me from injuries, provided for me in needy times, answered my prayers, loved me back to Him whenever I strayed. Yes, He is my stone of help and I will raise my Ebenezer up to remind me of such. I am in the process of writing a book about the wonderful things my Savior has done for me, for His glory.
Samuel raise his Ebenezer up, too. Keep reading to find out why.

A slow national revival was stirring in Israel for 20 years. Under the direction of Samuel, they put away their idols. When Samuel started making offerings unto God at Mizpeh, the Philistines heard what was happening. Then Philistines drew near the city, determined to squelch this by attacking Israel. Of course, this frightened the Israelites.

So what did Israel do?
  • They asked Samuel to Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that He will save us out of the hand of the Philistines.  (verse 8)
  • Samuel took a lamb and offered it as a burnt offering unto the Lord and cried out unto Him for Israel.
  • During that time the Philistines drew nearer to battle against Israel.
The Israelites looked only to God as their source for physical deliverance. The word save in Hebrew is the word yasha'. It is the name Joshua in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament. They both come from this same word-yasha, meaning Jehovah is salvation.
When we cry out to the Lord to save us from our sins, He will also deliver us.
[Resource: Liberty Bible Commentary]

Do we cry out for God to save us from our sins and save us from our enemies?


Obviously the Lord was pleased with the offerings given to Him and His children seeking His deliverance. They had repented from sin, turned from idols, and were determined to obey God alone. Look what happened in verse 10 as He came through for them:
  • The LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines. It threw them into a panic.
  • The Scriptures said He discomfited the Philistines.  
  •  The Lord did to His enemies by what was said by Hannah in  her prayer found in 2:10.
  • He discomfited them.
  • The Philistines were slaughtered by Israel along the way to a point below Beth Car.

Aren't there some words you like to say over and over, roll them off your tongue? Discomfited is one for me.
In the Hebrew language, discomfited means to make an uproar or agitate greatly; make a noise; destroy; move.

Yes sir, the Lord discomfited those Philistines! Thunder can have that kind of effect on a person, (cause you to panic) can't it? Especially when it is so close it rattles the windows, as was the case a couple of weeks ago at my house. The electricity went out immediately and remains so for 3 hours.

The Lord enabled Israel to do all of this. He gave the victory to HIs children. He fought the battle and gave the blessings.

What did Samuel do?
  •  He took a stone and set it up between the cities of Mizpah and Shen. It was a memorial of God's great help and deliverance.
  • He named the stone Ebenezer, which means stone of help.
The hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

This was a temporary peace in the land. Although the Philistines did later attack Israel, this battle was a turning point in the relationship between the two nations. (D. Jeremiah)

During tough times, we may need to remember the crucial turning points in our past to help us through the present. Memorials can help us remember God's past victories and gain confidence and strength for the present. ( Life Application Study Bible)

Do we raise our Ebenezer when God gives us help?

I had to look up the song about this, which we used to sing in our services. It is entitled Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. The second verse reads:
Here I raise mine Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood.

[from: The Baptist Hymnal, 1991]


Gonna raise my Ebenezer today! Gotta look for me a stone or something to remind me of His help.

Thank You Jesus for being my help and hope.

Praise You for seeking me when a stranger and wandering from Your fold.

Glory to Your Name for rescuing me with Your precious blood.

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