Friday, November 7, 2014


O. T. #403  "Ministering"
November 7, 2014
Deuteronomy 18-Part 1
For the LORD thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever.  Deuteronomy 18:5


Do we stand and minister in the name of the Lord? Do we willingly serve God? We don't have to have a paid position on staff of a church to do so. I wonder where this country road of faith that I am on will lead me today in God's service. I am walking with Jesus. Will you join me to walk by faith?

(Please pray for my husband and his mission team of four other men from our church and association who are flying today to the Dominican Republic to share the good news of Jesus in evangelistic services. They will return next Friday. Thanks friends.)
Shall we talk about the priests of Israel?

The twelve tribes of Israel (sons of Jacob) made up the new nation of Israel. One of those tribes were the descendants of Levi. The men of this tribe or family served God and their brethren as priests and prophets.

Additional information is given to us in Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible:
Care was taken that the priests entangle not themselves with the affairs of this life, nor enrich themselves with the wealth of this world; they had better things to mind. the welfare and husbandry were both spiritual and enough to fill their hands both with work and profit, and to content them. The new covenant believers believe God to be all-sufficient.
The Levites were assigned cities to them located throughout the land of Israel. (Numbers 35:1-8; Joshua 21) Priests lived near the central sanctuary, where they went to perform their duties. (1 Chron. 6:57-60) The Levites assisted the priests. (Numbers 3;4;8) If a Levite desired to go to the central sanctuary to minister there in the Lord's name, he was permitted to do so, as well as receive equal support along with other Levites.  (MacArthur)

Jesus Christ is our mediator, our High Priest. The Word describes Christians as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.  (1 Peter 2:9)

Do we act as one of the royal priesthood should act?


In this chapter, the function of these offices is given by Moses.

The priests were:
  • paid ministers;
  • received no land inheritance with the rest of the tribes; (verse 2)
  • ate sacrifices of ox or sheep (meat for their food) to the LORD by fire;
  • supported by gifts and offerings of God's people; (verse 3)
  • allowed to eat the shoulder, two cheeks, and stomach of each animal; (verse 3)
  • allowed to eat of the first fruits of the people-grain (corn), new wine, oil, and keep the fleece of the sheep; (verse 4)
  • chosen by God out of all the tribes to stand to minister in His name, to the LORD and the people; (verse 5)
  • to stand before the LORD; (verse 7)
  • to share equally in the benefits of the Israelites, receiving what should be sacrificed to the Lord.(verse 8)
Liberty Bible Commentary explains:

The priests were willing to stand and minister in the name of the Lord. when they obeyed God and served Him with all willing heart, the people brought their sacrifices; and the priests prospered with food. When the priests became hard-hearted, Israel did not respond; and the priests went hungry. Also, the priests were allowed to visit in the homes of Israelites who did not live near God's chosen place of worship. When the priest visited in a home, he was to expect all the desire of his mind, which means that he was to be given the food that he requested.

Are we treating our pastors with such respect as Israel's priests were shown?


Keep focused on Jesus and His Word, not the materialism around me.

Pray for others, interceding as a priest of Jesus.

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