Friday, November 28, 2014


O. T. #415  "Standards"
November 28, 2014
Deuteronomy 23-Part 1
For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning.  (Psalm 30:5 NIV)


We set the rules for our children as they grew up. Sometimes they disobeyed them. As parents, we may not have enjoyed having to correct our children, but we wanted to learn to obey us. So it is with God. As His child, I need correcting. Sometimes it takes a hard event or lesson to learn the lesson. It sticks with me, then. God sticks to His standards and does not change them for His children.

In this chapter, Moses discusses the exclusions from one holding a civil office, such as a magistrate or judge, as well as the exclusion from gathering in the Temple for worshiping God. There are three groups listed here:
  1. Eunuch were forbidden because such willful mutilation (by crushing of sexual male parts) violated or mutilated the nature of man as created by God, and was associated with idolatrous practices, which was done by pagan parents to their children so they might serve as eunuchs in the homes of the great (25:11-12).
  2. Illegitimates were excluded so as to place an indelible stigma as a discouragement to shameful sexual misconduct. These people were born of an incestuous relations between Jews or of a mixed marriage between Israelite and pagan neighbors. A child born out of wedlock or incest was illegitimate and unworthy of Israelite citizenship for ten generations.
  3. Ammonite and Moabite people were excluded, not because they were born out of incest (Gen. 19:30-38), but on account of their vicious hostility toward God and His people Israel. Lots two daughters got him drunk, had sexual relations with their father, and each bore him a son called Ammon and Moab as the result of their sinful act. The Ammonites and Moabites were also excluded because their treatment of Israel when Israel came out of Egypt, for they had hired Baalam ro curse God's people.
[Resources: The MacArthur Bible Commentary, Liberty Bible Commentary, Guzik Commentary]


Individuals from all three of these outcast groups are offered grace and acceptance by Isaiah upon personal faith in the true God (Is. 56:1-8). Illegitimate people can be saved and greatly used by God. His mercy and grace through Christ are sufficient for all.

Ruth the Moabitess serves as a most notable example (Ruth 1:4, 16). Ruth was married to Boaz (a Jew) and was received into full Israelite covenant relationship. She became an heir of the promise and was also in the line of the Messiah. She was in the eleventh generation descendant of Pharez (Gen. 38; Ruth 4).

In the New Testament, we read what Paul said of us in Hebrews 12:7-8: Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.

Are you glad to be God's son or daughter? Then we must endure our heavenly Father's discipline in our life. Not lovely news, but is truth. He wants us to be conformed to the image of His son, Jesus, and that is God's method of accomplishing it.


Turn from my sinful ways and to God's standards.

Thank Him for grace and mercy as He disciplines me.

Learn my lessons the first time so I don't have to repeat the course.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Day 2014!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Day 2014!!!!!!

We have so much to be thankful for this year, don't we!

Billy Graham wrote a devotional:
During the first long winter for the Pilgrims here, 7 times as many graves were made for the dead as homes were made for the living. Seed, imported from England, failed to grow, and a ship that was to bring food and relief, brought instead 35 more mouths to fee, but no provisions.
According to today's standards, the Pilgrims had almost nothing, but they possessed a profound and heartfelt gratitude to God for His love and mercy. Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues.

1 Corinthians 29:13 says, Now, our God, we give you thanks. And praise your glorious name.

As we sit around a table flourishing with food choices, let's remember who provided each item and the workers used to produce it:
  • Turkey's growers, processors, and trucking system to the store for us to buy it. (God gave the turkey food and water and caused it to grow.); guys who fry or gals who get up at 4am to bake it;
  • Mashed potatoes, with butter and milk- farmers who plant, water, pick potatoes, shippers and retailers, cows and farmers daily milk and feed the cows (God made the plant and grass grow through rain and sunshine.);
  • Vegetables and fruit that God caused to grow and the farmer who worked it, picked it;
  • Hot rolls-wheat that God cause to grow, farmers who planted and processed it, bakeries who made the dough;
  • Pecan pie-God grew the pecans through rain and sunshine; processors and packagers.
  • A warm house filled with family and friends;
  • A loving God who made us, saved us, and provides for us.
As we thank God for the material blessings He gives us, let us also be thankful in the midst of trials and persecution. Remembering our military people and missionaries away from home this time of year.

Ok, friends, don't eat too much today. Right! Enjoy, relax, laugh, and say a pray of thanksgiving to God for your life (He made it.).
Friday we will continue our study.

Love ya'll,

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sexual Violations

O. T. #413  "Sexual Violations"
November 26, 2014
Deuteronomy 22-Part 3
If any  man...  Deuteronomy 22:13


Violations. Rapes. Incest. Adulterous affairs. Fornication. Homosexuality. Are these terms too common on the nightly news? Where is has the respect of women gone? Why do guys not control their urges? Are women being so seductive in their dress that they provoke such actions? What message does the media, movie,and internet give our young people? Are we failing as parents and churches to teach our children the standards God has established in His Word? (This is not a new thing, for it has always been.)

This part of the chapter is on the family life, specifically marriage violations. Moses honors the laws of chastity in marriage on the basis that marriage must be founded upon faithfulness purity. Adultery was punished by death for the two found in the act. We read of several scenarios, situations, which might occur and the handling of them.
  1. If a man takes a wife and after lying with her, dislikes (hates) her and slanders her and gives her a bad name by accusing her of not being a virgin, then her parents could bring proof (blood-stained garment or bed sheet) to the towns elders at the gate. The parents display the cloth before the elders, then the elders punish the man. The man must give 100 shekels of silver as a fine paid to the girl's father because the man gave the Israelite virgin a bad name. Also, he was to be given 40 stripes with a whip for the lie. She was to continue to be his wife and he was not allowed to ever divorce her.
  2. If the charges are true and there's no proof otherwise, then the girl was to be stoned to death while at her father's door. She did a promiscuous thing while still in her father's house. You must purge the evil from among you.
  3. If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both man and woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.
  4. If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, both were to be stoned to death at the at of that town. It was due to her not screaming and his violating another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you.
  5. However, if a man rapes a girl pledged to be married while located in the country, only the man who did this dies. The girl had no punishment due to her committing no sin deserving death. There was no one to rescue her while screaming.
  6. If a man rapes an unpledged virgin, he is to pay the girl's father 50 shekels of silver. He must marry the girl he violated, never divorcing her as long as he lives.
  7. A man must not marry his father's wife, probably a step-mother. Incest was certainly forbidden.
Did you notice a repeating phrase "you must purge the evil among you?"
Here, God is establishing some standards for the Israelites to live by when they reach their Promised Land. They are good standards for us to live by today, but people do not take such sins seriously. How much safer would our society would be for women if it were.


God placed betrothal on a par with marriage. Hence, when the virgin Mary was betrothed to Joseph, it was a union as sacred and permanent as marriage.  (Falwell)

In Matthew 1:19, Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

However, the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream with a message to not be afraid to take Mary home as his wife because the child she conceived was from the Holy Spirit. Then he did so.

Jesus, virgin-born, had His father God, not man. This is one of the doctrine of faith we talk about. such an impossibility for this to occur naturally. Although through doctors' abilities today, they can implant an embryo into a woman without her violation. This is not the same thing as what happened to Jesus. We take this by faith, that the Bible is God's Word and the truth.

Are we encouraging young women to remain pure before their marriage? Sexual activity is becoming so common in our society, that is a shameful, sinful, and acceptable practice. Purity is a gift a virgin can give her husband on their wedding night and rightfully should be so. What has happened to the respect of guys for gals?


Develop self control.

Learn God's standards for marriage and sex, then apply them in my life.

Be a faithful wife and Christian.

Teach young women the ways of a faithful woman; teach young men how to act appropriately toward women.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How is a Woman of Faith Supposed to Dress?

O. T. #413  "How is a Woman of Faith Supposed to Dress?"
November 25, 2014
Deuteronomy 22-Part 2
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.  Deuteronomy22:5

I am sending a happy anniversary wish to my wonderful husband of 42 years today! I love ya more today than ever and thank God that He has allowed us to serve Him together all this time.


How is a woman of faith, a godly woman, supposed to dress? Well, this may be a hot topic for the internet. I wonder how many first time visitors will be curious enough to read this lesson. Will they even read its entirety with an open mind? Keep in mind, please, this is God's Word. I'll share my opinions at the end.

Here's some background I found concerning this topic:

Matthew Henry's commentary on the Whole Bible:
Some think this refers to the idolatrous custom of the Gentiles: in the worship of Venus, women appeared in armor, and men in women's clothes; this, as other such superstitious usages, is here said to be an abomination to the Lord. It forbids the confounding of the dispositions and affairs of the sexes; men must not be effeminate (feminine qualities), nor do the women's work in the house: nor must women be viragos (overbearing), pretend to teach or usurp authority, 1 Timothy 2:11,12. Probably, this confounding of garments had been used to gain opportunity of committing uncleanness, and is therefore forbidden: for those that would be kept from sin, must keep themselves from all occasions of it and approaches to it.
David Guzik's Commentary states:
God's commandment is to keep distinction between sexes in clothing. It's a command against dressing in a manner which deliberately blurs the lines between the sexes. The dramatic rise in cross-dressing, transvestitism, androgynous behavior and "gender-blender" behavior in our culture is a shocking trampling of this command. There is a terrible cultural price that's paid when it's pretended that there's no difference between men and women.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary instructs:
Found only here in the Pentateuch, this statue prohibited a man from wearing any item of feminine clothing or ornamentation, or a woman from wearing any item of masculine clothing or ornamentation. The same word translated "abomination" was used to describe God's view of homosexuality (Lev. 18:22; 20:13). This instance specifically outlawed transvestism. The creation-order distinctions between male and female were to be maintained without exception (Gen. 1;27). 

With that new information, let's look closer to the Hebrew meaning of some words used in our key verse:
pertaineth means something prepared, any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon): armor, bag, carriage, furnish, furniture, instrument; jewel; sack, stuff, thing, tool vessel, ware, weapon whatsoever;
abomination means something disgusting; an abhorrence; especially idolatry; an idol; abominable (custom, thing).

Webster's Dictionary defines abomination as extreme disgust and hatred.

Let me discuss with you what I perceive all this is saying to us in our time and culture. God has created me to be a woman to accomplish  His purposes. Therefore, His Word instructs me that I am to not dress like a man (executive suit and tie), have a job that uses those tools which a man uses (construction), nor carry weapons while dressed in military uniform. I do not want to displease my God. I want to maintain a grateful heart in His service.

Here is how I apply this verse to my life and situation. I want to honor the Lord Jesus with my life, so I want others to see Him and not me, focus on Him, not what I am wearing. Also, I do not want to cause my brother to stumble, so inspect my appearance before leaving home. Decency is a priority.
I only wear dresses and skirts to our worship services because I felt the Lord wants me to set an example as a pastor's wife and as a Christian woman.
However, I do wear jeans and elastic waisted knit pants elsewhere. Along with those types of clothing, I also try to wear a feminine top (not low cut). I watch the colors, style, and design so they are not the masculine nor floosy type. At our tire shop where I do the bookkeeping, cleaning, and scheduling, I try to maintain that look which distinguishes me as a woman, not one of the guys, even though we wear a company shirt often. A pretty blouse over that shirt helps.

I do not want to instruct you on your decision as to your clothing, for that is between you and the Lord. I just wanted to share what is on my heart and do not want to offend anyone in doing so. The main thing is honoring our God, and not drawing attention to ourselves in an unholy manner.

Feel free to share with us your convictions, opinions, likes.


Liberty Bible Commentary explains:

The word pertaineth unto (keli) in the original language is used elsewhere not only of clothes, but also of decorations or utensils used by the opposite sex. The intent of this law as to maintain the distinction between the sexes. Today, it would apply to any unisex clothing that would cloud the distinction between men and women. The New Testament recognizes such a distinction (1 Cor. 11:3) and maintains that long hair on women was a sign of that distinction (1 Cor. 11:6-14). The major difference between male and female robes was their decoration or ornamentation, not their cut. The passage does not teach against slack per se (or hats, shoes, gloves, etc.-all worn by both sexes) but against men or women wearing any item specifically ornamented for the opposite sex (a man wearing female slacks, lipstick, etc.). The wearing of slacks by ladies today is not an attempt to deceive men, although some may be immodest and improper in certain situations.

Dr. Jerry Falwell goes on to explain that the final criteria are that women look like females, that they are modest (1 Tim. 2:9-10), and that their outward appearance reflects their inner character
(1 Pet. 3:3).

Well, friends, that has been a very deep lesson for me. If you are a woman, dress and act like a woman. If you are a man, dress and act like a man. May we not rebel against what God has created us to be.

Colossians 3:17 states: and whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

Washing dishes, changing diapers, laundry, scrubbing toilets, waitressing, serving the boss coffee, factory work, whatever you are doing today, honor our God with your work. May God bless your efforts and attitude of love.


Protect myself from the world's opinion of a woman.

Strive to be a godly woman, wife, mother, and friend.

Dress and act like a Christian woman I was intended to be.

Submit to God's will and be faithful in doing it.

Thank God I am a woman, saved by His grace.

*Here are some good books on this subject:
Good Girls don't have to Dress Bad by Shari Braendel,
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George,
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn,
Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge,
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver,
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace,
Ruth by Kelly Minter

Monday, November 24, 2014

When the Cows Get Out

O. T. #412  "When the Cows Get Out"
November 24, 2014
Deuteronomy 22-Part 1
If you see your brother's ox or sheep straying, do not ignore it but be sure to take it back to him.  Deuteronomy 22:1a


We have some very good neighbors. When our cows of their field, tear down a fence, they help us get them back inside where they belong. We return the favor, too. I have called my neighbor many times to inform him that his cows are out. Once another neighbor's cows got out, coming down the road, so we put them into our coral to hold them until he could come take them home. You see, we don't live too far from a busy highway, which could be dangerous for the cows. (Cows can be worth as much as $2000 each, so that would be a big loss of investment.) Pets have strayed, too and we call to inform its owner.  We all help each other out in my neighborhood. That's just how it is here. We love our neighbors. That's how Jesus wanted the Israelites to be when they settled into their new Promised Land.

Verse 6 is a law that showed God's care for the long-term provisions for His people. This is the only place it is mentioned in the Pentateuch. If a bird's nest is in a tree or on the ground beside a road, and the mother is sitting on the young or eggs, the Israeli was  to let the mother go. By letting the mother bird go, food could be acquired without killing the source of future food. The Lord assured by dong so it would go well with them and they would have a long life.

In verse 8, where the only place this law is found in the Pentateuch, too, refers to the roof of a home in ancient Israel. The roof was flat and usually reached by outside stairs. To prevent injury or death from falling, a fence was to be built around the roof. This expressed love for those who might otherwise be injured or killed.

How considerate are we when it comes to our neighbors? Do we talk with them or ignore them? Are we aware of their problems?


We know loving God is our first duty, as Jesus explained in Matthew 22. Our next duty is loving our neighbor as our self. This chapter deals primarily with the duties pertaining to one's neighbor. The law of loving one's neighbor is applied to domestic and social relationships:
  • Sanctity of private property is discussed in verse 1-4. If your neighbor's animals strayed, don't ignore the situation, but take them back to him. If he doesn't live close by, take them home with you and care for them until he comes after them; give the animals back to their owner.
  • This law pertained to your neighbor's ox, sheep, donkey, cloak, or anything he looses. Help your neighbor, don't ignore the need of the situation.
  • If your neighbor's donkey or ox falls into the road, don't ignore it. Help him get it to its feet.
It sounds like we are to go the extra mile, show love by helping out our neighbor. We don't just limit it to our livestock or pets. If we have the wrong mail delivered in our mailbox, we take it its rightful owner.
How is your relationship with your neighbors? I wonder if city people have a harder time with this. We can show Jesus' love to others in so many ways, if we only keep our eyes and ears open to the needs of others.


Love my neighbor as myself.

Care about their problems and needs.

Show Jesus love whenever possible.

Take time to visit with my neighbors.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Continuing Monday

Nov. 21, 2014
I am sorry for not writing our Bible study yesterday and today. I have been sick and went to the doctor. I am taking medication to resolve the inflammation in my small intestine and eyes. Rest is very much needed because to the difficulty to sleep with the plain. I know God is in control and rest in Him.
I will work on Monday's lesson this weekend, so be sure and come back then.

Meanwhile, have a blessed weekend ya'll.
Be sure to thank God for all he has done, His grace and mercy.

Please pray for the Dugger family of 19 Kinds and Counting on TLC. They are being attacked by homosexuals trying to get their show off the air. They are a Christian family upholding God's principles and Word to the world located in my area. Pray for their protection and encouragement.

See you Monday.
In His Service,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

He Captured My Heart

O. T. #411  "He Captured My Heart"
November 19, 2014
Deuteronomy 21-part 2
If you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife.  Deuteronomy 21:9 NIV


I still see it as plain as day, during our senior year in high school, when Roger sat in the student center, watching the ping-pong games at lunch. When his presence caught my eye, I began watching this new guy at school instead of the games. Eventually, after dating and spending time with him, as well as seeking the Lord's will, he captured my heart. His physical appearance was ordinary, but he was different from the rest of the guys I knew. In seven days, we will celebrate our 42nd anniversary. I can truthfully say, he still captures my heart.

Did you know God gave Israel instructions on this topic?

Moses is continuing to give instructions to Israel concerning their new societal order in regards to human relationships. It is this second generation of the Israelites who are going to form a new nation. They are God's chosen children. He desires them to live the right way, to be an example before the heathen nations.
Moses touches on an unusual situation-What does a man do with a beautiful captured woman that has captured his heart?

Such a woman would be from a non-Canaanite city that Israel had captured (20:4) since all the Canaanites were to be killed (20:16).
According to ancient war customs, a female captive became the servant of the victors, a prisoner of war. If this beautiful woman's conqueror desired marriage with her, there were some procedures that he must follow:
  • The man was instructed to bring the woman into the Israeli man's house, giving her the rights of a daughter of Israel (Ex. 21:7).
  • One month was to elapse before they married. It was a sign of cleansing (Lev. 14:8; Num. 8:7).
  • This time allowed her to sorrow for the loss of her parents as she left home to marry a stranger.
  • The typical signs of Jewish grief included: shaving the head, trimming the nails (signs of purification), removing her lovely, captive clothes (symbolic of passing out of the state of slavery).
  • This action gave her opportunity to forget her natural affection for her people and for her father's house.
  • However, if the Israelite husband found no delight in her, and decided divorce was appropriate, he could let her go; but he could not sell her as a slave. She would be set free completely.
[References: The MacArthur Bible Commentary, Liberty Bible Commentary]

We believing women are beautiful daughters of the King-King Jesus. We have captivated His heart, not by any thing we are or have done, but by His grace and love.

Ephesians 1:5 says, Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.

Is our inner countenance showing us to be a beautiful spiritual woman? Is our loving, humble spirit what draws attention to us, others to us, or is it a shallow outward beauty? Are we striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman? How will we honor our Savior today? Has Jesus captured your heart?


What were the Israelites to do when their son was stubborn and rebellious? When he would not obey his parents' chastening?
  • According to the fifth commandment (Ex. 20:120, the son was to be stoned to death by the men of the town, not the parents.
  • The parents were to take this rebellious son to the elders at the gate of their town.(verse 19)
  • They charge the son with being a glutton and a drunkard. (verse 20) It showed he was unmanageable.

If a man would not obey his parents, he would not obey God, nor was he likely to obey civil authority. It would be punishing crime in its embryonic form. (Falwell)

Plus, rebellion could spread throughout the town. Stoning put fear into people so they would put away evil ways. Do we want our sins on display?

The last two verses in this chapter speaks about men being hung on a tree until dead for certain crimes. After his execution, the man's body was to remain on the tree as a public display of the consequences of disobedience. It was to be removed and buried before sunset.

A man hanged was accursed of God, as verse 23 tells us.
Galatians 3:13-14 NIV says, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

Thank You Jesus for redeeming us Gentiles and making us Your child. Such mercy!


Take any stubbornness and rebellion to Jesus for removal.

Allow Jesus to make me into a beautiful spiritual woman.

Thank Jesus for loving us Gentiles and redeeming us.

Share the love of Jesus with someone today.

Monday, November 17, 2014

An Unsolved Murder

O. T. #410  "An Unsolved Murder"
November 18, 2014
Deuteronomy 21-Part 1
So you will purge from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the eyes of the LORD.  Deuteronomy 21:9


I have been watching the reruns of the old detective television show Matlock. They have the same scenario of a murder being committed, an innocent person accused of the murder, and this lawyer solves the situation of who did it. Did you know Israel was given instructions about the way to handle an unsolved murder? Read on.

What could happen in the land of Israel to make it polluted?
The answer is found in Numbers 36:33-34:33-34, where the LORD says, Bloodshed pollutes the land and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell, for I, the LORD, dwell among the Israelites.

In the event that the guilty party of an unsolved homicide was unknown, justice could not adequately be serve. However, the people were still held responsible to deal with the crime. The elders were to break the neck of a heifer, indicating that the crime deserved to be punished. They washed their hands over the heifer, whose blood ran into a stream and not on the land. The priests were involved in the ceremony, but not performing the sprinkling of blood.

Verse 8 tells us that the elders of the city, after making a sacrifice of a heifer's blood, for an unsolved homicide occurring there, were to say: Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it. Be merciful, O LORD, unto thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, and lay not innocent blood unto my people of Israel's charge. and the blood shall be forgiven them.

In Hebrew language, the word redeemed means ransom; to release; preserve; rescue.

When the Levites and elders of the city of the location of the unsolved murder followed the instructions for the atonement of an unsolved murder, the Lord assures Israel in verse 9:
So you will purge from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the eyes of the LORD.

When Israel followed God's instructions, He honored His Word by taking away their guilt of bloodshed through murder. It required a blood sacrifice, a substitutionary atonement, which was looking forward to the work of Jesus on the cross for sinners.

[Resources: Guzik's Bible Commentary, Liberty Bible Commentary, The MacArthur Bible Commentary]

Have we killed another person? I'm not referring to physically taking their life, but their witness. I am guilty today for saying something bad about another. I asked forgiveness of my Lord for that sin. I should have had better control of my tongue.

At the trial of Jesus, found in Matthew 27:24, Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere and an uproar of the crowd started. What did he do? Pilate took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. It was an empty gesture. He said, I am innocent of this man's blood. It is your responsibility.
How did the crowd respond? Let his blood be on us and on our children!
And so it is-the Jews killed their own Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Jesus gave His innocent blood to be shed as a sacrifice for sinners like you and me. Such love!
What am I willing to sacrifice for others to find the love of God?


Do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Give to others so they experience the love of God.

Watch my mouth and control what comes out of it glorifies God.


O. T. #409                       "Trees"
November 17, 2014
Deuteronomy 20-Part 2
When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to the, because you can eat their fruit. do not cut them down. Deuteronomy 20:19a


Trees. I take them for granted. I anticipate their green leaves in the early spring, after their baroness in the winter. Oh, the juicy apples, peaches, cherries, and pears to eat fresh. (Nothing like the variety of luscious fruits in the tropical countries.) Also, I enjoy the pecans and walnuts they produce in the fall just in time for holiday baking. Such beauty to see in our area of the array of colored leaves before they fall off. Just this morning I watched two huge red headed woodpeckers catch insects in our tree in the front yard. We are so blessed.
Did you know God gave Israel specific instructions dealing with trees? Continue to find out about it.

Have you ever thought about what the earth was like back in the Old Testament times?  We would all agree that the Lord created trees. Did you know there were trees in the middle east area back then? Yes, God blessed the people with regular trees and fruit trees. I know this because He gave instructions to Israel involving the trees of the field in verses 19-20.

When besieging a city, armies in the ancient world would cut down the trees to build ramps and weapons, as well as facilities for the long siege. However, Israel was not to use fruit trees in the siege of a city so they could later enjoy the fruit of the land God had given to them (7:12,13)  (MacArthur)

Do we even think about the value of trees? They provide shade in the hot summer, fuel in the cold winter, fruit and nuts for food, structure for buildings and furniture, beauty in the fall season, and decorating in the Christmas season. Also, trees provide homes and food for birds and squirrels. As I learned in school, the leaves take in the carbon dioxide that we give off, then give off oxygen that we breathe in, so there is a balance in our air and meeting our need. How wise is our God!

Now, I don't advocate going to extremes about loving trees, never cutting them down, nor making idols out of them. All of God's creation has its purpose. We are to worship the Creator, not the creation.

Are we thankful for the little things God provides for us? What kind of world would it be without them?


In this chapter, we read about the humanitarian principles which applied to time of war under the Mosaic law. We have discussed the duties of the priests encouraging the soldiers before hand, the officers and soldiers who were exempted from service.
What about the cities they were going to conquer in Canaan?
  • First, Israel was to offer the city a chance to surrender peacefully before they attacked. Included in this agreement was their tribute collected for Israel and their subservience to the nation of Israel. The surrendered city would open the gates to signify their decision. (verses 10-13)
  • A city not surrendered was to be completely destroyed with the sword, including all men of war.
  • The women, children, and cattle were to be saved as spoil for Israel to have. These were to have lived in cities very far off. (verse 15)
  • Israel was not allowed to keep those if their cities were in the Promised Land, which God directed for six nations, to be destroyed. Since idolatry was the sins of these nations, this prevented such a constant temptation for Israel.
The plunder found in the cities provided wages for the army and met expenses.
The cities in Canaan were not even offered peace, but were to be destroyed. God was protecting His children from the social, moral, and spiritual decay into idolatry. Did Israel obey these instructions for their battles? We will see in time.

Do we follow God's instructions from His Word? Do we trust Him to know what is best for us? Are we will to make sacrifices to be the example of being set apart from the world?


Thank God for all His provisions. Appreciate the beauty of His creation.

Share His blessings with others.

Study His Word and follow His instructions for my life.

Joyfully sacrifice when it is required.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Preparing for Battles

O. T. #408  "Preparing for Battles"
November 14, 2014
Deuteronomy 20
For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.   Deuteronomy 20:4


Battles will come, that is for certain. It may come at work, at home, in the car, in the store. How do we get ready for a spiritual battle today? Is God with us, fighting for us? Are we prepared properly? I find that I fail when I fail to prepare. I can't live this Christian life on my own, so I must yield to Jesus before going out into the world to do battle. Even before I answer the phone early in the morning, I must have the Spirit leading me. Israel was told how to prepare for their battles so they could conquer their Promised Land. Will you read on with me?

This second generation of Israelites had seen and experienced some battles before they came to camp at the edge of the Jordan River.
These victories included:
  • Amalek at Rephidim (Ex. 17:8-16),
  • Amalek and Canaanites at Hormah (Num. 14:45),
  • Arad at Hormah (Num. 21:1-3),
  • Amorites at Jahaz (Num 21:21-15),
  • Bashan at Edrei (Num. 21:33-35),
  • Midian (Num. 31:1-12).
As the old saying, seeing is believing, is important. Who doesn't need encouragement, especially the military, who can grow weary in the fighting in the battles?
What were Moses' encouraging instructions?
  • Even when it looks like the enemy has more horses, chariots, and people than they had, do not be afraid of them, for the LORD thy God is with thee. Remember He brought you out of Egypt. (verse 1)
  • Trust in the Lord; He gives victory.
  • Their priests were to give an exhortation before each battle. They were serving as chaplains to men facing death. (verse 2)
  • They were to say, "Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them." (verse 3) (Liberty Bible Commentary)
Victory by Israel was dependent upon their obedience to God. (Even down to the instruction of not cutting down fruit trees.)

The role of the priests was to encourage the soldiers by God's promise, presence, and power to be strong in faith. A lack of trust in God's ability to fight for them would affect the strength of their will so that they would become fainthearted. Victory was linked to their faith in God.  (MacArthur)

Later one, David challenged the Philistine champion, only nine foot and nine inches tall, giant Goliath as he cursed David by his gods. Mockery and fierceness of one giant did not shake David's confidence and faith in His God. We read how that turned out in 1 Samuel 17, with David killing the giant, armed with only 5 smooth stones and a sling shot.

Do we have that kind of faith as we fight spiritual battles in our life? Who do we trust in when we have financial problems, marital issues, shaky job situations, children going astray? Will we cower down or ask God for Him to give the victory?


The officers' duties included keeping geological tables, appointing men to battle, and releasing others from battle.
There were four exemptions of men  serving in Israel's volunteer army, excusing them from battle:
  1. If any man built a new house and had not lived in it yet;
  2. If any man had planted a new vineyard and not eaten of its fruit (harvested);
  3. If a man was engaged and not yet married;
  4. If any man was fearful and cowardly, since he would discourage the other soldiers. (Falwell)
After the officers had eliminated those who should not go into battle, their duty was to appoint captains to lead the troops. (verse 9)

Of course, the men needed to be fully committed to fighting for their land and nation and not be distracted by those things listed above.

What distracts us from reading God's Word and praying in the morning before we start our daily chores or work? Does our duties of our house, job, marriage? Are we prepared for a spiritual battle today or are we fearful? Will we run away from the fight for the right or stand firm in our faith?
Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the whole armor of God so we can stand against the ways of the devil.
Are we suited up for a spiritual battle today? We need salvation, righteousness, truth, peace, faith, and the sword of the Spirit, His Word.
God can give victory to us as He did to Israel.
Hang in there dear ones.

Ann Voskamp says, "Be a prayer warrior, not a panicked warrior."
such good advice.


Keep God as my number one priority, serving Him daily.

Study His Word, growing in faith and obedience of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Be alert to the need to take a stand for Jesus against sin.

Allow God to give the victory when I am told to not fight.

Give God the glory for the victories.

Daily put on the armor of God.

*Thank you for praying for our mission team this week. Many were saved while they were in the Dominican Republic. Today they fly home, so please say a prayer of safety and strong health. I'll have more details next week, since I do not have any yet. Have a great weekend, ya'll.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Witness

O. T. #407  "A Witness"
November 13, 2014
Deuteronomy 19-Part 2
And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.  Deuteronomy 19:21


Yesterday, I went into a party store looking for ideas on decorations for our Vacation Bible School in the summer. A young man was checking me out. Somehow, during our chit-chat, he mentioned that he had been made to attend a Christian school. Also, both sets of grandparents forced him to their church on the weekends, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. He didn't have anything to do with either one now.
Without sounding too preachy, I tried to plant the seed for this confused guy. I encouraged him to not look at the people, because we are all sinners. Only one did not sin-Jesus. The Bible is not just a storybook, but is true and living Word of God. Faith in Jesus is what we need. I felt compassion for this mixed up guy. I asked his name and said I would pray for him.
Later, I thought of many things I could have shared with him, but obviously I was not supposed to water, but only plant the truth of Jesus. I pray others will come along and do that. Who knows, maybe he will be there the next time I go to that store and can witness more to that young man. I was happy to be a witness for Jesus.

Moses laid down the Law concerning false witnesses:
  • One witness was not enough to convict an accused man of any crime or offense. (verse 15)
  • The matter required 2-3 witnesses to settle his guilt. (verse 15)
  • If one witness is proven wrong by two other witnesses, then that one is considered a false witness. They must stand in the presence of the Lord and before priests and judges. (verses 16-17)
  • The judges thoroughly investigate the one's testimony. If he is proven to have been a liar in the matter, then they were to do to the false witness as he intended to do to his brother. (verses 18-19)
  • Israel was to purge the evil from among them-capital punishment. It was so others would hear of the matter and no do the same. (verse 20)
What kind of witness are well for our Lord Jesus? Is our life showing others the Truth? Are we always telling the truth?


In verse 20, we read of the "law of retaliation." It was the principle of legal justice, given so the punishment of a criminal would not be too strict or too lenient. (Exodus 21:23-24; Leviticus 24:20)

Exodus 21:23-24 says, And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

This law limited the amount of retaliation. Certainly, a man could not be killed if he caused another to loose an eye, tooth, hand, or foot.

It was an exact punishment; it was fair; it was publicly administered; yet in many such cases a just and equitable fine or replacement of damaged property was accomplished. (Falwell)

Jesus confronted the Jews of His day for taking this law out of the courts and using it for purposes of personal vengeance (Matt. 5:38-42).  (MacArthur)

In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us:
  • If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
  • I someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
  • If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
  • Give to the one who asks you.
  • Do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
These are a big glass of tea, friend. It separates us as loving followers of Jesus from the rest of the world.
What kind of witness are we?


Give and forgive.


Be Jesus' witness with my words and my life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Preparing for the Worst

O. T. #406  "Preparing for the Worst"
November 12, 2014
Deuteronomy 19-Part 1
Thou shalt prepare thee a way...  Deuteronomy 19:2a


My road of life has been filled with many challenges. Since I have an inflammatory disease called Crohns, there have been complications which effect my body due to it. Right now, I am trying to get the inflammation  under control because it is effecting my right eye. I have floaters with strings, which can develop a detached retina. I sure don't want to have surgery to correct it. Seeing the potential seriousness of my situation, (pun intended) I am in need of my Savior preparing and helping me along this way He has me traveling on in my journey of life. I need His strength and love to continue on this rough road. I am getting ready for the worst scenario. Would you please remember me in prayer?
Israel was told to prepare a way. continue reading with me and find out to where it led.

Moses is giving instructions to Israel concerning interpersonal and human relationships, social and community order.

If the Israelites had been faithful in following the Lord fully, then He would have enlarged their territory in the boundaries promised in the Abrahamic covenant. (Gen. 15:18-21) (MacArthur)

If that had happened, then three more cities of refuge would have been needed, making a total of nine. There was to be established three east and three west of the Jordan River, first. (We read about the cities of refuge in Numbers 35.) These cities protected a murderer while waiting for their trial. This promise depended upon the faithfulness of Israel to God, described in verse 9. They were to love God, walk in His ways, and do His commands.

We seem to want the blessings without the obedience. It doesn't work that way.


Verse 3 says, Thou shalt prepare thee a way.

Israel was to build roads to these cities of refuge.

Clarke's Commentary explains this, "The Jews inform us that the roads to the cities of refuge were made very broad, thirty-two cubits; and even, so that there should be no impediments in the way; and were constantly kept in good repair."

John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying "Repent" and spoke of Isaiah 40, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make His paths straight.  That was what John was doing, as he was in reference to Jesus, the coming Messiah.

I recall hearing in the form of a beautiful Christmas song, Isaiah 40:4, Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

In John 14:6, Jesus reminds us that He is The Way.
Jesus goes before us, preparing our way, we are not alone along the way. Sometimes the way can seem lonely, too difficult, never ending, and rough to travel. We need to turn to Jesus to help us get out our ruts, out of the fog, out of our problems and trial. His outstretched arm is not too short, friend. He can find us, reach down to us and pull us out, up, into His loving arms. He can fill us with faith and courage to continue on the path He has assigned us to travel.

Removing stumbling blocks, mending bridges, filling in the potholes could have been needful in keeping the way to the cities of refuge. They can also be methods we should use in repairing relationships. Love goes a long way in fixing things. It can require us to have humility.

Are we showing people the way to Christ? Are we assisting them on their broken road? Will we help them find the faith they need to speedily come to Jesus?


Let go of my fears, doubts, struggles, lack of faith.

Trust God that His way for me is best for me and for His glory.

Stay on that narrow path of faith and don't stray off in my own direction.

Follow Jesus on my road of faith.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


O. T. #405  "Battles" 
November 11, 2014
Veteran's Day

Weight gain, finances, family issues, employment-we all seem to have some kind of battle in our life at one time or the other. Our nation is in a battle of good verses evil. Not only are we being attacked by the enemy outside our gates, but we are attacked inside, also. Have you noticed that our morals are being attacked. Life by God's standards is falling by the wayside for many.

I am so grateful for those in our military who have laid down their life for us to live in a free nation. So many wars and battles, so many fighting to protect their families and freedom. And it continues today, the fighting against evil ones.

Are you in a battle in your own life? Lay it down at the foot of Jesus. He can handle anything and everything.

As the lad David stood before the giant Goliath we read in 1 Samuel 17:47: And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and He will give you into our hands.

Will you give the battle into the Lord's hands?

Will you join me in praying for our troops and those making decisions in America?

Monday, November 10, 2014

True and False Prophets

O. T. #404  "True and False Prophets"
November 10, 2014
Deuteronomy 18-Part 2
I will raise up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth: and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.  Deuteronomy 18:18


Can we distinguish between a true prophet of God and a false prophet, following Satan?
We find the answer in this chapter. Read on friends.

In verse 15, Moses tells Israel that God will raise up a Prophet  from their midst. He would mediate between God and man. We know this prophecy is in reference to Jesus Christ. Like Moses, the coming Messiah would receive and preach divine revelation and lead His people (John 1:21, 25, 43-45; 7:40)

The MacArthur Bible Commentary suggests Jesus was like Moses in several ways:
  • spared death as a baby; (Ex. 2; Matt. 2:13-23)
  • renounced a royal court; (Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 11:24-27)
  • had compassion on His people; (Num. 27:17; Matt. 9:36)
  • made intercession for the people; (Deut. 9:18; Heb. 7:25)
  • spoke with God face to face; (Ex. 34:29-30; 2 Cor. 3:7)
  • was the mediator of a covenant. (Deut. 29:1; Heb. 8:6-7)
Philip told Nathanael, "We have found Him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophet, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." (John 1:45)
Later in John 5:46, Jesus said, "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me."

Moses was a true prophet of God and Jesus was the prophecy fulfilled, the Living Word.
Are we reading and heeding the Word?


How would Israel know if the prophet was truly speaking for God or was a false prophet?
Verse 22 (NIV) answered that question: If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously.

Israel was warned to not follow after, copy, imitate, nor do the heathen practices of the polytheistic Canaanites. Moses gave 9 detestable practices of the Canaanites that Israel was to avoid in verses 10 and 11:
  1. sacrificing children in the fire (12:31) as worship to Molech their god;
  2. witchcraft, seeking to determine the will of the gods by examining and interpreting omens;
  3. soothsaying, attempting to control the future through power given by evil spirits;
  4. interpreting omens, telling the future based on signs;
  5. sorcery, inducing magical effects by drugs or some other potion;
  6. conjuring spells, binding other people by magical muttering;
  7. being a medium, one who supposedly communicates with the dead, but actually communicates with demons;
  8. being a spiritist, one who has an intimate acquaintance with the demonic, spiritual world;
  9. calling up the dead, investigating and seeking information from the dead.
[Resources: Guzik Bible Commentary; The MacArthur Bible Commentary]

Do we see people interested in such evil things? Their source is from the Devil and His demons. These modern practices may come in the form of ecology focused on saving the earth, as their god; feminism as rebellion against God; white and black witchcraft; astrology; psychics and fortune-tellers; dealing in perfume, drug, and herbal use; casting spells on people; profess the ability to call up departed people from the realm of the dead (medium); psychic hotlines for money, but a fraud; necromancy, conjuring up or contacting dead.

People who dabble in it open themselves up to becoming overwhelmed by a demon. This is real, folks. We need to be warning others of such dangerous things. These detestable things God hates.

We are to remain blameless in a holy walk with Jesus. (Acts 19:19-20).
Also, Jesus is our true Prophet to come. (1 Cor. 14:29; 1 John 4:1; Jeremiah 23:28)


Turn from evil and turn toward God.

Learn what pleases my God and faithfully do them.

Obey God's Word and His Spirit.

Friday, November 7, 2014


O. T. #403  "Ministering"
November 7, 2014
Deuteronomy 18-Part 1
For the LORD thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever.  Deuteronomy 18:5


Do we stand and minister in the name of the Lord? Do we willingly serve God? We don't have to have a paid position on staff of a church to do so. I wonder where this country road of faith that I am on will lead me today in God's service. I am walking with Jesus. Will you join me to walk by faith?

(Please pray for my husband and his mission team of four other men from our church and association who are flying today to the Dominican Republic to share the good news of Jesus in evangelistic services. They will return next Friday. Thanks friends.)
Shall we talk about the priests of Israel?

The twelve tribes of Israel (sons of Jacob) made up the new nation of Israel. One of those tribes were the descendants of Levi. The men of this tribe or family served God and their brethren as priests and prophets.

Additional information is given to us in Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible:
Care was taken that the priests entangle not themselves with the affairs of this life, nor enrich themselves with the wealth of this world; they had better things to mind. the welfare and husbandry were both spiritual and enough to fill their hands both with work and profit, and to content them. The new covenant believers believe God to be all-sufficient.
The Levites were assigned cities to them located throughout the land of Israel. (Numbers 35:1-8; Joshua 21) Priests lived near the central sanctuary, where they went to perform their duties. (1 Chron. 6:57-60) The Levites assisted the priests. (Numbers 3;4;8) If a Levite desired to go to the central sanctuary to minister there in the Lord's name, he was permitted to do so, as well as receive equal support along with other Levites.  (MacArthur)

Jesus Christ is our mediator, our High Priest. The Word describes Christians as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.  (1 Peter 2:9)

Do we act as one of the royal priesthood should act?


In this chapter, the function of these offices is given by Moses.

The priests were:
  • paid ministers;
  • received no land inheritance with the rest of the tribes; (verse 2)
  • ate sacrifices of ox or sheep (meat for their food) to the LORD by fire;
  • supported by gifts and offerings of God's people; (verse 3)
  • allowed to eat the shoulder, two cheeks, and stomach of each animal; (verse 3)
  • allowed to eat of the first fruits of the people-grain (corn), new wine, oil, and keep the fleece of the sheep; (verse 4)
  • chosen by God out of all the tribes to stand to minister in His name, to the LORD and the people; (verse 5)
  • to stand before the LORD; (verse 7)
  • to share equally in the benefits of the Israelites, receiving what should be sacrificed to the Lord.(verse 8)
Liberty Bible Commentary explains:

The priests were willing to stand and minister in the name of the Lord. when they obeyed God and served Him with all willing heart, the people brought their sacrifices; and the priests prospered with food. When the priests became hard-hearted, Israel did not respond; and the priests went hungry. Also, the priests were allowed to visit in the homes of Israelites who did not live near God's chosen place of worship. When the priest visited in a home, he was to expect all the desire of his mind, which means that he was to be given the food that he requested.

Are we treating our pastors with such respect as Israel's priests were shown?


Keep focused on Jesus and His Word, not the materialism around me.

Pray for others, interceding as a priest of Jesus.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Which Way?

O. T. #402  "Which Way?"
November 6, 2014
Deuteronomy 17-Part 2
... since the LORD has said to you, "You shall never again return that way." 
Deuteronomy 17:16c NAS


Have you ever come to crossroads in your life and you wonder which way is the right way? We try to choose the right way, but sometimes it ends up being the wrong way. I can't go back and change things, even if I wanted to. We sometimes have to make decisions and go forward with them. Surely I can learn from the past mistakes and wrong decisions. When it's time to go forward, don't look back. Learn to live with it. Have a grateful heart, even if things used to be better. Hey, I'm talking to myself here. So my attitude should be one of looking at what God is doing in my life presently and hopeful for the future. Walk by faith, not by sight.

That first generation of Israelites kept wanting to return to Egypt after they just got out of there. God had freed them from slavery and they became slaves to their own fleshly desires. They were complaining and grumbling about the food (manna) and water supply (or lack of). I didn't read about them complaining about the heat of the desert, having to walk and carry their belongings, wear the same clothes day after day, for forty years.
Some of this second generation of Israelites grew up hearing all those complaints. I recon God knew their tendencies would be the same, living by the flesh not the spirit, walking by sight not faith, lacking trust in God and turning to empty idols.

Been there, done that. Let the past be in the past.
Look at the key verse. the word way in Hebrew means a mode of action; manner; a course of life; a road.

Never again Israel was to return to Egypt's course of life, way of life-worshiping idols, false gods. The Lord wanted to be their one and only God, the love of their life, their provider, protector. Their way was to be His way for them to live. He gave them instructions time and time again. Also, God kept warning His children of the consequences of sin.

Who is our way of life? Jesus told Thomas, in John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Am we living our way or God's way? He is the Light of the World to show us The Way. Are we trusting in our ways or the world's ways? Through the difficult times we need to continue to stand firm, following Jesus, not return to our old way, the way of flesh, our natural way.


In the verses 14-20, Moses gives Israel the laws and rules for their kings. Israel was allowed to have a king, if they wanted one. That is why God gave them certain rules for him to follow.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary gives the do's and don'ts for Israel's future king:
  1. He must be a Jew.
  2. He shall write for himself a copy of the Law.
  3. He shall read his copy of the Law all the days of his life.
  4. He shall fear the Lord.
  5. He shall observe all the words of the Law.
  6. Neither he nor the people shall multiply horses.
  7. He shall not return to Egypt.
  8. He shall not multiply wives for himself.
  9. He shall not greatly increase silver and gold for himself.
  10. He shall not lift his heart up above his people.
  11. He shall not turn aside from God's commandments.  
The king of Israel was to avoid personal status and physical and material indulgences. In other words, he was to stay humble before God and the people.

If we are a leader, what is our attitude? Are they to serve us or are we to serve them? Do we honor God with our service?


Turn from our past, the worldliness, fulfilling the desires of the flesh.

Honor God in all I do.

Walk by faith, not by sight; live in the spirit, not the flesh.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Giving Our Best

O. T. #401  "Giving Our Best" 
November 5, 2014
Deuteronomy 17-Part 1
Do not sacrifice to the LORD your God an ox or sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to Him.  Deuteronomy 17:1 NIV


Are we giving our best to God today? Or do we offer Him our leftovers after we used it? I realized that I wasn't giving my best to Him. I was in bed all weekend with a headache and a kidney infection. I realized that my drinking sodas instead of water was my cause of the infection. I was not taking care of my body in the best way so it could be an offering to the Lord's use. His grace and mercy are so good and available upon repentance. Now I want to give Him my best. By not drinking sodas, I offer them as a drink offering to the Lord. Is there something you should sacrifice to the Lord? Israel was given instructions concerning their sacrifices. Only the first verse tells us what it was.

Israel was reminded that their sacrifices were to be without blemish, defect, or flaw. Their burnt, sin, or peace offerings were to be without blemish. Exodus 23 gave us more detail.

To bring a defective sacrifice to the Lord was to bring something into the sanctuary that was forbidden. Such a sacrifice was an abomination to the Lord. To offer less than the best to God was to despise His name (Mal. 1:6-8). Offering a less than perfect sacrifice was, in effect, failing to acknowledge God as the ultimate provider of all that was best in life.  (MacArthur)

No worthless items, second best, nor cast-off things were acceptable to give as an offering to God.
This perfect sacrificial sheep or ox was symbolic of Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God, who was without sin, spot, or blemish. He offered Himself  to take away the sins of the world.

In 2 Samuel 24:18-25, we read of King David going to Araunah to buy land where his threshing floor was located, as a place to build an altar to the Lord God. Araunah offered it for free, but David refused, saying, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the thressingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

How can we do less?
Will we give out best to the Lord? He gave His all for us.


IN the rest of this chapter, Moses tells about the judicial system for Israel:
  • A person guilty of worshiping gods, idolatry, according to 2 or 3 witnesses, was to be stoned outside the city gates. (verse 2-7)
  • If local judges had cases too difficult for them to judge, they were to take it before the high court. It was not a court of appeal, but took only cases which the lower court referred to them. (verse 8)
  • The Levites were to interpret the Law and the judges were to inquire of them. (verses 9-13)
  • The judges were to make their decisions according to the Torah, as taught by the Levites assigned to them. Israel was thus commanded not to act presumptuously, but to hearken unto the priest.
[Resource: Liberty Bible Commentary]

We need to pray for our Supreme Court Judges and the decisions they make for our nation. Pray they will seek the Word of God for their direction.

Do we seek the Word for directions when making our decisions?


Give my best to the Lord.

Leave earthly knowledge and seek heavenly wisdom in my decision making.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Go Vote

O. T. #400  "Go Vote"
November 4, 2014
Deuteronomy 16-Part 2
Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the LORD your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly.  Deuteronomy 16:18  NIV


What an appropriate time to study about the appointment civil leaders. Today I am working at our local polls so others can vote for our state officials and issues. As you vote, I hope you have considered the issues in light of Biblical principles. I voted early so I can help out. It is time for Christians to rise up and put a stop the legalizing sinful ways, such as abortion, liquor sales, drugs, homosexual marriages. Go vote, friends, and make your voice heard. It is such a privilege in our nation and our Christian obligation. 

Moses reminded Israel about their religious obligations in the first part of this chapter. Now we read about God's commands concerning their civil leaders.
First, was the appointment of judges and other officials in each town.
Second, was the higher judicial court for more difficult cases.
Third, he established the foundation for the future selection of a king.
The nation as a whole was addressed and obligated to appoint judges and officials. Apparently, the leaders were appointed by their age, wisdom, and leadership within the community. (Falwell)

Judges and officials were to not accept bribes, for it perverted their ability to judge fairly.
People should not use money or privileges to persuade leaders their way, which may not be the right way.

Are we looking for spiritual people to hold offices, those who seek God's will in matters?


In verses 21-22, God tells Israel to not plant a grove of trees near the altar of the LORD.. This was because trees were used to make altars and idols for the heathen worship of their false gods. This was one of the Ten Commandments, not making a graven image and worshiping it.
Are we careful in our worship?


Vote for people who live by Biblical standards.

Pray for our nation to return to God and His principles of living.

Watch out for idols.

Monday, November 3, 2014


O. T. #399  "Remember"
November 1, 2014
Deuteronomy 16-Part 1
Do not eat it with bread made with yeast, but for seven days eat unleavened bread, the bread of affliction, because you left Egypt in haste-so that all the days of your life you may remember the time of your departure from Egypt.   Deuteronomy 16:3 NIV


The key word at Passover time was the word remember. (verse 3) God wanted the Israelites to never forget what He had done for them in settling them free from slavery in Egypt. They were to eat unleavened bread, without yeast, which represented sin, and a sacrificial lamb, whose blood covered their sins. Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper, remembering Lord's giving His body and blood as our sacrifice. (Matt. 26;26-30; Luke 22:14-19; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)

Do we remember what the Lord Jesus did for us as He gave His life so we would not have to pay for our sins? Thank you Jesus!


Moses reminds the Israelites about the commands concerning the three feasts. All the men over age twenty were to appear at the centrally appointed place of worship. Families were to attend, if possible,  These three feasts mentioned here were:
  1. Feast of the Passover-Only a sacrificial lamb was eaten on that day, in memory of the time in Egypt when God passed over the Hebrews under the blood post, when He killed the first born of the Egyptians. It was done in the spring. (verses 2-8)
  2. Feast of Pentecost or Feast of Weeks-It was held 50 days after Passover and others could come. (verses 9-12)
  3. Feast of the Tabernacles-It was celebrated in the seventh month. They lived in booths or tents during this time. (verses 13-25) (Falwell)
As New Testament Christians, we celebrate the birth our Savior and His resurrection at Easter. Are we offering ourselves when we celebrate those special times?


Remember all that the Lord has done for me.

Share with other what He has done.

Daily thank the Lord for my salvation.