Monday, August 11, 2014

Death of 3 in 1 Family in 1 Year

O. T. #340  "Death of 3 in 1 Family in 1 Year"
August 11, 2014
Numbers 20
... and Miriam died there, and was buried there.  Numbers 20:1d


Do you have any siblings who have died before you? So far, my sister, who turns 70, and my brother, who turns 67, this year, are still living. However, back in 1980, my husband's little brother drowned in a lake at age 20. Death can bring a family closer or wedge it apart. Which will it be for you? Which was it for Moses' family?

There was no special deal, arrangement, nor exceptions for the family of Moses with the LORD. All of the generation 20 years and older would die in the wilderness, except for Joshua and Caleb. (Numbers 14:30) (Guzik)

All three, Miriam, Aaron, and Moses, died in a space of one year. Miriam was first to die, at age 130,  four months before Aaron died, (Numbers 33:38), and eleven months before Moses died at age 120 (Deut. 34).

What does Guzik say about the life of Miriam?
  • She showed  great courage in assisting baby Moses and her parents. (Ex. 2:4-8)
  • She lead Israel in praise to God. (Ex. 15:20-21)
  • However, she is disgraced for her rebellion against Moses. (Numbers 12:1-16)
The one incident of rebellion left a black mark on Miriam's whole life, though she was white with leprosy.
What are we going to be remembered for-our good or bad deeds?


In this chapter, we read of the parting of two dear brothers. It was time for Aaron was to die.

David Guzik described Aaron's life as:
  • being used mightily as Moses' partner (in serving the Lord)( Exodus 4:27-31);
  • used to initiate the priesthood (Lev. 8:1-36);
  • used to plead with Moses for the people (before God) (Numbers 6:1-50, 17:1-13);
  • an instrumental in the grotesque debacle of the golden calf (Ex. 32:1-35),
  • and in challenging Moses' authority along with Miriam (Num. 12:1-16).
Aaron's life shows the office is more important than the man himself. Aaron the man wasn't worthy of respect, but Aaron the high priest was worthy of honor. No one's relationship with God in Israel was to depend on Aaron but on the high priest-whomever he was. God has ensured there will always be a high priest for us to come to in Jesus (Heb. 4:14-16) and we need not depend on any man for our relationship with God.

Aaron submits and dies in the method and manner appointed, with much cheerfulness as if he would have been going to bed. He was neither afraid nor ashamed to die. His going up the hill to die signified that the death of saints is their ascension. (Matthew Henry)

Moses represents the law, Miriam represents the prophets, and Aaron represents the priests, which could not lead Israel into the Promised Land. Only Joshua, JESUS, could do that.

(Moses' death is described in Deuteronomy 34.)

Is our faithfulness to God going to outweigh our unfaithfulness?
Are we ready to let go of this life for the one in eternity? Have you made preparation for your day in which you die? In order to go to heaven, you must know Jesus as your Savior, for He is the Way.


Prepare to cross over into eternity.

Love people to Jesus while I am waiting.

Be sure my siblings are ready to go.

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