Monday, January 27, 2014


O. T. #216  "Reading"
Jan. 28, 2013
Exodus 24-Part 1
Moses wrote down everything the LORD had said.  Exodus 24:4


I remember learning to read in the first grade. It was a skill that I struggled to master. I don't recall being excited about it, though. In fact, my teacher gave me homework for Mom to help me practice my reading. I didn't go to kindergarten because I was sin in bed for six months recuperating. That probably caused me to be slower at learning the letters and sounds. Finally, I was able to learn it. What a world of words is available to us through the written language. Little did I know that fifty years later I would be writing a Bible study which is read throughout the world.
Isn't it wonderful that God has not only given us His Word, but He has given us languages? Shall we see what Moses' words have to say to us?

Finally, we made it through chapter 23 and all those laws which God gave to Moses for the Israelites.
What did Moses do with the Word of God, now that he had it?
  • Moses wrote down everything the Lord had said, all the words. (verse 4)
  • Moses read it to the people. (verse 7)
It was important enough that it wasn't to be felt up to human recollection and creative nature of memory. God's word had to be written down.  (Guzik)

The Book of the Covenant contained not only this detailed enlargement of the Decalogue (20:22-23:33), but also the Ten Commandments themselves (20:1-17) and the preliminary abbreviated presentation of the treaty (19:3-6).

Aren't you glad that we have the written Word of God?
2 Timothy 3:16 says, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

When God's Word is heard, it is to be responded to.

How do we respond when we hear about our sins, or things we need to correct in our life?
Do we lay it aside and go on our merry way? Or do we take it seriously and make changes?


God made a covenant with His chosen nation of Israel. He expected them to make a covenant with Him, also.

How did the people respond to the Word?
  • With one voice, they said, All the words which the Lord hath said will we do. (verse 3)
  • They offered a peace offering of an oxen to the Lord. (verse 5)
  •  After they heard the Book of the Covenant, the people said, All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient. (verse 7)
Moses sprinkled the blood of the covenant on the people.
Believers are sprinkled by the blood of Christ in a spiritual sense and are committed to obey His will (1 Peter 1:2) (Wiersbe)

MacArthur says that the sprinkling of the blood officially sealed the treaty with blood.

Are we committed to a life of obedience to Jesus? What a blessed life that is!

David Guzik gives us some things to consider:
The covenant was made in the context of sacrifice. Sacrifice admits our own sin and failing before God, and addressing that need through the death of a substitute. Our covenant with God is based on His Word, His terms, not our own words or terms. God would not negotiate His covenant with Israel nor force it upon them. They must freely respond. Covenant is made with an application of blood. Blood represents life of a being. (Matt. 26:28; Heb. 13:20-21)

We have a new covenant involving the blood that Jesus Christ shed for our sins. Sweet one, have you accepted this sacrifice and asked Him to forgive you of your sins? You can today.


Daily read God's Word.

Believe God's Word is written to me.

Obey the Word of God when I hear it.

Offer myself as a sacrifice unto God.

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