Thursday, November 14, 2013

Which is Better?

O.T. #169  "Which is Better?"
Nov. 14, 2013
Exodus 14-Part 1
So the Israelites did this.  Exodus 14:4


After reading our key verse, you may wonder what the Israelites did. They were in a dilemma. Which is better-to stay a slave, in bondage to sin, walk by sight, or to be free and walk by faith in Almighty God? Sometimes we face the same thing. I had.

God gave Moses some specific instructions as to where to go. Here we see two million Israelites camped by a peaceful sea.
Meanwhile, back in Egypt...
Pharaoh the king and his servants changed their minds about letting the Israelites leave Egypt. They lost a large labor force that could lead to an economic disaster. Also, with the defeat of their gods, by the LORD, they were insulted.

What did God do?
  • He hardened Pharaoh's heart again.
  • He caused the Egyptians to follow after the Israelites.
  • He would gain glory from Pharaoh and his army.
  • The Egyptians would know that God is the LORD.
Have you ever changed your mind? As women, we often do, don't we?
Do we allow God to change our mind and heart?
Do you wonder how good can turn out of this?


It wasn't just Pharaoh and his servants who went after the Israelites. He had his chariot and 600 other chariots ready to pursue the Israelites. Here we see Pharaoh with his horsemen, troops, chariots, a huge army marching toward the campers.

Here was the dilemma the Israelites had-do they give up and surrender to the Egyptian army or do they trust God to deliver them again?

How did the Israelites react?
  • They were terrified and cried out to the LORD.
  • They asked Moses why he brought them out into the wilderness to die.
  • They told Moses it would have been better for them to have served the Egyptians than to die in the desert.
I am going to leave the story there until tomorrow. If you wonder how it turns out, finish reading chapter 14.

Does our faith in God waver at times?
Do we long for the good ole days, even if they were not so good?


Stay focused on Jesus.

Don't look back, but look forward.

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