Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Personal Encounter

N.T.#459 "A Personal Encounter"

Jan. 7, 2025 

Mark16-Part 2 


Have you had a personal encounter with Jesus? today's lesson informs us a woman who did. Read on, dear one.

Who was the first one to witness the resurrected Jesus Christ? That privilege was given to Mary Magdalene because of her unreserved dedication. Her Lord had delivered Mary from 7 devils. 

We read of the personal encounter she had with the Risen Jesus in John 20:11-18:

  • She was weeping, grieved, sorrowful, so much so that Mary doesn't recognize Jesus standing in the tomb with her. 
  • Mary stooped down and looked into the empty tomb.
  • She wants to know where the Lord's body is lying so she can complete the embalming process. 
  • This happened after Peter and John ran to the garden and tomb, then left. 
  • This good woman, loving and faithful woman, spoke with the Risen Savior, yet she didn't recognize Him at first. 
  • Jesus asked Mary why she was weeping. It was like a rebuke for her as if to question her weeping when she should have been rejoicing. Her tears would be turned to gladness. 
  • Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? Jesus asked Mary Magdalene.
  • When Mary recognized Jesus and calls Him Rabboni, Master.

In John 20, there are some insights to Jesus and Mary's relationship:

  • Like any woman seeing the loved one she thought was dead, Mary must have hugged Jesus.
  • The Greek word for Touch Me not  is haptomai,  which means to cling to or to take hold of.
  • Christ told Mary to stop clinging to Him, because, by doing so, she kept the Lord there with her. His destination was to go to the Father. 
  • Mary recognized Jesus' voice. 
  • Jesus gave Mary a mission-go tell the brethren what she had seen and heard, that He ascended into heaven. (Falwell)

Do we cling to Jesus in our time of need? He will not turn us away.

Whom do we seek in our hour of need? Are we seeking Jesus? Seek and ye shall find. Mary's heart was set on finding Christ. Is our heart belonging to Jesus?

Friend, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

Mary recognized Jesus' voice. Christ's sheep know His voice. (John 10:4)

The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart. (Ps. 34:18)

Jesus ascended to His Father and our Father, to His God and our God. (verse 17)
As Christ ascended into heaven, so will believers when He calls us home to sit with Him in heavenly places. (Eph. 2:5-6)

Are we telling others that Jesus is risen from the grave?


The angels and saved souls ae praising our Risen Savior in heaven.
Holy is the Lord! Holy forever!
All creation will one day sing His praises.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Faith or Fear


Jan. 6, 2025 

Mark 15-Part14


This is the last chapter in Mark's gospel. The same women who watched where the men laid the body of Jesus came back to the tomb early in the morning as the sun rose. Obviously, they had agreed earlier to meet there at that time.  It had been three days since the horrible crucifying of Jesus. They would have needed nearly 75 pounds of aromatic resins to neutralize the smell of decay. 

On their way to the tomb, the women discussed, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? 

In the Greek language, sepulchre means a grave; tomb.

Burial caves were designed to keep grave robbers and wild animals out, so the entrance is usually covered with a massive stone wheel weighing as much as a tone or more. To open the tomb, several men would need to use levers to roll it away and then secured with a wedge.

By the time the women got to Jesus' tomb, the stone had been rolled away. This would have been perplexing and great concern. They may have assumed someone else had come to complete the burial ritual. You will recall that in Matthew 27, we read of the chief priests and scribes made a request of Pilate that the sepulchre where Jesus was laid be secure so no one stole it, saying He arose after 3 days. So they put a guard there, sealed the tomb with a stone and set up a watchman. (Matt. 27:65-66) Well, that didn't work well for them because the angel of the Lord rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it. 

Did you catch their concern? They wanted to make sure the tomb of Jesus was not made empty since He said He would rise on the third day.




Friday, January 3, 2025

When It Doesn't Make Sense

N.T.#457 "When It Doesn't Make Sense"
Jan. 3, 2025 

Mark 15-Part 13 


When unexpected things happen quickly, don't you sit and try to make sense of it all? I know I did concerning my brother's death. The doctor gave him 2 months to live because cancer was eating his live. Then five days later he was gone. Similar were the events surrounding Jesus' death. Read on to get the details.

Who is going to bury Jesus? the Sabbath was coming quickly, so it had to be done right away. The women had the spices for preparation. Where were His disciples? Weren't they going to do it? What about the tomb? So many questions unanswered. Deuteronomy 21:22-23 requires their body of an executed person be buried the same day. They better hop to it. Then up steps a man who asked Pilate for Jesus' body. It was Joseph of Arimathea. Where were Jesus' brother and sisters, closest friends, disciples?

Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

  • He was from Arimathea, not Jerusalem. Arimathea was located some15-20 miles northwest of Jerusalem. the birthplace of Samuel. 
  • He was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin council. 
  • He opposed Jesus' condemnation. (Luke 23:51)
  • Joseph boldly approached Pilate and asked for His body. (verse 43)
  • He and a few others watched the soldiers removed the Lord's corpse from the cross.  
  • Joseph, Nicodemus, and others rinsed Jesus' body, anointed it with oil and spiced resins, and then wrapped it in a linen cloth, as was customary in the Jewish traditions. John 19:39) (Swindoll)
Did you notice that Pilate marvelled (to wonder) if Jesus was already dead. Then he asked the centurion about it. The eyelids stiffen from rigor mortis immediately. Death was obvious to those observing. Rigor mortis sets in quickly if the person had been strenuous physically previously. Jesus' outstretched arms would have needed to be massaged since He was on the cross 3 hours. (Swindoll)
What love for the Messiah was demonstrated.


They laid Jesus' body in a sepulchre which was dug out of a rock. (verse 46) Located on a limestone hill with a garden close by is the place. The tomb had never been used. A great stone was rolled in the doorway. (Matt. 27:60) The group was intending to return to complete the burial process after the Sabbath.

Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were watching this take place. (Matt. 27:61) They wanted to know the location of Jesus' body so they could complete 

After a long, exhausting, traumatic day, the women sat before His tomb, staring, trying to make sense of it all. (That is how Swindoll describes them.)

Our family has often been astounded by the sudden death of our loved ones. My parents and brother went suddenly. It is like you don't get to say good by to them, share your love for them, and are alone.

But Sunday is coming! Jesus had told His followers that would all happen, yet on the third day He would rise. And it was so.

Do your loved ones believe in Jesus as their Savior and hope of eternal life? What about you?


 Trust Jesus with all your heart that He does things right.

Don't lean on your understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

We are not alone, for Jesus never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Women are Important

N.T.#456 "Women are Important"

Jan. 2, 2025 

Mark 15-Part 12


While my husband has been healing from his knee replacement, a wonderful lady in our church has brought us two meals. How appreciative I am, for I, too, was worn out from the drive, waiting, helping to keep him comfortable. Love was shown just when we needed it and a lift up of our spirits. Women can have an active part in ministering to others. Women are important to Jesus. We will see how in today's lesson.. 

In Luke 23, we read of the conversation between Jesus and the thieves on the cross, which Mark leaves out. The earth was dark for three hours, then the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. 

Then with a loud voice Jesus said, Father, into thy hands I commend My Spirit: and having said thus, He gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:46)

Time was of the essence, for the Jewish Sabbath was upon them. It began at 6PM and now it was after 3PM. Jesus' body needed to be taken off the cross and prepared for burial. 

On the darkest day in history, women stood afar off due to the soldiers. They had faithfully followed Jesus through His 3 years of ministry, tending to His and the disciples physical needs out of their own resources.  (Peter off somewhere was weeping; Judas had hung himself; other disciples left for safety sake.) Who were the women mentioned in Scriptures which stood a distance away from the cross, observing the events?

  • Mary Magdalene, who was delivered from demon-possession,
  • Mary, the mother of James the disciple and Joses,
  • Salome,
  • the mother of the disciples James and John, (Matt. 27:56)
  • Mother of Jesus,, as well as a coworker
  • Jesus' aunt,
  • Mary, the wife of Clopas. (John 19:25),
  • and many other women who came with Jesus to Jerusalem.
Those women continued to support their Master as they had since the early days in Galilee. Women tend to have a tenderness and see the needs of others. They were important or God would not have mentioned them in Scriptures.


Ladies, don't underestimate your importance in the Lord's work. We can teach the Word, provide meals for the sick and bereaved, love the unlovely, help those strays, being Jesus hands, feet, and mouth here in our little world. We can be missionaries, wives, mothers, and a friend as well as a coworker. Blessings to those who do such things.


Use us, Jesus, for kingdom work today.

Fill us with Your love to show love to others.

Help us let go of ourself and tend to others. 

To You be the glory forever and ever. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Hope in the New Year

 N.T.#455 "Hope in the New Year"

January 1, 2025 

Mark 15-Part  


Looking back, it has almost been 14 years since I started this blog. I have grown so much through studying the Bible with you. I appreciate your loyalty in joining me as we walk deeper in God's Word. It's my prayer that your walk of faith has become stronger, too. You are such a blessing to me. Last year we studied Matthew and Mark together. Now we are about to wrap up the book of Mark. 

It is always good to look back on the year. The Lord brought us through the valley of the shadow of death twice-my father in law in Jun and my brother in October. What a comfort it is to know they are with the Lord Jesus in heaven.

We were in the Temple as the veil tore from top to bottom, allowing us access to God the Father through Jesus the Son. this happened when Jesus died on the cross. (verses 37-38) The veil was a heavy curtain that separated the Most Holy Place from the rest of the Temple. (Falwell)

Jesus is our intercessor to God in our prayers.  Jesus Himself said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6)

There is no other way to enter heaven but through faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you want to know the Father and our Creator, we must come to Him through His Son Jesus. Where are you spending eternity, dear one?


In verse 39, we read about the centurion's declaration, Truly this man was the Son of God.

Jesus is our hope-in this life and after life. 

Through it all, the centurion had been in charge of Jesus, through His:

  • Stripping Jesus naked,
  • laid the cross beam on His shoulder,
  • hung the title above His head while on the cross,
  • prodded Him along the Way of suffering, 
  • got Simon to carry His burden,
  • supervised the hammering of the nails and erecting the cross,
  • witnessed the taunting of Jesus,
  • and studied the Lord's response.
This man had seen hundreds die by crucifixion. He recognized what experts of the Law did not. He saw the truth about Jesus before the Resurrection. (Swindoll)

Have you seen the Truth in the Word? Is Jesus your way of life?


Your love never fails, never gives us, never runs out on me. Such love, Lord Jesus, that You would die for us sinners.

May God be with you through this new year. 

May He fill your heart with love, cheer, and comfort. 

May mHopeany blessings are sent your way.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Dark Day That Gives Hop

N.T.#454 "The Dark Day That Gives Hope"

Dec. 31, 2024 

Mark 15-Part 10


We have all experienced dark days, but none was like the day Jesus died. Is He your hope?

Jesus could have saved Himself, but He chose to sacrifice Himself to save the world from the penalty of sin. Mark leaves out details surrounding this event. Jesus asked the Father to forgive them for didn't know what they were doing. Also, the conversation of the thieves on the and one who went to heaven. Those accounts are found in Luke 23. Then Christ tells John to take care of His mother. Jesus thirsted and they gave Him vinegar instead of water. (John 20)

It was dark from noon until 3:00 that day. The supernatural darkness was a sign of God's judgment .It was as if nature could not bear to look at its Creator dying and heaven holding its breath. (Swindoll)

My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me? (verse 34 and Ps. 22:1)

At that moment my sins, your sins, those sins of the people in the past and future were laid upon Jesus. It was such an overwhelming experience, the Jesus literally screamed. Jesus bore the weight of the sins of the world upon Him in the darkness alone. God cannot look upon sin, for He is holy. Therefore, Jesus was alone. 

Are you a sinner that needs forgiveness? We all are, friend. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.


And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. (verse 38)

Jesus had accomplished what He came to do-grant human beings access to God. By atoning for sin, Jesus made it possible for people to come into God's presence. No we have no need for priests to offer sacrifices repeatedly so we can be right with Holy God. Jesus Christ is our great High Priest, who offered Himself for sin once and for all. (Heb. 4:14; 7:27; 10:10,12)(Tony Evans)

A heavy curtain hung in the Temple, which separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. It was a place reserved by God and for God Himself. Once the curtain was torn, now we can approach our Holy God through Jesus. Jesus is our interceder for our prayers. He sits at the right hand of God in heaven speaking to the Father for us.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. We believe Jesus is and was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He is the only way to get to heaven.

Have you trusted in Jesus as your Savior? If not, ask Him today.


Jesus, Messiah, You are Lord of all. All our hope is in You Lord, Light of the world.

We place our soul in Your hands.

Help those unbelievers to trust in You today, King Jesus.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Mistreated King

N.T.#453 "The Mistreated King"

Dec. 30, 2024 

Mark 15-Part 9 


What happened at the end of this chapter?

  • The soldiers offered Jesus wine with myrrh to lessen the torture as He hung on the cross.
  • His garments were gambled for by the soldiers, casting lots. (Ps. 22:18 and verse 24)
  • Jesus was put on the cross the third hour, 9 AM. (verse 25)
  • Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross: JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. Since Christ had not been found guilty of a crime, Pilate placed a title above the cross. It was written in Aramaic, the language of the Jews; Greek, the language of culture; and Latin, the official language of Rome. (John 19:19) (Falwell)
  •  Jesus was crucified between two thieves. (verse 27)
  • He was numbered with the transgressors. (Ps. 53:12) Swindoll tells us this verse was not in the original transcripts. a Scribe probable later got it from Luke 22:37 and jotted it down in his margin, so it was place in the writing of Mark later.) 
  • Those who passed by kept on blaspheming Christ.
  • The people though Jesus referred to the Temple being destroyed and rebuilt in 3 days, but He was referring to Himself. (verse 29)
  • Some said for Jesus to save Himself and come down off the cross.(verse 30)
  • Priests challenged Jesus that He saved others, Himself He cannot save. (verse 31)
  • Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. (verse 32)
Is it faith if one sees with their physical eyes? 


In his commentary of Mark, J. Vernon McGee explains the physical versus the spiritual:

  • There was spiritual darkness the first 3 hours Jesus hung on the cross because man did his worst by crucifying Him and reviling Him.
  • Jesus' enemies marched around the cross, wagging their heads and ridiculing Him. He was suffering at the hands of man.
  • The first 3 hours Jesus was dying because of sin; the last three He was dying for the sin of the world.
  • Sin was doing all it could to destroy Jesus the first 3 hours; the last 3 hours Jesus made His soul an offering for sin.
  • Jesus Christ was made sin,  for us; He became sin for us. He was forsaken of God and yet, even at that time, God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself. (2 Cor. 5:19)

 We are sinners in need of a Savior, daily. What a sacrifice Jesus made for us. The One who committed no sin became sin so He provided salvation for us through faith in Him. Friend, have you asked Jesus to be your Savior? We have all sinned and come short of the standard God has for entering heaven. Jesus fulfilled that requirement for us-sinless life.


Jesus, You are my King.

Help me to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow You daily.

We love You Lord Jesus, for Your mercy never fails us.

*We appreciate your prayers as my husband has a knee replacement this afternoon. It had been scheduled 3 weeks earlier, but the surgeon hurt his back. Thanks.