Thursday, January 11, 2024

When We Need Forgiveness

N.T.#221 "When We Need Forgiveness"

January 11, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 11


Peter learned from the Master that forgiveness is unlimited. Jesus would later demonstrate forgiveness when He hung on the cross to die after being beaten half to death. He forgave those who hurt Him and even caused His death. 

Now Jesus told a parable illustrating unlimited forgiveness. Why didn't Jesus just say, "Show forgiveness to others with the same limitless mercy God has shown you?" Maybe because stories tend to illustrate a truth that involves our emotions and we can apply them to our life easier.

First, in this story is a king who decides to settle accounts. A servant owes the king an overwhelming amount of money that is impossible for him to repay. (Millions of dollars in our society) So the king could get his money, he demanded the servant to be sold, his family, and all he owned. Yet, the amount would only be a drop in the bucket. (I always wondered how the king could expect to be paid the remaining debt when the man was in prison.) A lifetime of work could never repay the debt. The servant was doomed to whatever fate the king decided. 

Then the doomed man begs for mercy from the king, who is moved with compassion and forgives him the debt. (verses 26-27) He is freed from the debt of sin.


How does this apply to us? We owe a sin debt that we can never pay. Jesus paid our debt for us, although He did not owe any. The One who lived a sinless life willingly gave up His life, dying on the cross as our substitute, the righteous in place of the wicked, canceling the debt owed for all our sin. What good news! [Resource: Swindoll' Living Insights of Matthew 16-28]

All that is required is to believe Jesus did this for us, ask His forgiveness of our sins, and be our Lord and Savior. Then we are free from the penalty of sin. Have you done this, my friend?

We are subjects to King Jesus and Father God and owe Him our love, honor, obedience, and our everything.


Have mercy on me a sinner, Jesus.

May I show You honor, obey Your word, and love You with all my heart.


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