Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Fair or Unfair

 N.T.#234 "Fair or Unfair?"

January 30, 2924

Matthew 20


We are to not let let earthly success, worldly gain, or the lack of to prevent us from sacrifdicing what is necessary to serve the Lord. 

Jesus told a parable about a landowner who hired laborers to work in his vineyard. The group of workers were hired at various times throughout the day. 

  • The first group was hired at dawn for a penny (a common day's wage). (verses 1-2) 
  • Other laborers, found in the common place of seeking employment, were hired at 9 am, noon, 3 and 5 in the afternoon, and for a wage that is right. (verses 3-4) 
  • Then the workers were paid their wages, every man received a penny. (verse 9)
A problem arose when the first hired workers found out they were paid the same as those who did not work as long and in the heat as they had. They felt they had been treated unjustly. However, they knew and agreed to their wage at the beginning. Also, the owner paid them what was promised. He had been fair to them and generous to the others.

Shouldn't the works who worked hard and longer in the vineyard receive 12 times more wage than whose who worked only a twelfth of the day? They grumbled to the landowner. Shouldn't it matter how long the workers worked? How long they agonized in the hot sun?


The Jews expected better treatment from God since they were chosen His special people. We Gentiles are shown compassion and grace.

Where do we fit in the parable?

God is both fair and generous to us. We should rejoice when God is gracious toward others and not resent it. 

We need to forget about the haves and have-nots of this world, put our hand to the plow, and continue laboring in God's kingdom. so what if we have been a faithful believer since childhood and some recent convert gets all the glory? That's God's business, not ours. What does it matter if we have been struggling believers and others coast through life? (Swindoll)

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name. (Hebrews 6:10)


Help us be faithful and generous with what You have given us, Jesus.

Thank you for Your grace and mercy daily.

Love through us to others.

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