Monday, January 15, 2024

Harboring Unforgiveness?

N.T.#223 "Harboring Unforgiveness?"

January 15, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 13


This is a story of the unforgiving debtor.

Forgiving a wrongdoer goes against all the stuff your old nature wants to see happen. However, we are most like men when we judge. We are most like God when we forgive. (Swindoll)

Shouldn't we have mercy on our fellow servant just as God has mercy on us. The angry king sent the first man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt. (verse 34) That is what our heavenly Father will do to us if we refuse to forgive our brothers and sisters from our heart. (verse 35) 

If God cancels our sin debts, we must do the same for those who sin against us. we cannot expect or demand mercy that we're unwilling to give. According to Jesus, we should offer forgiveness in the same way and to the same degree that we desire it from God. Why? Our debt to God is infinitely greater than our brother's debt to us. Recognizing that positions us to receive from God the very thing that others desire from us. (Tony Evans)

Do unto others like we want them to do to us, right? I know some people and offenses are difficult to forgive. Yet, with Jesus in our heart, we can forgive. Remember, we are most like God when we forgive.

Is there someone we need to forgive? 


Every sin we commit is a debt to God. There is an account kept of these debts, and we must shortly be reckoned with for them. Our sin debt is so great that we are unable to pay it. Silver and god, sacrifices and offerings, good works are not sufficient to pay it. Our merciful and compassionate God is ready to forgive when we humble ourself and confess our sins. Jesus paid our sin-debt for us.

Can't others see when we harbor unforgiveness in our heart? Doesn't it show through in our words, actions, and intents? We tend to want to be forgiven but find it hard to forgive others. Most of all, unforgiveness offends God, who chastens His unforgiving children severely. (verses 32-34) (MacAuthur)

We want to avoid the chastening hand of God. Believers are to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. We are to be pure and undefiled before our God.


Amazing love, how can it be, that You my King should die for me.

Amazing love, I know it's true, and it's my honor to honor You, in all I do.


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