Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Worry Can't Make You Taller or Younger

N.T. #71 "Worry Can't Make You Taller or Younger"

May 17, 2023

Matthew 6-Part 17


When we were in college, I would go to different grocery stores buying their specials of the week. I didn't have a credit card to us, only cash, so I knew who much I could spend on food. It was tough for 4 years, having 2 children to provide meals. But we made it. A lady in our home church would send us $25 a month, which provided milk and bread when we were without. During those years, we learned to trusts in God for our needs, for He is faithful. How about you? Are you worried today about something?

In this section, verses 25-34, Jesus is teaching us to not worry and to observe nature so we are reassured of God's provisions:

  • Life is more than what we eat and drink, more than what we wear. (verse 25) Life is the spirit, heart, mind, soul, breath.
  • Observe the birds, who do not plant, harvest, nor store food in barns. Our Heavenly Father feeds them, our Heavenly Father will feed us. (verse 26)
  • All our worries cannot add a single moment to our life. (verse 27) Stature means maturity (in years or size); age. Our life is in God's hands. (However, worry can cause ulcers and high blood pressure.)
  • Look at the lilies/flowers of the field; they do not work or make their clothing. Solomon, in all his glory as king, was not dressed as beautifully as the lilies/flowers. (verses 28-29)
  • Wildflowers are here today and burnt up by the summer sun tomorrow. If God so wonderfully cares for us.
I often hear pecking on my front porch. It is either a blue jay or a red headed woodpecker eating my cat's food. I tell them to go eat seeds in the field or insects in the trees of the woods, but they do not hear me. could it be this is a provision for them?

Why do you have so little faith? (verse 30a) We should do what we can to work and provide for our family. Depending upon God for our needs is what He wants from us. He already knows what we need before we ask. Maybe we need to live more within our budget, income if we are having financial problems.


So don't worry about what we will eat, drink, and wear. Why? 

These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. (verse 32,NLT)

The solution for worry is found in verse 33: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. 

Finally, Jesus told us, So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enought for today. (verse 34,NLT)

If I could, I would be 5'8", but I can't change my height. God made me 4'10" and I accept it. Few people tease me now that I am an adult. God provides a way for me to reach food on the top shelf at the store. Sometimes it is my husband, a stranger, or a box that gets it for me.

Around the house, I wear previous years of Vacation Bible School t-shirts. I don't need much to wear. After all, my drawer is full of 20 years of shirts. (I don't wear them to worship services, though.:)

Maybe we need to reassure our children that God provides for His children. Share with them the times He has done so.


Thank You Father for all you give me.

Jehovah Jireh, we praise You. 

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