Thursday, May 11, 2023

What do You Treasure?

N. T. #67 "What do You Treasure?"

May 11, 2023

Matthew 6-Part 13


In verse 19, Jesus tells us to not lay up our treasures on earth. What kind of treasures is that?

  • Treasures that moths can eat. I heard last year that a certain woman spent thousands of dollars on a special gown to wear to an event of the year. I wonder where it is now.
  • Treasures that rust can destroy. Silver, gold, and metals can tarnish, so are they realy a good investment?
  • Treasures which thieves can break in and steal. Jewels and money can be taken away un the blink of an eye.
In the Greek language, treasures a deposit; wealth; what can be layed down, bowed down to, or placed; purpose.

Other things which people treasure might include: houses, land, autos, newest computer, huge tv's, money securities, material things, family, etc.
I heard of a guy who spent $75,000 on a new truck. How would he even drive it in the big city without worrying it might be hit?

I confess that I spent time looking for a new house this past year. We had sold a business and I was wanting to get out of this old farmhouse. It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer, and has only 1 bathroom. We made several offers, but none was accepted. I think God was trying to tell me something. I needed to be content and thankful for what He has provided. So we plan to update and remodel this house. I am grateful for the memories it holds in my childhood. With this plan, we will be free to give to mission work and meeting needs of others.


Heavenly treasures are a far better investment., which are eternal and imperishable. What treasures can we have as believers?

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through to steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (verse 20-21)

The best things to treasure are those unseen things which make us happy, such as contentment, trust in God, a witness, integrity, love for people, our testimony, leading others to faith in Christ, and using our spiritual gifts for God's glory and the church.

Store your treasure where you want your heart to be. Your heart will follow your treasure. (Tony Evans)

Our treasure is our alms, prayers, and fastings, according to Matthew Henry.

Collecting treasures in heaven is not limited to tithing but is accomplished by all acts of obedience to God. We should seek to please God not only in our giving but also in fulfilling God's purposes in all we do. (Life Application Study Bible)

Where is our treasure? Is it here on earth or are we sending up treasures to heaven?


Keep our focus on You, Jesus, not on things.

Help us give our money for kingdom work, not for selfish desires.

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