Monday, April 27, 2020


O. T. #1678 "Rejection"
April 27, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 3
He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. (verse 3)


Have you ever felt rejected?
Rejection-That is one of  the hardest things for me to endure. When people look the other way as you walk by them or they turn and walk in another direction just avoid you. That is what I am talking about. It is so cold-rejection. It is difficult to continue on walking by faith when others refuse to show you love or forgiveness. Life is hard enough, but when you have to continually endure such treatment, well, enough is enough. We can choose to either resolve the problem they have with you or remove yourself from them. Sometimes you can try to resolve it but they are unwilling. When that is the case, I shake the dust off my feet and walk on in another direction. Life is too short to not surround oneself with loving and caring people. Amen? With that said, take a look at our key verse for today.

Jesus was not a well-built, good-looking man. He was common and ordinary. He did so many good things, so many miracles, and showed so much compassion to the hurting. Not only did Jesus not impress the crowd, but He was also rejected by the world. He didn't just know about suffering; He experienced it first-hand. He was like someone people turned away from. This shows us a deep level of rejection Jesus faced.
We like to think that we don't reject Jesus, but the reality is that we often reject Him every day. When we disobey His commands or instructions, we are rejecting Jesus. When people turn away from Him because He doesn't fit their idea of a savior, that is rejection. The world wants a savior who doesn't require anything from us. However, that is not who Jesus is-and He still suffers rejection because of it.

What does this verse say that Jesus experienced?
  • He was despised (scorned);
  • rejected (ceasing or destitute; abandoned)  of men;
  • a man of sorrow (pain, anguish, affliction);
  • acquainted with grief (afflicted, be wounded).
  • People turned their back (faces) on Him and looked the other way.
  • He was despised (rejected),
  • and not esteemed (valued).
Folks, these are emotional sufferings which Jesus endured. It wasn't just for one day, but throughout His ministry.
And aren't we guilty at some time or another of treating Him the same way?
Yet Jesus stills loves us.


Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken smitten of God, and afflicted. (verse 4)

Not only did Jesus bear His own griefs and sorrows, but also but ours also as He endured the cross.

To bear means to take away. But more than that, it connote the idea of lifting up or carrying. (Falwell)

This passage emphasizes the fact that Christ, who is Himself sinless, is the sin-bearer who varies our weight of sin and, therefore, bears the punishment which that sin deserves.

Isaiah predicts that mankind, especially the Jews, would falsely assume that the Messiah would be plagued and struck and afflicted by God for the punishment of His sins.

There is good news. We are not alone in the world. Jesus knows what it feels like to be rejected, despised, in sorrow and grief because we are wounded by others. Yet, He forgave those and us.
should we not do the same?
In the overall scope of life, Jesus endured so much more than we can ever experience. Right?

Jesus, Your forgiveness is like sweet honey in our soul.
We need You every hour.
Keep our hear open to Your Spirit's directions so we do not turn away from You.
We love You Jesus!

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