Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday 2020
It's a sobering thing to think of Jesus going through such heart wrenching beatings. For Him to try carrying His cross through the city He loves so much, along the streets that He had walked before, where  He was  treated with love by his own race. Then those same people who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem changed and showed Him hate, not allowing His release. Yes it was a sobering walk on the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem last year. It is an incline up a hill, so another carried it for Him, since He was too weak. I understand His need for I was out of breath before reaching the top.

Oh the sting of the nails in His hands and feet, which never left His body until Jesus died. He told His disciples ahead of time that He had to go to Jerusalem. Love for them, for you and me compelled Him to go. Why did Jesus do it?  He endured the pain of the cross so we can have salvation by faith. So we don't have to pay for our sins because Jesus became took our punishment for our sins. His arms stretched out to spread out grace to all who believe in Jesus as Savior, Moshiy. He became the Passover Lamb so death passes over us and Christians can have eternal life in heaven. He shed His blood in order for us to be righteous, right with God. You see, our own righteousness is as filthy rags.
Without Jesus we are unfit for heaven, for our soul must be cleaned with the blood of Christ.

The tomb where Jesus' body lay parts of 3 days was borrowed. He didn't need it long, for Jesus arose from the dead! I walked into that tomb. I saw that His body was gone. Truly my Redeemer lives!
And now He lives in the hearts of His children. Besides,  He appeared to over 545 people as a witness to the world.

Precious one, have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior?
If not, now would be the time to do it.

1John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If you already know Jesus as your Savior, then join me in praising Him and thanking Jesus for His mercy.

Know that Jesus still loves us and can be with us whether we worship at home, on line services, with family, or wherever we are.
Invite others to join watching your pastor and listening to a refreshing message of encouragement.
We plan to sing His praises in songs before my brother in law shares from the Word of God this Easter Sunday. We will be on Facebook-Centerpoint Baptist Church. Join us if you don't have a church.

I am praying for ya'll. Know that God loves you and is with you. I love you, too.
Thank you for faithfully studying the Word with me.
I have been praying early in the morning before I get up to start my day. There are so many who need the protection of God from Covid 19 that I need that extra time.
Have a wonderful, happy Easter.

In His Love,

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