Monday, April 20, 2020

Fury and Faith

O. T. #1671  "Fury and Faith"
April 20, 2020
Isaiah 51-Part 2
Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. (verse 11)


Do you feel like you are in deep water over your head? You won't drown. Take heed-what happened to the Israelites when they were crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan River? The water was over them at the sides. Didn't they make it? Of course they did. Their God was in charge. Nothing can delay nor stop His will. We read that in 46:11. So be encouraged, the One who controls and calms the winds and the waves can do so for us today.

In verse 10, God reminds the Israelites of what happened back in Egypt to their ancestors. God is faithful. Does it sound like God was gong to be waiting for His children to return from Babylon to Jerusalem? Maybe He was, although the Temple was destroyed.

How were those remnants of believers in God going to act on their return to Jerusalem?
  • They will be singing. We tend to sing when we are happy. Although the journey was difficult, long, and hot through the desert, the people were excited to be free from slavery once again.
  • They were going to have not just joy, but everlasting joy (to rejoice with all one's heart and soul).  
  • They shall obtain gladness and joy.
  • Sorrow and mourning shall disappear.
There would be three different groups of Israelites that returned. They were led by Zerubbabel (Ezra 1-6), Ezra (Ezra 7-10), and Nehemiah (Neh. 1-13). Nehemiah returned again 15 years later. The span of time was about 100 years from the first group returning to Nehemiah's second return.

The idea of everlasting joy is that God's people shall be so blessed by His action on their behalf that joy shall characterize their very being, and as a result mourning shall flee away. (Falwell)

So, there is no reason for God's people to be afraid of human beings or viruses.

I, even I, am He that comforteth you... (verse 12a)


Now, on the other hand, what word appears 5 times in verse 13-22? It is the word fury, which means anger, hot displeasure, furious.

What are those 5 references of fury?
  1. Israel and Judah forgot the Lord their Creator. Will they fear the angry oppressors and enemies and not God?
  2. After their freedom, the fury will be nowhere around them.  (verse 13)
  3. god calls Jerusalem to awake from her spiritual drunkenness. She has fallen away from the Lord, she has become drunk on the cup of His fury. Her sin has brought about this, which resulted in the judgment of God upon her. (verse 17) (Falwell)
  4. God announces that He is the one who poured out His anger upon them. (verse 20)
  5. That is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I have taken the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of My fury." (verse 22, NLT)
What was the last thing God said in verse 22? You will drink no more of My fury.
KJV says it this way, Thou shalt no more drink it again.

Instead of Israel, God's fury will be poured out on the devil in those last days.
Israel had endured devastation and destruction, famine and sword, His judgment had ended. God would turn the tables and bring His fury upon their tormentors. (Tony Evans)

Are you still praying for God to forgive the sins of our nation and remove this deadly virus?
Others are praying, too. We can see it on Facebook.
In His time, God will answer. In the meantime, let's continue in His comfort and faith. When we get the freedom to leave our homes, we will go out with singing and joy. But, shouldn't we be singing and joyful now, since God will rescue us, like He did Israel?

Thank You Father, that we can trust Your timing for setting us free.
Give us a heart full of joy.
Nothing can steal our joy when You are there.
Fill our hearts overflowing with joy.
We have a sweet salvation that is beautiful.
There ain't nothin' goin' a steal my joy.
Love that song.

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