Sunday, September 22, 2024

How Are We Walking?

 N. T. #396 “How Are We Walking?”

Sept. 23, 2024

Mark 10-Part 6


It is almost impossible to find  an extremely wealthy person so is not trusting in their riches. Yet, all things are possible with God.

 Where did that leave the disciples? Peter wanted to know. Jesus responded with a promise-forsake your life and follow Him, live for Jesus, then you will be rewarded a hundred fold  

It is a matter of attitude. We can have money and things, while living Jesus most of all. We still provide for our family. We develop relationships with those in the spiritual family, too  Salvation is by faith, not works. His grace is shown to us.

Where do we line up here?


Our priorities change when we come to Jesus. We should be pursuing Hus will, walking in His way, Sharing with others. Being content with what we have. Rewards will come, either in this life or in the next.


How wonderful it is to walk with Jesus. 

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