Thursday, September 19, 2024

Doing Good is Not Enough

N.T.#394 "Doing Good is Not Enough"

Sept. 19, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 4


He is known as the rich young ruler. Matthew called him a young man (19:20) and Luke called him a certain ruler. Mark said he was one (who came to speak to Jesus)

What was he seeking from Jesus? It wasn't money, healing, or status. He already had those things. This nameless young man sought the Good Master for answers. He wanted to know what good thing he should do in order to have eternal life. He came to the right One.

What was the man's view of salvation?

  • The prevailing theology in Israel taught that natural-born Jews would inherit the kingdom of God unless they forfeited their birthright through sin. Failing to do good resulted in losing their salvation. Jews were told by Moses to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, statutes, and ordinances. They would live and be blessed if they did. (Deut. 30:15-20)
  • Obedience to the Law was required in order for the Jews to remain in Canaan and receive God's protection. Moral perfection was not expected from anyone. Since the Jews could not remain perfect and sinless, they needed the animal sacrifice.
  • The Israelites had a temple and a system of sacrifices so they, by faith, could receive God's grace. The blood sacrifice only covered their sins; Jesus' blood cleanses our sins (spiritually speaking).
  • What good could the man do? After all, he had kept most of the Ten Commandments. Breaking one is the same as breaking them all.
  • He acknowledged Jesus was a Good Master/Teacher. Jesus rebuked the young man be saying, No one is good but One-God.
Let's not overlook the young man's humility. He ran up to Jesus and knelt down before Him. And he wanted to be sure he would get eternal life. He came to the One who could give Him everlasting life-Savior Jesus. We can give him credit for that. 

Death is inevitable for us all (except if Jesus returns first). 
Do you know how to get eternal life in heaven? It is only trusting Jesus by faith to be your Savior. Believe He is the Son of God. We ask Him to forgive your sins. Have you, dear one? Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to die on a cross in order to save us from the penalty of our sins.


So what stood in this young ruler's way? He was a good guy. He did not commit murder, adultery, false witness, defraud, nor steal, and he honored his parents. What was he lacking. Did you pick up on his pride, saying he had kept all of those commands? 

Don't overlook the fact that Jesus loved this guy. Jesus looked intently into the man's soul.  Jesus showed him what was wrong with him, his sin, his fault:

  • The young man was self-righteous. (verse 20)
  • Wealth was the young rich ruler's problem.
  • Jesus told the guy to go, sell all he had and give to the poor; he would have treasure in heaven; come and follow Jesus.
  • But the man went away grieving because he had many possessions.
I am not saying that selling all, being a good person, nor giving to the poor is a way to get to heaven. Those things are evidence that we have trusted Jesus as Savior. Yet it is not always required of one to sell all their possessions in order to get eternal life. Nor does the Master require from all His followers to give everything away. Faith and obedience is a personal thing. 

In order for us to follow Jesus, my husband and I sold our house and car. We didn't need them while we moved away to college. God provided us with housing and a used car. Not everyone is required to do so. 
[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark]


Help us to open our hands and pocketbook and give to others as You direct us, Jesus.

Jesus, it is Your righteousness that You have provided for us that is credited to us.

Keep us in Your will so we won't be in Your way.

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