Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Changed Heart

N.T.#383 "A Changed Heart"

Sept. 4, 2024 

Mark 9


I enjoy seeing butterflies. Mostly, they are around wildflowers. The other day, I was at the farm to feed my cats and saw a white butterfly. Usually, they are colorful. What a symbolism for me: Jesus can change hearts by making them clean after confessing sins. Today, we learn about someone being changed in appearance. Read on to find out who it is.

There are many interpretations of what Jesus meant in verse 1. Jesus told His disciples some standing would not die before they saw the kingdom of God arrive in great power. Then 6 days later, the three, Peter, James, and John who witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus. It took place on Mount Hermon, some 9,000 feet up. 

What happened there?

  • Jesus was transfigured, in English it is metamorphosis, which described Jesus's body was altered in its appearance. 
  • His garments were shining brighter than white snow, according to Mark.
  • Peter told Mark His garments radiated like the sun. 
  • It was whiter than white clothes washed.
  • They caught a glimpse of Jesus' divine glory.
  • Elijah and Moses appeared and talked with Jesus.
  • Peter suggested they build 3 tabernacles to worship there.
  • A voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son: hear Him. (verse 7)
  • Then the two disappeared and only Jesus was visible.
  • Peter, James, and John were terrified.
  • Jesus orded them to tell no one what they saw until the Son of man were risen from the dead.(verse 10)
I think I would have been terrified and speechless, but not Peter. Don't you know that scene was forever in their memory. Elijah represented the prophets, who predicted the coming Messiah and Moses represented the Law. Jesus came to fulfill those. 

Have you had an experience with Jesus? Is He your Savior? 


The three disciples where questioning each other what rising from the dead should mean. (verse 10) Little did they know what was ahead of them. Not only would Peter, James, and John see Jesus die on the cross, but see Him after 3 days as the Resurrected Christ. Jesus has power over death. He is King over all. God has given us His Word so we can read all of this. It is by faith that we come to Him.

Do we let God transform our life, heart, soul daily? 


When things get us down, look up.

Change our heart Jesus, washing our sinful heart with Your blood.

May we be like You.

How loving You are!

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