Monday, September 30, 2024

Sacrifices and Rewards

 N.T.#397 "Sacrifices and Rewards"

Sept. 30, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 7

But the many that are first shall be last; and the last first.(verse 31)


Haven't you always wondered what this key verse meant when Jesus said it? Previously, Jesus told Peter it is almost impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yet, it is not impossible with God. 

For with God all things are possible. (verse 27b)

Salvation is in God's hands and He will save whomever He wishes. It just takes faith the size of a grain of mustard seed. Then Jesus went on to reassure the disciples that anyone who gives up something valuable for His sake will be repaid a hundred times over in this life, although not necessarily in the same way. 

An example used was one who is rejected by family for accepting Christ, but they will gain the larger family of believers. We can expect persecutions, but eternal life in heaven. That is a good exchange, I think.

Jesus explained verse 31 that in the world to come in heaven; values will be reversed. Those who seek status and importance here will have none in heaven. Those who are humble here will be great in heaven. Those who humbly serve others are most qualified to be great in heaven.

[Resource: Life Application Study Bible]


Did you notice that Jesus did not chastise Peter for his question? He told the disciples that there is no one who has made significant sacrifices for the sake of the gospel who will not be rewarded now at this time and in the age to come. 

Tony Evans gives us 6 things to observe about this:

  1. Jesus' pronouncement is true for all who associate with Him as kingdom disciples. There are no exceptions. (verse 29)
  2. Being a public disciple will cost you: maybe a location, relationships, or even your business or means of employment. A man does no become a Christian and stop providing for his children. But we must always give our relationship with Jesus priority.
  3. These prices are paid "for the sake of the gospel." It is for the purpose of following Jesus and giving allegiance to His kingdom
  4. The very things that were left behind are what you receive. You don't truly loose anything; you make a trade.
  5. You will receive persecutions. The more committed ou are to Christ, the more resistance there will be to the presence of Christ in your life.
  6. A disciple's reward is divided between the ages' the present age and the age to come. Don't expect to receive all of our blessings now. Most of your reward is stored up and kept for you-and it's a hundred times more than anything you leave behind. 
God flips the script in the age to come. Keep our focus on the Millennium reign and the new heaven and new earth.

Are we trading serving ourself for serving Jesus?
Are you storing up rewards in heaven?
Who are you taking with you?


Lord Jesus, You are our reward.

*Thank you everyone for your prayers. covid really knocked me down. Please remember our grandson, Will. He has been in the hospital for a week with double pneumonia. He is making improvements but has a long way to go. Thanks.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

 Sorry everyone, but I have Covid and can’t write this week. Hopefully, next week is better. 



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 We are heading back home after visiting my sister and family in Florida. Hope to post tomorrow. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

How Are We Walking?

 N. T. #396 “How Are We Walking?”

Sept. 23, 2024

Mark 10-Part 6


It is almost impossible to find  an extremely wealthy person so is not trusting in their riches. Yet, all things are possible with God.

 Where did that leave the disciples? Peter wanted to know. Jesus responded with a promise-forsake your life and follow Him, live for Jesus, then you will be rewarded a hundred fold  

It is a matter of attitude. We can have money and things, while living Jesus most of all. We still provide for our family. We develop relationships with those in the spiritual family, too  Salvation is by faith, not works. His grace is shown to us.

Where do we line up here?


Our priorities change when we come to Jesus. We should be pursuing Hus will, walking in His way, Sharing with others. Being content with what we have. Rewards will come, either in this life or in the next.


How wonderful it is to walk with Jesus. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Riches Vs. Faith

N.T.#395 "Riches Vs. Faith"

Sept. 20, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 5


The rich young ruler failed the test. Although he was a good man, his idol was wealth and he was not willing to depart from it in order to obtain eternal life. His love of money was too strong for him to give up. 

How hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! (verse 24)

The rich have their basic physical needs met, often become self-reliant. When they feel empty, they buy something new to try to fill the void that only God can fill. The person who has everything on earth can still lack what is most important-eternal life. Wealth is not a sign of faith or of partiality on god's part.  (Life Application Study Bible)

The problem is not wealth itself; the problem is a wealthy person who trusts in his wealth. they assume their wealth is proof of divine acceptance and blessing. (Tony Evans)

The Lord Jesus turned the Jews' theology upside down. They thought wealth gave evidence of God's blessing. People can achieve wealth on their own in our society. Money can buy many things, get you many places, push you up high in our world. However it does not fill the void within a person in their soul. 

Is your soul empty, dear one? Turn to Jesus. He can fill it and give you purpose.


Then who can be saved? (verse 26) Where does this leave us?

Salvation is only possible with God. (verse 27) 

God can save and provide a heavenly inheritance for anyone who does not let wealth get in the way of relationship with Jesus Christ. 

With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. (verse 27)

Has God done the impossible for and in you? So if it is impossible for people to choose Christ over wealth, and all things are possible with God, then He must do the choosing for those who are saved.(Swindoll)

Where does Jesus and God rank in your life of importance? Are you serving Him instead of money, things, self? What does our conversation consist of daily? 

We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He is  to be number uno, one. 


Help us love You more each day and most everyday, Jesus.

We trust in You, for all things are possible with You, Father God.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Doing Good is Not Enough

N.T.#394 "Doing Good is Not Enough"

Sept. 19, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 4


He is known as the rich young ruler. Matthew called him a young man (19:20) and Luke called him a certain ruler. Mark said he was one (who came to speak to Jesus)

What was he seeking from Jesus? It wasn't money, healing, or status. He already had those things. This nameless young man sought the Good Master for answers. He wanted to know what good thing he should do in order to have eternal life. He came to the right One.

What was the man's view of salvation?

  • The prevailing theology in Israel taught that natural-born Jews would inherit the kingdom of God unless they forfeited their birthright through sin. Failing to do good resulted in losing their salvation. Jews were told by Moses to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, statutes, and ordinances. They would live and be blessed if they did. (Deut. 30:15-20)
  • Obedience to the Law was required in order for the Jews to remain in Canaan and receive God's protection. Moral perfection was not expected from anyone. Since the Jews could not remain perfect and sinless, they needed the animal sacrifice.
  • The Israelites had a temple and a system of sacrifices so they, by faith, could receive God's grace. The blood sacrifice only covered their sins; Jesus' blood cleanses our sins (spiritually speaking).
  • What good could the man do? After all, he had kept most of the Ten Commandments. Breaking one is the same as breaking them all.
  • He acknowledged Jesus was a Good Master/Teacher. Jesus rebuked the young man be saying, No one is good but One-God.
Let's not overlook the young man's humility. He ran up to Jesus and knelt down before Him. And he wanted to be sure he would get eternal life. He came to the One who could give Him everlasting life-Savior Jesus. We can give him credit for that. 

Death is inevitable for us all (except if Jesus returns first). 
Do you know how to get eternal life in heaven? It is only trusting Jesus by faith to be your Savior. Believe He is the Son of God. We ask Him to forgive your sins. Have you, dear one? Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to die on a cross in order to save us from the penalty of our sins.


So what stood in this young ruler's way? He was a good guy. He did not commit murder, adultery, false witness, defraud, nor steal, and he honored his parents. What was he lacking. Did you pick up on his pride, saying he had kept all of those commands? 

Don't overlook the fact that Jesus loved this guy. Jesus looked intently into the man's soul.  Jesus showed him what was wrong with him, his sin, his fault:

  • The young man was self-righteous. (verse 20)
  • Wealth was the young rich ruler's problem.
  • Jesus told the guy to go, sell all he had and give to the poor; he would have treasure in heaven; come and follow Jesus.
  • But the man went away grieving because he had many possessions.
I am not saying that selling all, being a good person, nor giving to the poor is a way to get to heaven. Those things are evidence that we have trusted Jesus as Savior. Yet it is not always required of one to sell all their possessions in order to get eternal life. Nor does the Master require from all His followers to give everything away. Faith and obedience is a personal thing. 

In order for us to follow Jesus, my husband and I sold our house and car. We didn't need them while we moved away to college. God provided us with housing and a used car. Not everyone is required to do so. 
[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark]


Help us to open our hands and pocketbook and give to others as You direct us, Jesus.

Jesus, it is Your righteousness that You have provided for us that is credited to us.

Keep us in Your will so we won't be in Your way.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Come as a Child

N.T.#393 "Come as a Child"

Sept. 18, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 3


Parents were bringing their children to Jesus so He could touch and bless them. (verses 13, 16) For some reason, the disciples were rebuking them, Now, you don't want to be the one to come between Jesus and children. In this ancient society, children were of low status. They just wanted Jesus to place His hand on the children's heads or shoulders and pronounce God's blessing on them for the future. That wasn't too much to ask for, was it? 

Children trust completely, are not suspicious or proud. they just come as they are. Children come to God empty-handed with nothing to offer. they are helpless, defenseless, messy, unsophisticated, disobedient, unable to keep themselves clean or dress themselves-completely needy. They know only how to reach out and receive help. (Swindoll)

Children put their trust in others wholeheartedly and with humility. That makes it easy to trust in Jesus as their Savior. 

Well, the disciples rebuked the parents that brought the children to Jesus. This displeased Jesus; boy howdy did it.

Displeased means to be greatly afflicted; indignant. 

Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. (verse 14)

The kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. Jesus loves the little children for they are precious in His sight. 

Are we teaching children about Jeus and His love for them?


I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.  (verse 14b NAS)

Don't be like the Pharisees having pride in yourself and your own righteousness or works. We are to humble ourself, acknowledge our sin, and put our whole trust and dependence in God. 

What did Jesus do next? He took the precious ones in His arms and blessed them with His hands. (verse 16) A touch from Jesus. Don't we all need that touch of Jesus on our life?

*Please pray for Hailey, a teen who is having open heart surgery this morning at 7.


Help us trust You, Savior, like a little child.

Lord, we need Thee every hour. 

Change our hearts and attitudes.

May we surrender our all to You today.

Use us for Your glory

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

God's Intended Marriage

N.T.#392 "God's Intended Marriage"

Sept. 17, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 2


Marriage can be a challenge. When two individuals, with two different backgrounds, come together, they have a lot of adjusting to do, no matter the age. Life is not easy. Keeping god first is the only solution. What did Jesus teach us about divorce?

Jesus usually went a step further in His confrontations of the Pharisees. They saw divorce as a legal issue instead of a spiritual one. Jesus exposed the selfish motives of the Pharisees. He always had a good answer, didn't He? Those religious leaders were not concerned about what God intended for marriage. They were always trying to make Jesus look bad before the people. Catch Him in something He did not know. which is ironic. Jesus permitted divorce when the spouse had been unfaithful, Paul recognized divorce when the unbelieving partner leaves the marriage. Sometimes it is necessary when physical survival or the well-being of children is involved.

What is God's intentions for marriage? Jesus held up God's ideal for marriage and told His followers to live by that ideal.

  • God made male and female in the beginning. (verse 6) (Genesis 1:27) That is the only marriage union that God blesses, recognizes, and has for us-marriage between a man and a woman.
  • A man must leave his parents and be joined to his wife. (verse 7) The vows are a type of covenant between the man and woman before God. they stay together until death parts them.
  • Since the two are one now, no one is to split them apart what God has joined together. (verses 8-9)
The Pharisees had become so consumed with the question of divorce that they had forgotten God's design for marriage revealed in God's Word.

Dear one, I know it is hard at times to remain married. Things happen and situations try to drive us apart. But, did we make the commitment to our spouse and to God that we would remain faithful to them as long as we live? Prayer works. And consider, the best is yet to come. Love never fails. Stay in there and fight for your marriage. We have to be an overcomer. Pray for our spouse, serve them, love them more that other people. God does answer our prayers.


When they were alone, the disciples asked Jesus more about the same issue. (verse 10) Anyone who divorces his or her mate, Jesus replied, and marries another is committing adultery. He added an exception-save for fornication in Matthew 5:32; 19:9) (verses 11-12) God has not cancelled the first marriage.

May I add, each one must consider their circumstances, and consequences, as well as the results a divorce will have on any children present in the union. It is an individual decision to be taken before God. Seek His will, not your own. Abuse should not be tolerated, my personal opinion. 

Next lesson, we can move on. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His will.


Help us teach our children Your Word and truth.

Use us to stand up against sin in our society.

We live for Your honor and glory.

Monday, September 16, 2024


N.T.#391 "Divorce"

Sept. 16, 2024 

Mark 10


Have you been salty, sharing the love, peace, and forgiveness of Jesus with those around you? 

Now we read of Jesus' concluding ministry. He moved on to the area east of the Jordan River. Here come the Pharisees, popping up again, trying to trip up the Messiah. Keep in mind, Jesus wrote the laws before those guys were born. It was decided in heaven before Moses received it on the Mt. 

Here we go again with those religious guys, challenging Jesus.

The nature of marriage, which the Lord had ordained to be a permanent union between a man and a choice, is sealed in heaven. Regardless of what any earthly institution says, only God can dissolve the marriage. A divorce does not violate God's moral standard when one had committed adultery. The Greek word, porneia, encompasses a range of illicit sexual activities, including adultery, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, and child molestation. In the eyes of God, a couple may choose to divorce if porneia severs their bond. Later, Paul addressed the circumstance when one becomes the victim of an unjust divorce. If someone is abandoned, he or she is "not under bondage" the same way a widow is not bound to a dead spouse. (1 cor. 7:15, 49-40)

[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark] (verses 1-12)


We have a Savior who is gracious toward us. It is because of the hardheartedness of people that divorce is prominent in our society. The unrepentant pursuit of sexual immorality is common today. The original plan of God for marriage, was that one man be married to one woman for life. (MacArthur)

Yet, is there any family that has not been affected by divorce. My husband and I are blessed to have had parents that stayed married until death. Both of our children have in laws in a similar situation. I pray our grandchildren can say the same. I know our society is a mess, but do not be discouraged. God is in the business of changing hearts. Marriage is hard; Jesus can give us what we need to love more and forgive more.


Teach us to choose forgiveness, Jesus.

Help us take back what the enemy stole.

May we love and serve our spouse today.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Are You Salty?

N.T.#390 "Are You Salty?"

Sept. 13, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 7


Jesus gave a hyperbole to His disciples in reference to sin. If some part of your body causes you to sin, then pluck it out or cut it off. It is better to have a severed member of the body than to keep it and go to hell. Obviously, the real problem lies with the heart and mind. In other words, get rid of what causes one to sin. It could involve where we go, what we do, or what we see. May I add what we listen to, also. Nothing should separate us from serving the Savior and being the right witness pleasing to God. Oh be careful little eyes what you see.

Yet for the unbeliever, Jesus described hell as a place where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Hell is a real place of intense suffering externally (fire) and internally (worm) forever. Where are you spending eternity? Jesus has provided a way to heaven; His is the only Way. Have you believed in Him today?

In verse 49, Jesus is referring to the salt covenant mentions in @ Chronicles 13:5. the grain and meat sacrifices were to be salted as a covenant in itself between the person giving it and God. It would be a clean sacrifice, protecting it from spoilage. In previous time, salt was a legal binding as the two ate it together, as an agreement to protect one another against enemies, and to preserve relationships (covenant). 


What can we learn from this?

  • Salt in a follower of Jesus is good. We make the commitment to Jesus to obey Him and His Word.
  • We are to have salt in our self and be the salt of the earth. (Matt. 5:13) (verse 50)
  • We are to present our body as a living sacrifice unto God. (Romans 12:1)
  • We are not to be conformed to this world, but have our mind transformed so we can show others what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)
  • We are to have peace with others.
Is our life different in the world, showing Jesus' love? How about our morals? God is faithful and keeps His covenants and promises. Are we?


Help us be strong in our walk of faith with You, Jesus.

Keep us from the temptations around us, a faithful servant.

May we serve others as we serve You.

Glory to God in the highest. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Protecting Little Ones

N.T.#389 "Protecting Little Ones"

Sept 12, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 6


Have you picked up on Jesus doing some serious teachings to His disciples? Three experienced the transfiguration of Jesus, He foretold of His death and rising, seeing a boy delivered from a demon and could talk, then hearing that the greatest one is a servant. These were some serious events. Then learning ones not against them is on their side. (verse 40) do we rejoice when others have spiritual victories? Do we encourage others who aren't in our group, yet have spiritual victories serving Jesus?

When Jesus followers give a cup of water in His name, we will be rewarded. Love should be our motive. We need to be protective of little children and new Christians. (verse 42)

How much time and expense do we spend on physical comfort? The world values self-preservation of our bodies. We sacrifice to keep it warm, fed, covered, protected, adorned, comfortable, and healthy. Of course, we have a responsibility of being a good steward of the gift God has given us. Yet, physical comfort should not be our first priority in God's kingdom. What is? Righteousness is to be our main concern of the King and His kingdom. (Matt. 6:33)

Paul said in Romans 14:17, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

We are to have perfect rightness in our daily walk, peace with god and the brethren, joy and love through the Holy Spirit. We are to seek serving King Jesus and His kingdom, putting them first. Then,  serving others will fall into place. How is our serving doing?

Living faith expresses itself in love. Love gives faith a place to operate. (Galatians 5:6)


Did you notice Three verses read the same? Jesus was servious about warning folks about hell, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. (verses 44, 46, 48)

Lying south of Jerusalem was a rubbish heap and gradually adopted a spiritual application. Fires burned continuously and worms multiplied throughout the debris. (Those not receiving the Savior will spend eternity in hell.) 

Are we warning our loved ones, neighbors, friends, and strangers that come into our life? Jesus is the only way to heaven.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Are You a Servant?

 N.T.#388 "Are You a Servant?"

Sept. 11, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 5


I like to slip college students some extra money without a show. I have been there and experienced needs when I was one. Doing so just might life them up when discouraged, help them have something needed. It fills me with joy to do it. Even giving a cup of water will be rewarded. How about you?

Greatness comes by being a servant to others-not by exalting yourself above others. Jesus came as a servant and was trying to teach His disciples how to be one. Jesus illustrated His point with a child. to show kindness to a child-who can offer nothing in return-is to serve God. (verse 36) (Evans)

Whosoever shall receive one of such children in My name, receiveth Me: and whosoever shall receive Me, receive, receiveth Me not, but Him that sent Me. (verse 37)

In other words, when we receive someone, we are treating them like a member of the family-with kindness, hospitality. It may have been one of Peter's children which Jesus sat on His lap as a teaching and example to us believers. We are to be like children, humble and trusting the Savior. Then, we are to accept true believers like little children, serving them. (MacArthur) 

It seems the rivalry over greatness was resolved. Jesus took care of it.

That puts serving others in a better understandable situation, doesn't it? Who have we been serving? Family, friends, neighbors? What about strangers in need?


Back in Mark 6, Jesus had sent His disciples out on a mission trip. The results were not written down anywhere, as far as I know, except here-John mentions they saw someone using Jesus' name to cast out demons. they told the man to stop because he wasn't in their group. (verse 38)

How did Jesus respond? 

  • He told the disciples to not stop the guy. (verse 39)
  • No one who performs a miracle in Jesus' name will soon be able to speak evil of Him. 
  • Anyone who is not against us is for us. (verse 40)
  • If a Christian gives a cup of water in Jesus' name, they will surely be rewarded. (verse 41) Acts of kindness done to His followers are considered to be done to Jesus. (Matt. 27:40)
  • But if you cause one of these little ones who trust in Jesus to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck. A millstone was a very large stone used in a mill for grinding, requiring a donkey to move it. 
Later, John wrote in I John 4:11, Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 
Jesus took it seriously how we treat others. Are we looking for ways we can serve others in Jesus' name?
" How can I help you today?" should be our motto.
Friend, are you a citizen in God's kingdom? It is by faith in Jesus and His grace that we can be.


Help us to love others to You, Jesus.

Help us to serve others like we are serving You, Precious Savior.

Open our eyes today.

Who is the Greatest?

N.T.#387 "Who is the Greatest?"

Sept. 10, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 4 


Jesus and His disciples were headed toward Capernaum. Jesus didn't want anyone to know He was there so He could spend more time with His disciples. Again, Jesus told the disciples that He was going to be betrayed, killed, and rise 3 days later from the dead. (verses 30-31) Twice before Jesus had told them what wwas going to happen to Him. (8:31, 9:12) (The guys didn't understand what the Messiah meant and were afraid to ask Him. After all Jesus had called them a faithless generation when they couldn't cast out the demon in the boy. (verse 19)

Finally, Jesus asked the disciples what they had been discussing on the road trip. (He already knew the guys had been arguing about which of the was the greatest.) These guys were so focused on their status and position that they losted focus on what God wanted to do through them. They were supposed to be on mission with Jesus to bring salvation to others. Instead, their own ambitions got in the way.

Before we get too hard on the boys, don't we do the same thing? We get wrapped up in a project for Jesus and lose sight of why we are doing it in the first place. Guilty. We need to listen to others around us. What is the greatest need, purpose, best way to accomplish it? How can we help those involved in carrying out the task?


If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. (verse 35b)

Jesus wanted the disciples to accept His different way of leadership in His kingdom-servanthood. To be an important person and great in God's kingdom, we must first lean to be a servant showing kindness and meeting other's needs. It isn't by exalting our self above others. Leave our honor of servanthood to God and His rewards. 

Serving others is real leadership. A real leader has a servant's heart. They are not above any job and appreciate the worth of others. Look for ways we can serve. Don't approach life expecting high positions, honors, and special privileges. 

I am sure it wasn't what the disciples expected at all. It may not be an easy task, but we can do it with Jesus changing our attitude.


Help us not get sides tracked, keeping the main thing the main thing-honoring God in all we do.

Show us how You want us to serve others today, Jesus.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Belief and Prayer

N. T. #386 “Belief and Prayer”

Sept. 9, 2024

Mark 9-Part 3 


It was hard to accept-the death of my mother. We had just moved back 6 weeks earlier. I prayed for healing, yet she died anyway. I felt cheated of my time with her that was taken away. We had lived away 17 years, only visiting her once or twice a year. Mom was so excited that we finally were having time to be together. Yet, the Word says there is a time of birth and death determined by God, not me. It was her time. I was blessed to have a few precious visits with her before her home going. God knew it was time for mom to go home and I was allowed to be there for it. (I was not there when dad passed.)

How about you? Are there prayers unanswered? Does it make you bitter or better?

All things are possible to him who believes. (Verse 23) Jesus was omnipotence in human flesh, so He could do anything He determined to do. His activity is contingent upon the belief of the one in need. That is, trust and confident. We surrender our will to His trusting that God knows best. God’s kindness and mercy doesn’t change. 

Why could the disciples not drive out the demon? It took prayer. The disciples list their sense of dependence on Jesus. Prayer is focusing and directing of faith in specific requests to God. Spiritual power is in God alone. 

How is our faith and prayer life? So we ask and then leave the results in God's hands? Or do we thry to manipulate it?


Here are 4 questions Swindoll has for us:

  1. Do you believe God can do anything?
  2. Are you willing to leave “anything “up to God?
  3. Will you stop worrying and interrupting, cease striving, and simply pray?
  4. Will you accept the answer He chooses to give?
When we get there, look for God to work in amazing ways. Granted, sometimes God's answers are no or wait. We are here to do His will, His way. 


Help our unbelief, Jesus. 
How faithful You are!

Friday, September 6, 2024

How Strong is Your Faith?

N.T.#385 "How Strong is Your Faith?"

Sept. 6, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 2


While the disciples had earlier been out on the mission, they encountered a man's son who had a demon. They could not cast out the demon. So when Jesus showed up, the father sought deliverance from Him. (The son was not able to speak and had convulsions)

Jesus called the group a faithless generation-referring to a whole race, scribes voiced doubts, disciples couldn't heal, a father was in despair, no genuine faith is evidenced. Matthew and Luke used the phrase as an "unbelieving and perverted generation."

And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. (verse 22)

 The despairing father wondered if Jesus could do anything about his son, since His disciples had failed .People fail. People disappoint. People hurt us. But Jesus never fails. He is omnipotent God, all-powerful. It is our faith that wavers, not His ability. 

Do we have compassion to help those in need?


How did Jesus respond?

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (verse 23)

Jesus meant that anything is possible if we believe, because nothing is too difficult for God. We cannot have everything we pray for as if by magic, but with faith, we can have everything we need to serve Him. 9 (LifeApplication Study Bible)

The man confessed his imperfect faith with tears-help mine unbelief. God granted his request. Jesus took the boy by the hand and lifted him up and he arose.

Belief and faith are not something we can obtain without help. Faith is a gift from God. (Eph. 2:8-9) There is no self-sufficiency in faith, it isn't bought. It must be renewed daily as we trust in Jesus.

How strong is your faith? What a lesson on faith and God's character.


Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

When Jesus Shows Up

N.T.#384 "When Jesus Shows Up"

Sept. 5, 2024 

Mark 9-Part 1


What an experience Peter, James, and John had on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. They saw Elijah and Moses conversing with Jesus, Jesus' form changed into His heavenly glory (Shekinah), and God's voice acknowledging Jesus as His Son. (verses 2-7) 

The Law and the prophets pointed to Jesus. the prophets described the Messiah as both a conquering king and a sacrificial martyr-a man who would die to save the people of Israel, (Isaiah 42, 49, 50-53) yet one who would reign forever as their king. (Dan. 7:14, Zech. 9) John the Baptist was a type of Elijah, who was killed. (Swindoll)

Jesus is the Messiah, who would be killed, too, but would rise from the dead. Peter wanted to stay there (mountaintop experience), but they had a mission of sharing the Gospel to the people below.

James was the first of the 12 that died for Christ, and John survived them all, to be the last eyewitness of this glory. (John 1:14, 2 Peter 1:16-18)

The deity of Jesus broke through His humanity so that it was undeniably visible. this glimpse of glory was a sneak peek of the glory of the coming kingdom. (Evans)

Dear on, do you believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior, the Messiah? Is your faith the size of a mustard seed? Then that is enough for you to become a child of God.


When Jesus came down from the mountain with the three, He found the scribes questioning the rest of the disciples. (verse 14) In other words," What is the quarrel now?" Apparently, the scribes stopped their questioning since Jesus was present and had no answer.

How did the crowd react? Immediately they were greatly amazed (surprised) and greeted Him. (verse 15)

Are we greatly amazed when Jesus shows up in our life? How do we greet Him?


Glory and honor and praise to our King Jesus!

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Changed Heart

N.T.#383 "A Changed Heart"

Sept. 4, 2024 

Mark 9


I enjoy seeing butterflies. Mostly, they are around wildflowers. The other day, I was at the farm to feed my cats and saw a white butterfly. Usually, they are colorful. What a symbolism for me: Jesus can change hearts by making them clean after confessing sins. Today, we learn about someone being changed in appearance. Read on to find out who it is.

There are many interpretations of what Jesus meant in verse 1. Jesus told His disciples some standing would not die before they saw the kingdom of God arrive in great power. Then 6 days later, the three, Peter, James, and John who witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus. It took place on Mount Hermon, some 9,000 feet up. 

What happened there?

  • Jesus was transfigured, in English it is metamorphosis, which described Jesus's body was altered in its appearance. 
  • His garments were shining brighter than white snow, according to Mark.
  • Peter told Mark His garments radiated like the sun. 
  • It was whiter than white clothes washed.
  • They caught a glimpse of Jesus' divine glory.
  • Elijah and Moses appeared and talked with Jesus.
  • Peter suggested they build 3 tabernacles to worship there.
  • A voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son: hear Him. (verse 7)
  • Then the two disappeared and only Jesus was visible.
  • Peter, James, and John were terrified.
  • Jesus orded them to tell no one what they saw until the Son of man were risen from the dead.(verse 10)
I think I would have been terrified and speechless, but not Peter. Don't you know that scene was forever in their memory. Elijah represented the prophets, who predicted the coming Messiah and Moses represented the Law. Jesus came to fulfill those. 

Have you had an experience with Jesus? Is He your Savior? 


The three disciples where questioning each other what rising from the dead should mean. (verse 10) Little did they know what was ahead of them. Not only would Peter, James, and John see Jesus die on the cross, but see Him after 3 days as the Resurrected Christ. Jesus has power over death. He is King over all. God has given us His Word so we can read all of this. It is by faith that we come to Him.

Do we let God transform our life, heart, soul daily? 


When things get us down, look up.

Change our heart Jesus, washing our sinful heart with Your blood.

May we be like You.

How loving You are!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How Much is Our Soul Worth?

N.T. #382 "How Much is our Soul Worth?"

Sept. 3, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 11

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (verses 35-36)


I have picture of dirty tennis shoes titled, "How are you walking?" on my desk. I look up and see it, needing to reevaluate my spiritual walk of life. Some days my walk is by stumbling, while other days it is straight and good. Are we following Jesus? Are we obeying God and His Word? Are we denying ourself? Those are hard questions. Yet Jesus told us to if we are to following Him and please the Father. (verse 34)

Self-denial means giving up one's rights. Sometimes God requires abandoning our personal property, and other times He does not. the cross-bearing penitent sinner becomes aware that he cannot save himself, and holding nothing back, surrenders completely to God's mercy. 

Follow means to move behind someone in the same direction or to come after. 

We are commanded to do as Jesus did and to follow in His footsteps. It is a necessary condition of discipleship. 

In our key verse, life means life or soul. 

In other words, whoever wishes to save his physical life will lose his spiritual life, but whoever turns over his physical life for Jesus' sake and the gospel's will save his spiritual life. Which is the better investment in the long run?

Jesus wants us to choose to follow Him rather than to lead a life of sin and self-satisfaction. Let Him direct us instead of controlling our own life and destiny.  Jesus asks for submission and loose our self-centered determination to be in charge. (Life Application Study Bible)

Are God's plans and priorities what we seek and hold onto or is it the worldly ideas, attitudes, actions, or material possessions? Whatever it is that is holding us back from completely selling out, we must let them go.


Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. (verse 38)

Webster's Dictionary tells us the meaning of ashamed is to feel guilt, disgrace, inferior, unworthy.

So if we are embarrassed or disgraced of Jesus, then He will do the same toward us before God when we die and stand before a holy God-Judge. 

We only have one life to live, what is done for Jesus is what will last. If we know Jesus is in our heart, then we should not be embarrassed. Be careful that we don't let the pleasures in this world replace the true meaning of life-loving Jesus and others. Be filled with joy and not shame.


Is there anything keeping us from following Jesus?

Are we daily giving up our rights so we can follow Jesus?

Monday, September 2, 2024

Self Denial

N.T.#381 "Self Denial"

Sept. 2, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 10


This example is not to toot my own horn, but to challenge you, my friend. Last week, some of our church people decided to help out a sister church by providing a meal for those in a neighboring community. (Tornado victims are still restoring homes.) Four of us cooked, and others helped us serve supper. It is quite an experience to be able to reach out with what we have to meet needs of so many people. But what a blessing it was, too. It seemed like a little sacrifice of time and energy, but the blessings are great. How do you help others in your community?

We got our marching orders from our King, Jesus. If we are going to serve the Master, then we need to obey Him, right? That includes denying ourself (turn from selfish ways), taking up our cross, and following Jesus, the Savior. After all, He is the way, the truth, and the life. 

What else did Jesus instruct about our life as we following Him?

  1. If we hang onto our life, we will lose it. 
  2. If we give up our life for Jesus' sake and for the Good News, we will save it.
When we encounter danger or are threatened, we go into self-preservation mode. Life is a valuable thing and a natural thing to avoid suffering and pain, or even death. If we fail to lay down our life, deny Christ, give up a profession of Him and His Gospel, then we forfit peace, happiness, pleasure for comfort.
Yet, if we are willing to give up whatever is required of us (job, money, comfort, time, material things), for Jesus to have His purpose accomplished will not regret it. Blessings of abundant life and a home in glory await those who obey and follow Jesus.

Are we willing to do whatever it takes in order for others to be saved? Will we give up inconveniences and difficulties so we identify with Jesus? Or will we forfeit a relationship with Jesus now? Do we tell our desires no when it comes to a conflict with the kingdom work, or the Word?

Friend, have you asked Christ to forgive your sins and be your Savior? His mercy is willing to forgive.


For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (verses 35-36)

This world is only temporal. Eternity is forever. 

C.T. Studd wrote, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last."

Dear one, let's not make the pleasures of world replace the true meaning of life-loving and serving Jesus. That is our challenge this week.


May we choose a life of following You, Jesus, rather than lead a life of sin and self-satisfaction.

Direct us daily as Your servants.

Keep us in submission to You.

Whatever we do, in word or deed, may it be for Your glory.