Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Words or Actions

 N.T.#247 "Words or Actions"

Feb. 20, 2024 

Matthew 21-Part 7


In verses 23-32, we read of the religious leaders, chief priests and elders, questioning Jesus about His authority. 

By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority? (verse 23)

Who do You think You are? Previously, Jesus entered Jerusalem treated like a King of the Jews. Then He sent the money changers and thieves out of the Temple. Also, Jesus healed the blind and lame. Those chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things Jesus did there the day before.

I wonder what Jesus was teaching when those religious guys confronted Him. Again, Jesus answered their question with a question-By what authority did John the Baptist baptize? Was John's authority from heaven or of human origin? 

Now the crowds considered Joh to be a prophet. It was a no-win situation for those guys, so they answered that they did not know. (verse 27) They were not really interested the truth. If John's authority came from god, then they were condemning themselves for not receiving it. If they claimed John's authority came from men, human origin, then they would upset the people. 

Jesus didn't back away or flee to Galilee. He threw the verbal punches. His parables penetrated the thick armor of His opponents' hypocrisy, exposing the evil of the scribes, Pharisees, and priests. Jesus stood His ground and didn't budge an inch before their belligerence. He knew their wicked motives. If Jesus announced outright that His authority came from God, He would be playing right into their hands. Jesus never lied. Jesus skillfully dodged their attempts at entrapment.

Do you have relatives who like to argue the Bible? We can confront them with Scriptures and leave it at that. Pray the Holy spirit convicts them of sin and they believe in Jesus as Savior.


The first parable involved a man and his two sons. He asked the first son to go work in his vineyard. The son said he would not, but later repented and went. The second son said he would go,  but did not. Which son did the father's will? The first did.

Look at Jesus' response: That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.  (verse 31)

The religious leaders condemned themselves. John had preached the way of righteousness and they believed him not. the tax collectors and prostitutes refused to obey God but later repented. Repentant sinners are more ready for the kingdom of God than disobedient religious leaders. The leaders claimed to follow God but didn't have the actions to back it up. Even seeing the tax collectors and prostitues repent and believe, the leaders did not change their minds. (verse 32)

Do we say amen and not apply the Bible's teachings, without hands and feet to back up our learnings? Do we serve our Heavenly Father obediently? Do we profess to believe but our life has no evidence?


Help us forgive others since You forgive us.

Help us love others because You love us when we are unlovely.

Help us give to meet needs of others for You meet our needs.

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