Thursday, February 1, 2024

Are We Tuned In or Tuned Out?

N.T.#236 "Are We Tuned In or Out?"

February 1, 2024 

Matthew 20-Part 2


Are you one of the called or the chosen? 

Do you find yourself on the wrong page, not in sync with the person trying to teach us? Likely we give up instead of getting help. It's easier to tune out than tune in. When it is of great importance, we have to make great effort to listen closely. When it is a teaching that requires so much more of us than we are willing to give, we turn away, right?

Well, here we go again with the disciples not understanding what Jesus was trying to each them and prepare them for what lay ahead. They were walking on the rod to Jerusalem, Jesus' last trip. The 12 had been with the Master for almost 3 years. Yet, they were not on the same page as the Savior. 

Jesus took his guys aside by themselves so they wouldn't be distracted by the crowds of people as He told them about the plan. (verse 17) It was a personal time where Jesus could answer any questions they might have. He could make it crystal clear what was ahead.

In verses 17-19, we read of Jesus predicting His death a third time. Jesus was on His way to the cross.

  1. The first time Jesus informed the disciples, Peter rebuked Him. (16:21-23)
  2. The second time, the disciples were deeply grieved. (17:22-23)
  3. Now, the third time, the guys understood none of these things, and the meaning of this was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said. (Luke 18:34)
[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Matthew16-28]

Don't you know after Jesus died on the cross, the disciples reflected on His words spoken to them prior to it?
Are we listening to our Master/Savior? Is He the center of our life, working out things for our good and His glory. Will we hear Him in the details? When we are low, will we go to the One who controls all for His glory? He can change hearts. Keep praying for our loved ones. What is impossible for us is possible for God. He never forsakes us. 


His disciples did not want to hear what was about to happen to their friend. Jesus was going to be betrayed, arrested, suffer, and crucified. They had given up careers, walked away from financial security, and spent most of their time away from their wives and children. 

What did Jesus tell was going to happen to Him?

  • He would be betrayed (deliver up, given over, put in prison.)
  • They would condemn (to judge against, sentence) Him to death.
  • He would be deliver to the Gentiles to be mock (to jeer), scourge (to war, to quarrel, fight), crucify (to impale on the cross, to extinguish, subdue, passion or selfishness).
  • Then on the third day Jesus shall rise again.
Jesus wanted His disciples to understand it as His mission-the reason He had come. This would be the basis for their future ministry and message. Paul told this as he spread the Gospel in 1 Cor. 15:3-4) 

Friend, are we willing to crucify our fleshly desires, wants, dreams, to follow Jesus? Will we listen to His directions daily for our life? Will we obey His leadings? What a blessed life when we do deny ourself, take up our cross, and follow Jesus. 


 What a glorious Savior is Jesus my Jesus and Lord!

Show us who we can minister to today, share Your love and encouragement and hope with, for Your glory.

Keep us tuned in to the Holy Spirit.

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