Thursday, July 6, 2023

A Mouth is Opened

N.T.#105 "A Mouth is Opened" 

July 6, 2023

Matthew 9-Part 12


Jesus' fame was spread throughout Israel after He healed the two blind men. (verse 31)

Fame means to report thoroughly; abroad. 

This is a different Greek word for fame that is found in verse 26, which refers to a saying; rumor.

After Jesus healed the two blind men, He told them to not tell anyone. (verse 30) 

So, whenever we profess to direct our intention to the glory of God, we must see to it that the action be according to the will of God. (Matthew Henry)

I have not thought about that, have you? Our faith in Jesus should declare He can do anything and all things, yet when He does, maybe it is a private thing, not to be shared. Hmm.

I wonder if there were skeptics in the Capernaum when they heard about Jesus' healings. Since Jesus was humble and of a lowly mind, He did not want to be known as a HEALER, but THE SAVIOR, MESSIAH.


Then the 11th healing took place by Jesus. Verse 32 tells us a dumb man was possessed with a devil. 

Dumb means mute; unable to utter words.

It was not a matter of low intelligence, but the man was unable to speak. Some friends must have brought the man to Jesus. Jesus got to the root of this man's problem! Jesus cast out the devil from him. It was a spiritual problem, not a physical one. The man was able to speak. 

What happened next? Multitudes marvelled, saying, it was never so seen in Israel. (verse 33b)

Christ excelled all. 

Of course there was opposition to who Jesus was and is. The Pharisees blasphemed, saying He cast out devils though Satan. (verse 34) Later in chapter 12, the Pharisees accused Jesus again. they did not want to bow down to King Jesus, but later did when they died. I am just saying, we will all bow before Jesus and proclaim He is Savior Messiah. 


You have no rival nor equal. Forever God You reign. Yours is the kingdom and glory.

How powerful You are, King Jesus!

How merciful and compassionate You are!

Help us to be merciful and compassionate, too. 

Open our mouths to proclaim You are the Savior!

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