Tuesday, March 16, 2021


O. T. #1902 "Worries"

March 16, 2021

Ezekiel 22


 It is looking like spring here. Birds have returned to the yard, grass is growing green, daffodils have bloomed. This reminds me of Luke 12:24, where we are told that the ravens do not plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than any birds!

The lilies don't work or make their clothing. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? (verse 28)

He goes on to tell us to not be concerned about what to eat and drink. Your father already knows your needs. (verse 30)

Life is far more than food, and your body more than clothing. (verse 23) Jesus is speaking about our needs being met, for our Heavenly Father know that we have need of these things. Then He gives us the key verse, found in 31: But rather, seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Folks, why do we worry about these things? Is it because we are not in control?

The Tony Evans Bible Commentary says it this way:

It's one thing for unbelievers to worry, but believers who trust in a heavenly Father should not be filled with anxiety. Instead, Christ's disciples have access to the spiritual realm when they prioritize the kingdom of God, with its promises and provisions, because the kingdom is the divine rule.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of this.


In this chapter, God explains why Jerusalem's judgment would come (verses 2-16), how it would come (verses 17-22), and who would be affected by it (verses 23-31)

First, why was Jerusalem's judgment coming upon them? It was the decay of the social structure involving the prophet, priest, prince, and people. Judgment's purpose was to purge out filthiness and dross as God's wrath fell against sin, and then to bring His people back to Himself. It was because of their many sins:

  1. Murder. Violence in Jerusalem was a sin against their fellow man and the stranger. (verses 6,9,12, 13, 27)
  2. Idolatry. They polluted themselves and turned God against them since He is a just and jealous God. Their mind and conscience were defiled so nothing was pure to them. Others were guilty of eating on the mountains or high places where idols were honored, so they had communion with idolaters. (verses 3, 9)
  3. Disobedience to parents. They mocked, cursed, and despised to obey their parents. (verse 7)
  4. Oppression and extortion. Foreigners were forced to pay for protection; orphans and widows were wronged and oppressed. There were hired murders, loan racketeers, and extortioners everywhere. (verses 7,12)
  5. Profaned the Sabbath and other holy things. They neglected the holy oracles and ordinances, as well as the rites which God gave them to observe, despising them. They were fond of the customs of heathens. Their Sabbath-breaking brought contempt of religion and worship of God. (verse 8)
  6. Uncleanness and all manner of  seventh commandment sins. Their forms of depravity include sexual sins with family and neighbors' women. (verses 9-11)
  7. Unmindfulness of God. They forgot God, their dependence upon Him and descent from Him as they commit bribery and brutal extortion. (verse 12)

[Resources: Matthew Henry's Commentary, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary, New Living Translation Bible


Please forgive Americans of their same sins, Holy God.

We allow the heathen practices of the Easter bunny, Halloween practices, and Santa Clause in churches.

We treat each Lord's Day, Sunday, as any other day of the week, neglecting Your worship and rest.

Oppression and extortion practices go on everyday.

Lord Jesus, we are sinners in need of You, Savior and Redeemer.

Please be merciful and gracious to us.

Protect and provide for Your children of faith.


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