Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Stability During Times of Fear and Broken Promises

O. T. #1612  "Stability During Times of Fear and Broken Promises"
Jan. 22, 2020
Isaiah 33
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation; the fear of the LORD is his treasure. (verse 6)


What word is used four times in the first verse? It is the word treacherously. Does that get our attention? Who is God describing here? Is there hope for God's people? Is there any stability for them? Let's find out.

God always has a remnant, those who have remained faithful to Him. There was a remnant in Judah during this fearful time. They were:
  • waiting on the Lord to be gracious to them;
  • crying out to God for strength and salvation in their time of trouble; (verse 2)
  • comforted as God reassured them of His storehouse of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; (verse 6)
  • receiving stability (firmness, security, faith) from God;
  • told the fear (reverence) of the Lord would be their treasure (storehouse).
Are you fearful today, my friend? Our stability, security, is found in our loving God. Just reverence Him as our Provider and Protector and All-Wise God. Surrender our all to Him and He has got this for us. His way is better than our way.

Malachi 3:10 tells us to bring our tithes (which should be done cheerfully) into the storehouse, the house of God, which was the Temple back then and the local church now for us. He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing of superabundance.  Trusting God with our money is only the first step of trusting God and the easiest one.


This is the sixth and final woe Isaiah shares. It is a message to Assyria, the empire that spoilest (destroyer) and deals treacherously (deceitfully; unfaithful) with others. Assyria was a destroyer of the land and people as they moved about to become the dominating world empire, which was never destroyed until 612 B.C. when their capital of Nineveh was destroyed by Babylon. They were traitors, but never betrayed until that time. The Assyrians experience annihilation as and destruction that they had done to other nations, Israel included. God used Assyria to bring His wrath upon His rebellious children in Israel, the northern kingdom. Assyria was threatening domination of Judah, if they did not continue to pay taxes to them. Assyria continually broke its promises, but demanded that others keep theirs.

Have you experienced people not keeping their promises? Broken promises shatter trust and destroy relationships. If we have broken our promises, then we should ask forgiveness, then determine to be a promise keeper. Treat others the way we want to be treated.

God is the One we can depend on, dear one. We may have to make adjustments in our life, but He knows what is best for us. He is our safe place when we come to Him.


I am holding onto You, my God, for stability, hope, and strength today.
Lead me in Your ways.
You are so faithful; may I be faithful to You.

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