Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Peace, Quietness, and Assurance

O. T. #1611  "Peace, Quietness, and Assurance"
Jan. 21, 2020
Isaiah 32
And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.  (verse 17)


Whenever Jesus comes back to earth, He will reign for a thousand years, establishing a millennium kingdom. How did Isaiah describe this time? It will be unlike anything Israel has seen:
  • King Jesus and the princes will rule righteously. (verse 1)
  • Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm; like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.  (verse 2)
  • Everyone will be able to see the truth and hear it. (verse 3)
  • Even the hotheads will be full of sense and understanding; those who stammer will speak out plainly. (verse 4)
  • The ungodly fools will not be respected nor heroes. (verse 5)
  • Generous peo0ple plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity. (verse 8)
  • The Spirit is poured out on us from heaven. (verse 15)
  • Justice and righteousness will rule. (verse 16)
  • Righteousness will bring peace, quietness (rest), and assurance  [a place of refuge, safety, hope; both the fact (security) and the feeling (trust)] forever. (verse 17)
  • The LORD will greatly bless His people with bountiful crops and grazing cattle and donkeys. (verse 20)
What a time to look forward to.


In a little more than a year, when Sennacherib and his Assyrian army came against Jerusalem, their overconfidence would be overturned. (verse 9-11) Widespread destruction would occur throughout Judah (verses 12-14)-even though Jerusalem would be spared. The abandonment of the busy city may imply that dozens of other Judean cities would be captured and ransacked by the Assyrians, too. (verse 14) (The Tony Evans Bible Commentary)

This happened in 701 B.C. We spoke previously about the Lord's angel killing 185,000 Assyrians to protect Jerusalem.


Trust  the Lord for my peace, safety, and security.
Father, thank You for having it all planned out and I can trust You with my future.

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