Thursday, January 9, 2020

He's Going to Get It

O. T. #1603  "He's Going to Get It"
Jan. 9, 2020
Isaiah 27


One of these days he's going to get it. Paybacks are rough. Don't we think that about those who mistreat us, tease us, or are down right mean to us? Well, one day the devil is going to get it. Continue reading to find out more.

If you have any highlighters, I suggest you spend a little time going back through the chapters we have studied and with different markers, highlight in your study Bible these words and phrases:
scriptures of encouragement, when the Lord says, the burdens or messages to different groups, the woes, in that day. It will help us as we look back at previous verses or chapters or even the chapter we are currently studying. Sometimes words are repeated, so we should take notice.

The phrase "In that day" appears in verses 1 and 2. Isaiah is writing about a couple of events that will take place in the latter days, found in Revelation, too.

First, the Lord will punish the serpent, Leviathan, monster of the sea, dragon, whichever your version calls him, that is in reference to the Devil, also called Satan.
Dragon, in the Hebrew language, is a marine or land monster; sea monster; serpent.

You will recall that in Genesis 3, the serpent tempted Eve and she sinned by disobeying God, then she gave the forbidden fruit to Adam, her husband. As a result, God reduced the serpent's position to slithering on the ground as a snake does now.

In Revelation 20:2, John wrote that the Devil, Satan, will be bound for a 1,000 years (while Jesus reign on the earth) in the Abyss. After that, he will be released to come out, but his destination is forever punishment there in hell. so one of these days Satan is going to get it, and from God.

During the millennial kingdom reign of Jesus, Israel and the other nations will be at peace, worshiping the One True God and Jesus, the Messiah.
What an encouragement all of this is for us believers in Jesus. Keep trusting in Him, leaning on Him, and serving Him, friend.


In contrast with His dealings with Israel, the Creator will deal a fatal blow to her enemies. After the judgment of her enemies at the end of Daniel's seventieth week, the faithful remnant of Israelites will return to their land. The prophet reiterates one of his great themes: future worship of regathered Israel on Mount Zion. (John MacArthur)

The vineyard is God's people. What will be the state of Israel's spiritual condition (the trees)? Like the trees, they were dried up and only good for building a fire.

The church and believers will have our spiritual works tested in time to come. In 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, we read about our works of wood, hay, or straw being burnt up with fire. Then our works of gold, silver, and costly stones will survive the fire. Is the foundation of our life and our works that of Jesus Christ? Are we working for Him or for our self? Are we using our abilities and spiritual gifts to build up others in the church or are we keeping them tied to us?

One day, the trumpet will sound and we will all be caught up in heaven with Jesus. No more evil, temptations, sin, and all will worship the Savior, forever. Will you and your loved ones be joining me there, friend? What a day that will be!


May I be found faithfully serving You, Jesus.

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