Monday, October 14, 2019

Youth and Old Age

O. T. #1543  "Youth and Old Age"
Oct. 14, 2019
Ecclesiastes 12
Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. (Verse 1)


I don't know which category you fall into-young or old. If you are not a youth now, you may have children or grandchildren who are. Therefore, this lesson would be good advice for them to follow.
If you are a young person, I hope you will heed this advice.

Solomon is contrasting youth and old age in this chapter. What is the wisdom he wants to give to youth?

  • God made you, so He is your Creator and you have no rights to yourself. 
  • He wants you to be blessed and happy.
  • Remember God now while you are young; your memory is strong so thank your Creator for the benefits He has given to you. Worship and serve Him as a young person before evil or pride gets a grip on you. 
  • Make sure God is a part of your life while it is easier to believe, hope, pray, obey, love, and bear your cross.
  • There is no certainty of life, thus your tomorrow may not be.
  • Take care of your health and habits, working while your body and mind are strong.

(Resource: Clarke's Commentary)

May I add, surrender your will to God's will while you are young, then it will be easier when you are older. What you do now does matter.
 Enjoy life now, but don't do anything that will hinder you from. enjoying it when you are old-spiritually, physically, or morally. As a young person, make God your focus, not pleasures.
Be sure prayer and Bible study are a daily part of your life.


What about us older folks, Solomon? Any advice for us?

  • Life is fragile like the gold bowl, water jar, and wheel. Life can end swiftly and unexpectedly. 
  • Use time wisely and for God's service. Share how God has worked in your life. 
  • Share His love and encouragement to others. 
  • Don't fear, but trust God to provide and protect you. 
  • Let your silver hair be an honor to you, for you are still breathing. 
  • Be sure your eternal destiny is sealed in Jesus Christ. 
  • Make your words be truth. 

Enjoy the slower years in this season of life. Help others while you can. Use your resources to spread the gospel. Keep exercising your mind and body so you can do your best.


Bless the Lord o my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name. 

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