Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Keep the Spark in the Marriage

O. T. #1554 "Keep the Spark in the Marriage"
Oct. 29, 2019
Song of Solomon-chapter 5
His mouth is most sweet: yea, He is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. Verse 16


It is suggested that some time has passed since the wedding, and the girl felt some indifference had entered the couple's marriage. Perhaps she rejected his advances and he left, along with the spark. Conflicts and pressures may creep into a marriage, so does tenderness. External stress can work against the marriage relationship. Therefore, effort must be made to be havens for each other. Respect and love are important in marriage. Remain as good friends, sharing, listening, and showing understanding  for the other's likes and dislikes. (Resource: Life application Study Bible)

What aspect do you and I need to work on so our marriage remains close?


Another view is that the wife was disinterested in intimacy and the husband left. She went looking for her husband, but found him not. The watchman did not help, nor did the women. They asked the wife what made her husband so special. Her reply is how we can describe our Beloved Savior  Jesus Christ.

How do we relate the verses 10-16 to Christ? After all Isaiah 53:2 tells us that He had no form of comeliness.
  • He is white, with spotless innocence in His life (no sin). 
  • His head is as fine gold, for the head of Christ is God. He is our treasure. 
  • Black hair indicates He does not grow old. Revelation 1:14 reveals His hair as white, denoting eternal. 
  • His eyes are as doves eyes, fair, clear, and kind. 
  • His cheeks are sweet as flowers, reviving and refreshing. 
  • His words sanctify and are sweet with grace, as lily lips. 
  • His hands are are as gold rings indicate His works are powerful and beautiful with grace. 
  • His white belly denotes tender compassion and affection, strong love for His children. 
  • His legs are strong as marble pillars. They are steadfast and able to bear weight. 
  • His countenance is pleasant and charming as a pleasant forest or park. Cedar trees are tall and strong for excellent use. 
  • His mouth is sweet to a believer-forgiven. 
  • Last, Christ is altogether lovely, our beloved, and friend. 

We are a child of The King, chosen, not forsaken. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. In my Father's house, there's a place for me. What a song of reassurance.
Are you a child of God?


Tell others how lovely my Savior is. 
You are a beautiful Savior. Thank You, Jesus for dying on the cross for me. Such love!

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