Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Motherly Advice

O. T. #1504  "Motherly Advice"
August 14, 2019
Proverbs 31


Doesn't a mother's heart desire for her son to do what is right, make good decisions, and live a godly life? We hurt whenever they don't, for we know consequences are coming. Today's mother has some good advice for her son. Although he is a king, we can surely share them with our own sons (and daughters), some motherly advice. Read on mothers.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary  explains:
This concluding chapter contains two poems: (1) The Wise King (verses 2-9) and (2) The Excellent Wife (verses 10-31). Both are the teachings of a godly mother (v.1) to King Lemuel, whom ancient Jewish tradition, identified as King Solomon, but who is, otherwise, unknown.
This godly king is instructed to reign with:
  1. holiness (v.3);
  2. sobriety (v.4-7);
  3. compassion (v.8,9).
Not only are kings susceptible to such vices, but so are Christians. We need to be aware of temptations to immorality, over-indulgence, unrighteous leading, and indifference to those in need.


First, we mothers should be the example of the above list, following our own advice to our children. Son, watch out for those women who will bring you down and into the gutter of sin with them. A good woman is more valuable than rubies. Search for her and marry her. She will bless you all of your life.

Second, MacArthur says, "Intoxication drinks can weaken reason, and judgment, loosen convictions, and/or pervert the heart."

Third, see the needs of others and show compassion. The poor and needy are unable to defend themselves.

Which of those three do we need to exemplify? Christ did them all, so He desires us to follow His example.


Be holy, sober, and compassionate.

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