Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Hard Working Woman

O. T. #1512  "A Hard Working Woman"
August 29, 2019
Proverbs 31-Part 12
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.  (verse 30)


Do you work outside the home? Or are you a stay-at-home mom who works inside the home? Lord bless you dear. I have been there and done both. Isn't it so hard to keep a household going and your family's needs met when you are tired from working all day? On the other hand, it can be so discouraging when your day evolves around preschoolers and dirty laundry and dirty dishes. I hope you can find encouragement here, no matter your situation. God's Word can give us strength and love to continue on. Keep in mind, this will not last forever. One day the kids will be grown and out the door, or you will be retired from the job. So what are we doing with the time and place God has put us? Are we desiring to be a virtuous woman, no matter our circumstances, as we walk on this road of faith?

So, as we look one more time at what the scriptures say about the virtuous, excellent, and kingdom woman:

1. She provides for her household and family.
  • She makes clothing of wool, flax, and scarlet for them and for herself, clothing of silk and purple. This is done willingly as she works with her hands spinning thread and twisting fiber.(verses 13,19, 21, 22)
  • She makes her own bedspreads and hangings of tapestry. (verse 22)
  • She brings food from afar, like the merchant ship. (verse 14)
  • She rises before dawn to prepare breakfast and plans the day's work for her servant girls. (v.15)
  • She carefully manages over her household and is not lazy. (verse 27)
2. She is a businesswoman.
  • She is energetic and strong and a hard worker. (verse 17)
  • She is a good investor buying a field, then uses her earnings to plant a vineyard. (verse 16)
  • She makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night. (verse18)
  • She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants. (verse 24)
3. She gives to others.
  • She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. (verse 19)
Those are things this kingdom woman does. Is there anything we could do to be like her?


What is this kingdom woman's personality like?
  • She is clothed with strength and dignity. God is the strength of my hear. My portion forever. (Psalm 73:26b)
  • She laughs without fear of the future. (verse 25)
  • When she speaks, her words are wise. (verse 26)
  • She gives instructions with kindness.
How do others perceive her?
  • Her children stand and bless her.
  • Her husband praises her-"You surpass all the virtuous and capable women in the world." (verses 28-29)
  • Her deeds publicly declare her praise. (verse 31b)
  • She is rewarded for all she has done. (verse 31a)
  • She fears the Lord and is greatly praised. (verse 30)
  • Her own works praise her in the gates, public. (verse 31)
Now, look at our key verse.
What does it say about charm and beauty? Charm is deceitful and beauty passes away with age.
What kind of wife should this king look for? The woman who fears, respects, and worships the Lord Jesus.

There we are. We have some work to do in order to be like this virtuous woman, don't we? Will we pass on this advice to our sons and grandsons when they look for a wife?
Remember, you are valued above rubies!!


I need to make sure my words are wise and kind today.
Live so Jesus praises me, when I please Him.
Show more compassion to others.
Jesus, please bless everyone reading this today.

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