Monday, November 19, 2018

Multitude of Mercies

O. T. #1329  "Multitude of Mercies"
Nov. 19, 2018
Psalm 106-Part 4


At one time or another, we all have troubles roaring and splashing over us like a mighty sea in turbulent times.

Will we believe God before His parts the sea? Will we praise God before He parts the sea? (Wendy Pope)

I could have listed the sins of Israel mentioned here, but decided a different approach. After reading the 48 verses in this long chapter, I concluded that young Israel was going around in circles, spiritually speaking. (Literally, they circled Mt. Sinai for 40 years.) They would be close to God, seriously worshiping and loving Him, then sin crept in camp and they turn away to idols, as well as the ways of the heathen neighbors. God would rebuke them in order to bring repentance upon them, then forgive them, and they would love Him again. A continuance circle.

Now look at the great love of God that is pictured in verses 44-46:
Nevertheless, He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cry: and He remembered for them His covenant, and repented according to the multitude of His mercies. He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives.

What happened for God to react this way? Israel had been oppressed and brought into subjection by their enemies. (verse 42)

Two words jumped out at me in the above section of Scripture:
Repent, in the Hebrew language of the Israelites, meant to be sorry; pity.
Multitude is an abundance; great number; huge; plenty.

God pitied His children in their distress and listened to their cries. Even though He had rescued Israel time and again, and they chose to rebel against their God, and their sins destroyed numerous of them, God still had pity on them, feeling sorry for His beloved ones. It was with His abundance of mercies and unfailing love that God rescued them from their captors and their sins.

Guess what? God's mercies and compassion toward us are not dependent upon our faithfulness. He was merciful to us by sending Jesus, His Son, to die for our sins. Since God did that while we were  sinners, won't He do it now that we are His child?

Can we be pitiful toward those who are lost sinners? Can we show them a multitude of God's mercies? One more time let us forgive those who hurt us.


Since this is Thanksgiving week, can we be sure to do what David said in verses 47 and 48?
  • Ask God's forgiveness of our sins, save us out of our troubles.
  • Gather together as believers in Jesus Christ.
  • Then, give thanks, rejoice and praise our Merciful God.
  • Praise ye the LORD.
God never gives up on His people. He gives grace even when we don't deserve it.
Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. (Rom. 5:20)

We don't have a free ticket to sin, but when we do, God has an abundance of grace for us.

Show pit and a multitude of mercies to others this week.
Keep my mouth shut in order to do so.

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