Monday, January 19, 2015

Mission Possible or Impossible?

O. T. #442  "Mission Possible or Impossible?"
January 19, 2015
Joshua 2-Part 2
The king of Jericho was told, "Look! Some of the Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land."  Joshua 2:2b


Do you sometimes feel like you are on a mission impossible? That's me. I have health issues, which result in financial strain, inability to carry on responsibilities, lagging behind in household matters, drained from worry. Yep. I look around my little world and it seems my tires are spinning on an ice-covered road-going nowhere. Yet, aren't there things I can do while I am waiting for number one surgery? Maybe it is how you look at things that counts-this resting time can be a catch-up time. Maybe my mission isn't so impossible after all. Is your mission possible or impossible? (Maybe from the world's view we'll never make the it, but from God's view, we will.)

How did the two spies which Joshua sent out consider their mission-possible or impossible?

Joshua sent two men on a secret intelligence-gathering mission. Who were they? Where did they go? Why did they go? What did they do? Did they accomplish their mission impossible? It was a risky task, entering a two-walled city as a stranger. Yet...

Jewish tradition says the two spies were Caleb and the High Priest Eliezer. God had greater things in mind for this spy mission, failing as a mission of military reconnaissance, but it well succeeded in God's purpose. (Guzik)

What happened to these two spies on their mission? They lodged at the house of a harlot named Rahab. (verse 1) (Must have walked through the gates, passed the armed guards.)

Why would the Israelite spies stop at the house of Rahab a prostitute? (Jews were warned about those foreign women.)
  1. It was a good place to gather information and have no questions asked in return.
  2. Rahab's house was in an ideal location for a quick escape because it was built into the city wall.
  3. God directed the spies to Rahab's house because He knew her heart was open to Him and that she would be instrumental in the Israelite victory over Jericho. (Life Application Study Bible)

God wanted those two spies there for salvation of a prostitute. By God's grace she was in the Messianic line (Matt. 1:5). (MacArthur)

They didn't know that at the time. The spies thought they were observing the land, ways, and challenges of the enemy, which they had to conquer before occupying it. They didn't know what would result in their pick of the place to stay.
Perhaps the spies sat at the dinner table asking questions, blending in with other lodgers. Were they inconspicuous or did others notice them? Someone let the king know, that's for sure. (verse 2)

Which house do we go to lodge in-the house of faith or the house of the world?
Isn't it hard to let go and let God be in charge of our life? We like to make the choices, do things our way, go where we want. Are you with me?


Okay, news travelled fast in the city. The king got word of spies from Israel were at Rahab's house. He sent his men to Rahab's house with a message-Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house, because they come to spy out the whole land.  (verse 3, NIV)

What did Rahab do?
First of all, she was a step ahead of everyone. Rahab already hid the two spies under some flax that was on her roof before there was a knock on the door.  (It was a common thing to have flax and grains drying on the roof, since the fibers of the bark  were twisted and bleached to make linen.)
Next, she did not admit to anything.
She told the king's men a lies:
  • Yes they were here, but I didn't know where they were from (meaning Israel);
  • The men left at dusk before the city gate closed;
  • I don't know which way they went;
  • God after them quickly and you may catch up with them.
So the king's men pursued after the spies, so they thought. Then the city gate was shut. There was no way out, except over the city wall, which was probably well guarded all night.

Rahab made some choices. She could done things differently. What other options were there? She could have asked the spies to leave, handed them over to the king's men, or acted innocent and let the men find the spies in her house. No, she didn't choose any of those ways, did she? Rahab put her life on the line.

Rahab's clever deception spared the lives of the two Israeli spies. Yes, she lied in order to achieve it. Lying is wrong, no buts or ands about it. We must consider that she was part of a pagan society unaware that lying was a sin, nor would they have cared about such a thing. The spies didn't ask her to lie, nor did they condone it. Apparently her faith in God came after this incident happened.

Let me note here that a lie is a lie, which is wrong. Whether it is considered a little lie or a white lie, it is still wrong. The reason we are telling a lie doesn't matter, for it is still a lie. Told any lies lately?

I wonder what the 80 or 90 year of Israelite spies thought while whey hid under the flax stalks. Hmmm. Maybe they prayed.

We are going to leave the story here, so if you want to read ahead to find out what happens, feel free.


Look to God when my situation seems impossible.

Recall that all things are possible with God, so trust Him.

Stay on the mission possible with Jesus.

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