Monday, January 5, 2015


O. T. #432  "Blessings"
January 5, 2015
Deuteronomy 33
Surely it is You who loves the people; all the holy ones are in Your hand. At Your feet they all bow down, and from You receive instruction.  Deuteronomy 33:3


What blessings did you receive from the Lord last year? I was able to be a part of teaching children Bible stories in VBS in the Dominican Republic. Several came to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. While there, I also witnessed several older folks receive reading glasses, able to read the Word of God. How thrilled they were! I shall never forget their excitement. Those made any sacrifices I had made worth it all. What blessings!

Reading the final word of Moses to his people, we hear the blessings of Jacob's family, the tribes of Israel. these blessings are introduced and concluded with passages which praise God (verses 2-5, 26-29).
Verse 2 is in reference to the glorious appearance of God at Mount Sinai, when He gave the Law to Moses.
He shined forth like the sun when He goes forth in His strength. The reflected rays were so bright that they were noticed by the adjacent countries. Moses gave the Israelites the Law, and they received it as the Word of God. The stone tablets were a precious gift, a right-hand blessing from God, a gift of grace. God has all His saints in His hand, and none can pluck them out according to John 10:28. The people sat down at His feet, at the foot of Mt. Sinai, while God gave Moses the Law. (Matthew Henry)

The Lord is called king in Jeshurun, which means the King in righteous nations.  God intended Israel would be a righteous nation because He expected them to obey the Word of God; hence, they were to be a glorious manifestation of His righteousness. (Falwell)

In verses 26-29, we the Lord rides upon heaven, which pictures His omnipotence. He is their refuge to a people who where houseless, dwelling 40 years in tents. God was their house. His everlasting arms show His strength that is never exhausted. There is no god like the God of Israel. He provides and protects His children.

As we begin a new year, have we taken time to look back over the last year at the blessings which God bestowed upon us? How did god show Himself in your life?


We read of the blessings of Moses upon each tribe of Israel, except Simeon. We feel the love which filled Moses' heart for his family. He gives his parting benediction as he asks God's blessing on these tribes. The tribe of Simeon is not mentioned here, since it was eventually absorbed into Judah, so the tribe of Judah's blessing was shared with Simeon's tribe.

I'm not going to list all the blessings and the tribes, only discuss the tribe of Judah.

Jacob had promised that the scepter would not depart from Judah (Gen. 49:10), which meant that the Messiah would come through this tribe. Judah was given the responsibility of championing his brothers in the wars of Israel against the nations. In turn, God would prosper all the tribes because of his courage.  (Falwell)

Moses prayed that this tribe would be powerful in leading the nation to be victorious in battle through the help of the Lord. (MacArthur)

Note the difference in blessings God gave each tribe. To one he gave the best land, to another strength, to another safety. Too often we see someone with a particular blessing and think that God must love that person more than others. Think rather that God draws out in all people their unique talents. All these gifts are needed to complete His plan. don't be envious of the gifts others had. Instead, look for the gifts God has given you, and resolve to do the tasks He has uniquely qualified you to do.  (Life Application Study Bible )

Are we using what God has given us for His glory and service?


Be thankful for my blessings.

Bless my family with the Word of God.

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