Thursday, October 3, 2024


N.T.#400 "Whosoever"

Oct. 3, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 10


Are you among the "whosoever?" 

Needless to say, the other 10 disciples were much displeased (indignant)with James and John. (verse 41) the two said they could go through what Jesus was going to go through. They wanted to sit with Jesus to reign beside Him in heaven. Those positions were given to whom God had prepared it for.

The Gentiles have ones in authority over them in government. The lesson for the guys was found in verse 44 as Jesus revealed, But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. (verses 43-44)

As said before, James was the first of the disciples to be martyred for the gospel and John was the last of them to die.

So less we think we deserve something in heaven, remember what happened to those disciples.

I noticed that whosoever is used in verses 43 and 44. the first one means indefiniteness and the second one means possibility. 

In other words, anyone can be a ministering believer. Those who are the possible chief is to be serving of all.  Jesus showed us how.


For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. (verse 45)

That was the greatest service which Jesus could have done. those last three words have meaning. 

Ransom refers to a loosing debtors free; for means in behalf of; many contrasts in number as one person died, the ransom is paid for many.

Jesus came to set us believers free from our penalty of our sin-death and separation from God. He loved us so much that He died on the cross in our place for all who would believe in Him as Savior.

It's not because I am worthy; it's all because of mercy. He paid our sin-debt. What a Savior!! 


Open our eyes so we can see where and how we can serve You and others, Jesus.

Greater is the One living inside of me than he who is living in the world. 

Jesus paid it all! All to Him I owe. sin has left a crimson stain, Jesus washed it white as snow.

Precious Redeemer, Savior, and King! 

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