Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Forgive First, Then Believe and Receive

N.T.#409 "Forgive First, Then Believe and Receive"

Oct. 16, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 7


Peter called Jesus' attention to the withered fig tree which He had cursed earlier. What did the Savior say in response? 

Have fiath in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (verses 22-23)

Since Peter thought the withered fig tree was impressive, this concept must've really blown his mind! Faith's authority allows the believer to speak directly to the obstacles of life (mountains) and get them to move. When you have true, vibrant faith in the God of the Bible, you have spiritual authority to access divine power. (Tony Evans)

I think the stipulation is "if it is according to God's will." It is a faith principle for us. Believe and receive. Throughout the 17 days our grandson was in the hospital with double pneumonia, I prayed for his healing all day and night. I know God wants to use him for kingdom work, so He heard my prayers and healed him. He saved the boy's life for a purpose. Now I pray he will come to know it and will surrender to do it.

Exercising your spiritual authority comes by taking responsibility to do what God has told you to do. (Evans)

Has your faith moved mountains lately? Will you share it with us?


What are some requirements on our moving mountains? Verse 25 says for us to forgive those which we have anything against, so our Faither in heaven will forgive our sins, too.

Trespasses means error; fault; sin; offense; fall.

What does "anything" include? 

  • If one as told something about you that is in error and did not happen.
  • If someone was at fault doing something hurtful toward you.
  • If a person sinned against you.
  • If they offended you in some way.
  • If they quit being your friend and turned to sin, falling short of your expectations.  

Couldn't the list go on and on?

What are we as a Christian responsible for in the relationship? Forgiving them. Then God will forgive us.

If we don't forgive them, then our Father in heaven will not forgive us. (verse 26) That is plain. but it may not be simple to do. 


Help us forgive others. It is hard.

Grow our faith and obedience for Your glory.

Hide us behind the cross today. 

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